Hotel logistics

Still working on my first OTC
Basically, I just want to take the strip club experience to a hotel room with more privacy for a fraction of the cost of a VIP room.
I'm keeping my clothes on, so no sex of any kind for me but I do want to please my CF with some breast worship and DATY if she's up for it.
I know it's not going to be an easy sell but I'm not a complete stranger. She's been my CF for longer than a year.
What's a good hotel chain you recommend?
Do you walk in with your stripper together?
Do you come down from your room and meet her in the lobby? I doubt she can just walk to your room without having some kind of access badge.
Do you leave together on does she leave first?
Would it arise suspicion if you book a hotel and not stay for the night?
Sorry for asking so many questions. I just want to hear about your hotel logistics.
last commentI don't know why you want to take a stripper to a hotel but not take off your clothes and have sex. The stripper is going to be very confused.
However, what you do is your own business. As for the hotel, you're way over-thinking this. Hotels are used to unmarried couples. They don't care about your relationship or what you're doing with her. Just act confident, don't create a disturbance, and pay your bill.
Put her in a big suitcase and drag her in.
"I doubt she can just walk to your room without having some kind of access badge."
Badges? She don't need no stinkin' badges.
Act respectful and discreet. I am thinking the hotel wants your REPEAT business! ;)
@Jack I need to apply some JS69 game with my CF. She's never done OTC. I just have to compromise to better my chances of getting a yes
With about 1000 hotel experiences behind me I've done it every way possible. In order to not raise eyebrows I find it easier to get the room in advance, even reserving it online when possible. Also consider joining the frequent user card which the chains all offer. By having your card when you register you are then a "friend" of the chain and frequently get perks. I was a platinum member with Marriott and occasionally got bumped into a suite. Holiday Inns are also good in that they're everywhere and you earn free nights fairly quickly.
I've never had a guest denied access to my room except in Vegas. If your friend is stopped at the front desk she should simply say, I'm going to meet Mr. Bavarian in room 69. They may call your room to confirm that a tawdry tramp is expected.
Now, on more occasions than I like to admit, I've staggered into a hotel lobby with a woman 1/4 my age on my arm, and asked if there's a room available. One time that scene unfolded at a rather sleazy Motel 6 and there wasn't a car in the parking lot. The older Indian (Mr. Patel) proprietor answered in broken English that he wouldn't rent to me with that woman (as he pointed at my companion). She apparently had history with the joint.
One time my ATF and I were leaving a Holiday Inn holding hands as a bus load of Japanese teenagers was boarding. They all started laughing and gesturing towards us and I'm not sure what they were saying, but my ATF, bless her soul, flipped them the bird.
Leaving together is no problem. I've always been prepared to introduce my niece, uhh, my daughter, uhh, no, my granddaughter to anyone with the temerity to ask, but have never had the opportunity.
My best advice: Act like you own the joint, pay no attention to your fears/hesitations, and take your clothes off and do what comes naturally with your CF.
Fuck her in the pussy
You can really impress her by getting a room with an hourly rate. It shows fiscal responsibility.
Get a room with a view ...
Of your dick
Haha. Thank you Gawker!
Bavarian just ask her how much it is gonna take to fuck her.
I don't want my CF to think she's being a dirty girl for seeing me OTC. She will be doing what she does in a strip club but in a hotel room with more privacy. Hopefully she will open up more since no one is watching.
Money doesn't seem to be a issue for you, so try this.
"I'll pay you $1000 bucks to fuck me".
I think it's a better than 50% chance that she will agree to do it.
You worry too much about what she thinks of you – I’m fairly certain she does not think of you except maybe how much money she is gonna bleed from you – and you still wordship her – it’s dumb to wordship a chick that takes off her clothes for $$$ - you are just asking to get ROBed big-time.
I don't understand why people are so embarrassed about going to a hotel with a stripper or mistress. Believe me, they are quite used to it and don't care. It is a large percentage of their business.
I pick quality hotels with well lit parking lots and decent security. Any of the Marriott or Hilton hotels. I stay away from motels. i prefer a hotel that requires someone to enter the building to get tot he rooms. It is safer.
