I am visiting on a Tuesday evening and want to hit a few clubs. My goal is to sample several ladies at a variety of clubs, and if possible have a fully draining dance at least twice during the evening at two different clubs. My budget is about 500-600. So, for top tier clubs I am debating between Penthouse or flight club. For next tier, I am debating about bt vs toy chest vs cricket vs trumps. I prefer brunette or blond spinners and ladies under 25- 30 and want to see a reasonably large amount of ladies to choose from. I would like the girls to be at least a 6, preferably a 7 or higher. I plan on about 2 hours at each club to find the right dancer, get the job done, and then move to next club. My tentative plan is flight club and then bt. Does anyone have a suggested itinerary that would meet these needs. I also would like the area to feel reasonably safe. I am open to other suggestions for how to approach this and where my best bets are.
1. Michigan Ave. Start with Flight Club. Then east on Michigan Ave to Silver Cricket and finally to BT's. Personally I would skip the Cricket.
2. 8 Mile Rd. Trumpp's, Penthouse. You could go farther east to Coliseum and Tycoons.
The Michigan Ave itinerary is safer. You'd be in the suburbs of Inkster and Dearborn. 8 Mile is Detroit, but you should be fine as long as you stay on busy 8 Mile Rd and use the clubs' valet parking.
Good commetnt so far. Is there any reason to consider lower clubs on the southern itinerary such a s Bogarts or henry 8? I didn't plan on visiting these as I figured I could get what I want at fc, ht, etc. But, let's say I am somehow striking out at other clubs and it is 1am and I want (need) satisfaction before going home. What club would be most likely to deliver in this situation. I would still rather stay at the nicer clubs, but need a back up plan just in case.
H8 or Bogarts will always deliver depending on how tolerant you are to cellulite. Mostly girls next door gone astray and dmilf's (desperate mom's interested in fucking).
I agree, I don't want to spend that either. But I plan to visit at least two clubs - and want to get some satisfaction at each. So it seems to me between valet, drinks, some exploratory dances to find a willing and cute dancer, and then a fulfilling VIP- and then doing this all again at a second club, I may not get away with a lot less. That is why I may want to try the cricket as it apears cheaper than fc, but does not seem as basic as Bogarts and henry 8. I really like the sound of ht, as it seems there would be a lot of spinners. If I strike out there, I will go to fc. I am saving, for an emergency if I need a last minute thing, Bogarts or henry8.
Tuesday's at Bogart's is $10 dances. For all the fun you want to have $600 is a little low in my opinion even for Detroit. Two girls at the flight club /Penthouse could easily talk you out of the full $600 in no time. Cover charges and valet can eat into your fun in a hurry.
My plan would be to go to Bogart's and see if anything interests you. If not continue to Penthouse/Flight Club/BT's/Players and spend the rest with BT's being the best/cheapest choice and Penthouse Club being the most expensive.
With so many goals for your trip it is possible you will be disappointed.
Thanks for the comments. Maybe 500-600 is a little low for my goal. I know i want to sample more than one club and have fun more than once. I guess if I went to Bogarts and then bt I likely could do this within my budget. But you are likely right that fc and ph will blow ( no pun intended) my budget. that is why I was wondering about cricket. Seems like a safe neighborhood, and seems to have less cost than others. I have read many of the reviews and cricket seems to have possibilities, maybe not as good as others but maybe not so expensive either. Does anyone think it is a worthwhile place to try?
Bogarts and flight club are right by each other. 2 min drive. I have walked from bogarts to flight club before (flight club valet was a jerk but let us in without paying valet fee)
Thanks...it seems like from the reviews going from Bogarts to fc, or visa versa, would be like going up, or down, 30 flights in 2 seconds. They seem like two totally different worlds, though I guess I can find what I want at each. Are the girls at bogarts or for that matter henry8 at all attractive? I really prefer spinners or near spinners. I don't need a 10, but prefer a 6 at least. A gnd look is good as well. If I had to choose began Bogarts or henry8, what is the best bet for what I seek?
I personally would not let the dancers at Bogart's or Henry VIII anywhere near my dick. But some TUSCLers swear by those clubs. Cheap extras.
You might want to stop first at Bogart's and see if the dancers are attractive to you. If you like what you see, you can save a lot of money. If you don't like them, drive east 1/10th mile and stop at Flight Club. Upscale club with attractive dancers. Expensive extras.
last comment1. Michigan Ave. Start with Flight Club. Then east on Michigan Ave to Silver Cricket and finally to BT's. Personally I would skip the Cricket.
2. 8 Mile Rd. Trumpp's, Penthouse. You could go farther east to Coliseum and Tycoons.
The Michigan Ave itinerary is safer. You'd be in the suburbs of Inkster and Dearborn. 8 Mile is Detroit, but you should be fine as long as you stay on busy 8 Mile Rd and use the clubs' valet parking.
My plan would be to go to Bogart's and see if anything interests you. If not continue to Penthouse/Flight Club/BT's/Players and spend the rest with BT's being the best/cheapest choice and Penthouse Club being the most expensive.
With so many goals for your trip it is possible you will be disappointed.
You might want to stop first at Bogart's and see if the dancers are attractive to you. If you like what you see, you can save a lot of money. If you don't like them, drive east 1/10th mile and stop at Flight Club. Upscale club with attractive dancers. Expensive extras.