I go first so I can check it out. I don't want to have to deal with any room changes or other room issues with her there. Any problems are resolved before she gets there. This allows me to control the situation. If it is our first time meeting, I know no one else is waiting in the room. I have anything I need unpacked and ready, Condoms, lube , booze. I can lock up my wallet and other valuables if I think it necessary. Once I'm set up I wait. usually with a glass of wine or a beer and relax. Enjoy this time. Wash up.
When she arrives I go down to meet her. I can again be sure no one is with her. Most hotels will not let a non guest just walk in so i probably need to meet her anyway. It is polite. Politeness and respect never hurt in these situations. Another plus for the first meeting is I don't have to give her a room number so she can't pass it along to someone else.
When she leaves, i walk her to her car. If I am not staying, I go back in, get my stuff and leave. Does it arouse suspicion? No. they know exactly what just happened. You just fucked her. Possibly, perhaps probably for money. They will have the room cleaned and try to rent it out again. if they do booked it again, they are quite happy.
Why not bring my stuff with me when I walk her out? If there is someone in the lot waiting, i don't have anything but my room key. If the hotel has amenities such as a pool or sauna, I may use these before checking out.
Thanks for bringing me back to Earth and keeping it real, Papi :-)
Great advice. Thanks K.
It's not about being embarrassed . It's about the possibility of getting in trouble with LE. I know the odds are slim but it's in the back of my mind.
Keep it simple – if you are paying a woman it’s for her to please YOU not for you to please her on top of paying her.
Don't worry about LE in these hotels. 1. they are not monitoring them. You wont have a girl running a business out of the room in these hotels. Which by the way is another reason I check in and not her. You wont have a drug dealer selling from these either.
You weren't with a provider. You were with your girlfriend.
Most of these hotels have a spa, a fitness center, bar and restaurant. All of which you can visit without being a guest.
years ago, i worked for a company that provided It services to hotels. In quality hotels, LE will only be a problem if one of you cause a disturbance. And even then, you will probably just be told to leave.
Haven't tried OTC, but will be in Detroit for a few days next week and am going to give it a try. Was wondering if someone could chime in with an opinion on something.
If I get a girl to agree to come to my hotel, would it be safer to have her text me when she arrives and meet her in the lobby in order to make sure she is alone? Or is it alright to just give her my room number and have her head up. Guess my initial impression is it would be safer to meet her in the lobby before heading up in order to make sure she is alone, but on the flip side it would be easier to just wait for her in my room. Don't want to overthink things, and maybe it is pretty much irrelevant either way, but curious what others thought.
A few posts up I touch on this.
I have her text or call me. i then come down to meet her. if you go to a hotel she probably cannot get past the front desk without you. if she doesn't know the room number , she can't share it with someone else. and She can show up with some one else.
i usually meet her in front of the building or in the lobby. I prefer outside for a first meet in case I need to say no thank you and walk away.
Hey K-
Sorry I missed your post, but you answer basically exactly what I was wondering. You make some good points I had not thought of like it probably being more polite to the girl to meet her in the lobby, and the whole front desk thing (I will be staying at a nicer hotel). Thanks for your thoughts.
Q: What's a good hotel chain you recommend?
A. For a quick encounter but with a nice/skittish girl? Maybe a Quality Inn, La Quinta or something similar. Nice enough not to be drive up but not something you'll blow the wad on just for a place for a quick bit of fun.
Q. Do you walk in with your stripper together?
A. Usually. Nobody cares.
Q: Do you come down from your room and meet her in the lobby? I doubt she can just walk to your room without having some kind of access badge.
A. If I am traveling and already in a nice hotel, then I usually meet them in the lobby if we are not traveling from the club together. If it is a local arrangement where I am booking some cheap hotel for the same night, she is usually with me for the check-in process and beyond.
Q: Do you leave together on does she leave first?
A: Usually leave together if it is a local gig. Nobody cares.
Q: Would it arise suspicion if you book a hotel and not stay for the night?
A. Nobody cares, at least not in any place that I have ever used.
I'll give you my opinion based on my very limited experience with OTC -- just twice, recently, for short amounts of time (~90 minutes), with a stripper that I already knew from a few visits to the champagne room at her club. I check in first, at a moderate Wyndham-type motel (Super 8 or Days Inn) and prepare to play: get the lighting just right, hide my valuables, and clean up. Then I pick her up at her apartment, treat her to a nice dinner, and take her back to the room for the service we agreed upon: BBBJCIM for $150 a pop. If she were to stay overnight and provide two BJs, I would give her $300 -- I'm still working on that. Then I drive her home.
So far both hotels have had a lobby entrance and also a back entrance (by key card only) closer to the room, which is the one we used, but I would have no qualms about taking her through the lobby to the room. I agree with others: the hotel staff doesn't give a flip about your marital status or whether your intentions with her are honorable.
Truthfully, for the hundreds of dollars that you are likely to give your CF for this hotel visit, you should get all the worship of her body you want and she should be dining at your Y, not just you at hers. But it's your party, so do whatever floats your boat. Just be aware that strippers get OTC offers all the time -- she won't be offended.
Your last sentence "Just be aware that strippers get OTC offers all the time -- she won't be offended."
is so true. I am surprised at how many people are afraid to just ask.
I take DS II to my house but with everybody else we go to the same hotel. I come into this place 1-3 times per week with various young 20 something girls. It couldn't be more obvious that they are prostitutes. Nobody at the hotel gives a shit. Do whatever you want.
Video girl does sometimes get nervous walking in with me so with her if she requests it I check in first and then she comes up to the room after I text her the number. As long as it's before they lock the main door for the night nobody stops her. She just comes right up to my room. Everybody else checks in with me and we walk in together.
Leaving varies. If we are both ready at the same time we go together. Other times she leaves and I Stay for a while. Occasionally, if I trust her, I leave and let her keep the room for the night.
No need to over think this. Nobody cares what you are doing.
Thanks MrDeuce. Interesting that you guys rendezvous at a hotel when you already pick her up at her apartment. Is she ever alone in her apartment?
By the way if she comes to the hotel room then she is willing to fuck you. You are giving her way too much credit for thinking otherwise. I know you won't follow this advice but I gotta tell it like it is. The only reason to go to the time, effort, and expense of a hotel room is to have sex.
I once suggested meeting at her apartment, since we're actually quite comfortable with each other after four VIPs and two OTCs, but she has two teenage daughters at home, so that's a no-go.
Fuck her in the Deuce
I once had the front desk clerk come outside and take a photo of me and my ATF standing next to my car. I don't think the hotel cared. :)
For OTC I like to combine the fantasy of having a stripper give me great hands on lap dances, followed by whatever sexual menu has been agreed upon. My hotel preference is Embassy Suites because they have a sofa where the lap dances can get started, and then things can move to the bedroom. Most of them have multiple entrances, so you just have your friend text you when she arrives, go down and walk her in one of the alternate entrances. Plus they have great rooms, free drinks at happy hour, and free breakfast.
My CF has her own apartment and a scruffy little dog. My ATF never liked doing "business" at her apartment so we used hotels 90% of the time.
I'm finding that being a guest at her place allows for a different vibe - not so much business oriented and more of a BF/GF feel. Time is not such a big deal and the move from the living room to the bedroom is nice.
Half of what you're asking depends on the hotel's policies. The other half depends on how well you know and/or trust the dancer.
I have limited experience with OTC, but here's a few of my guidelines:
I don't go to sleazy hourly-rate places. About 90% of the news stories about OTC going sideways occur at these places. I prefer a mid(ish)-range hotel with a lobby and security. If available, I get a room with a safe so as to stash all of my valuables except for the money for her services.
I typically don't give the dancer a room number. I meet her in the lobby to ensure that she's alone, and then bring her to the room.
I politely ask (when possible) that the dancer arrive at the hotel "dressed down" and not looking too out of place. Though nobody at the hotel cares, it's not a bad idea to exercise some degree of discretion.
When we're done, I either walk her to the lobby or to her car. And then I pack my few belongings and check out. No muss; no fuss.
I am at my most cautious with a new OTC girl that I don't know well. I'm slightly less cautious with OTC girls with whom I've developed a good working relationship. That said, I think that fully trusting a stripper invites trouble. We never know when some part of their lives may go nuclear, and this translates into a stable OTC girl suddenly taking actions that range from desperate to lunatic. I'm adamant about maintaining my ability to sever the anchor line and protect myself if that happens.
For what you're proposing, you don't have to worry about LEO. If you're looking to reproduce the strip club experience and keep your clothes on (which is all legal ... obviously), then I highly doubt that anyone is going to deploy a SWAT team to stop you from touching a boobie. The possibility of DATY probably puts you over the line, but if local law enforcement is wringing its hands over a PL licking stripper pussy then you've somehow found yourself in the only crime-free community in the US.
You'd be surprised the number of hoes who's willing to accommodate what the OP wants. I did it twice with a BP hoe (there was no sex) and she got REALLY into it. I mean she didn't need no prompting and she was having more fun than I was honestly. I had slow her down before she ripped my dick off with her ass. AND it lasted much longer than the time we alloted to. And I didn't throw that many tips at her.
I never could get an actual stripper to go out the club and do just that for some reason though. Especially since it wasn't like I came and only tipped a dollar to boot.
anybody can walk through the hotel without a "badge". I did for some hoes. receptionist didn't even question me. They just need to walk like they were already a guest. Besides front desk switches employees too often for ALL of them to keep up with you.
“... Is she ever alone in her apartment ...”
As the old saying goes; best to not mix business w/ pleasure – just as most custies do not want dancers to know where they live; most dancers also do not want custies to know where they live – most dancers work at keeping their dancer and personal lives as separate as possible.
“... By the way if she comes to the hotel room then she is willing to fuck you ...”
That's the case most of the time – but Bavarian is a special type of custy and it seems he lets his fave do whatever she wants and he still pays her – so I would not be surprised at all if she shows-up at the hotel; gives him air-dances for 15-minutes; and Bavarian pays her $500 – especially since it seems he has not specified w/ her exactly what he wants and is just “hoping” he can DATY her.
I'll agree with most of the words of caution. BUT. The one and only serious issue I've had took place in a moderately upscale hotel, with a girl I'd seen a couple of times before in the club. She went into the restroom to freshen up, and apparently called her boyfriend while the water was running.
As she came out of the bathroom, there was a knock on the door, and she answered it. I was sitting in the bed, too far away to stop her. In comes her thug boyfriend/whatever with a baseball bat, while she exits, demanding I pay up or else.
Fortunately, Mr. Nine Mil was still within reach, and he decided that exiting without his I'll gotten gains was preferable to a couple of jacketed hollow points in his chest.
That's the one and only time I've ever pulled my gun in anger.
So now, I use the cheapo by-the-hour no-tell, and don't let them go anywhere near the door.
@ gmd:
so the chick set you up?
Actually - I just re-read your post and seems she obviously set you up.
Has anyone ever had a girl agree to come to the room, and then try to extort you the next day or even weeks later by threatening to claim she was victimized by you, unless you pay her to keep her quiet. I never heard of this but some of these ladies are unstable and capable of all sort of things. Anyone else ever hear of this actually happening?
^no – anything is possible – it's also possible to get killed in a car-accident on your way to the hotel for OTC.
True. Leave it to Papi to keep perspective.
@Papi: That's the conclusion to which I came. I suppose it's possible that her thug made her do it, but either way, she was the agent.
I never saw her again, so I'll never know. :)
From an old review of mine.
"August 21, 2010 • Just this last Wednesday, I entered the Columbia Platinum Plus. As soon as I sat down, I was joined by a dancer new to me. She was attractive, petite (just the way I like em)and very friendly. She introduced her self as Anna and stage name Skye. Then she hit me up for a dance. The price was OK. 2 For $30 but I declined. I wanted to get settled in and see who was working but I left the door open for later. She took it well.
On Thursday I was with gridget in the club and mentioned meeting Anna for the first time.She replied "Oh my god. If that is who I think it is, She lured a customer out of here to her hotel room, where she promised sex for money.Her boyfriend rushed in, shot and killed the customer and then took his money".gridget's curiosity was perked. She went over to Anna and asked her if she used to work here awhile back. Anna replied that she had just spent the last 8 years in prison."