
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    No, I hadn't been scared off. :) I moved on from dancing. Just came back to say hi to a few of you.
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    CTQWERTY, Does he? I hadn't realized, since our vehement political conversation ended in flames.
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    What a flattering thought, arbeeguy. No, I am not smokey or natashia.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    Jesus fucking christ.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    @how: I'm not going to ignore MG; I'm going to debate him. @MG: The reconciliation process was not previously used for anything else than budgetary changes. Not an overhaul of the entire healthcare system. Let's see: what else. Your president is a liar. Lied about bringing the troops home and ending the war. Lied about keeping unemployment below 8% - oh, geez, where the fuck are we now? 9.7%? Doesn't seem like 8% to me. Lied about closing GITMO. Lied about expanding the war. Lied about lobbyists. Pretends to be against banks and insurance companies, but has passed legislation propping them up and giving them tax breaks. Your president lies about pretty much everything with every breath he takes, and it's no surprise to me a moral jackoff wanting extras in a SC would vote for such a man. Do me a favour and keep fellating the progressives in the WH. It'll pay off for you, somehow. Douche.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    @how: It IS robbery, no matter how much you say it isn't. Anyone who uses illegal leverage to make more money than her legitimate counterparts is a whore and needs to relocate herself to a venue more conducive to whores. Like the streetcorner. :/
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    14 years ago
    Wow, politics already. I was raised conservatively but retain a few liberal viewpoints. Tell me, those of you who favour Obama, how do you feel about this healthcare reform, something he simply shoved through into law? OVER the will of the American majority, no less? I'd like to hear your answers.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    @how: My argument has as much merit as you believe yours does. Your analogy doesn't make sense. If you take your business to the Texas Roadhouse rather than...the Outback Steakhouse, then yes, they've lost your personal business. But do you see how the proprietor does not fit into this? The proprietor of either restaurant is going to make money no matter what, the same as a SC owner. It will matter to a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse if you choose to take your business to the Texas Roadhouse, because she PERSONALLY would not get to serve you, and therefore would lose money. It becomes much more personal in a SC. But let's go back to the waitress, and waitressing, which I have done. A restaurant is divided into sections, each of which is allotted to each waitress. Let's say Waitress A decides to take a table in Waitress B's section. Waitress B is not only ticked off, she's just lost a tip. But the balance here is that Waitress A can be fired for stealing tables. In a SC, there is no such balance. We are all vying for customers; every patron who walks in the door has the potential to give money to ANY of us. Therefore, when you have a dancer willing to whore herself out, a chance that would be leapt at by a patron, the rest of us have just been robbed. Both of money and also of the POTENTIAL to make money. Get it? :P @rickdugan: I agree. I know there's a lot of the "you do what you have to do" mentality among dancers, and I know there's a lot of OTC activity. And the point you made about this being a part time gig for me and maybe not for others is valid, too. The thing is, if I'm hard up for money, I wouldn't do this, but that's just me. Before I became a broker, I struggled a bit to make ends meet, and so I waitressed. What these girls don't understand is, in a shitty economy, the hospitality business booms! I worked in a grocery store a couple of years ago, and we were laying people off right and left. Being one of the lowest on the totem pole, I was lucky to keep my job. But when I began to waitress, I realized that there are so many more people willing to go to a restaurant than grocery shop - I have no idea why. Makes no sense to me, but I guess it flies. /off topic, sorry @MisterGuy: Got it. @minnow: I like the car analogy; it made sense and it amused me :D I dunno what kind of clubs you frequent, but most of the middle-class type clubs I dance at allow two-way touching, and I don't mind it; I just have boundaries. To me, a guy paying for a VIP should be allowed to touch, while being respectful. Also, if you don't mind, what do you do for a living? I have an analogy for you, based on your answer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    @rickdugan: You're right, but the standard remains that dancers do not like whores. I actually went over to stripperweb recently and read a thread where this girl said she was wanting to dance in Texas, and she didn't mind giving HJs. Well, the whole board went up in flames over it. Needless to say, she was...dissuaded. No matter if the money remains the same (which I don't agree with, and we discussed this, :D) the fact of the matter is: dancers hate whores. @how: Most of this was already covered in my 'extras' thread, but for the sake of argument, I'll put it here. Suppose three guys, each with $500 in their pockets, enter a SC. If two of them spend their entire amount of cash on an extra in the VIP room, the rest of us are out $1000, right? I know that doesn't mean that $1000 would have all necessarily been spent in the SC, but a little of it had the potential to get around, rather than all ending up in the hands of a whore. @Dudester: And I performed modern dance under the tutelage of a professional dance instructor. CATS isn't running anymore - they stopped that production in 2000 - but oh! if they were, I would take you up on that offer in a heartbeat. As far as Chicago and Chorus Line go, I really don't know when/where they're touring. But if they ever come near me, sure :) @Dougster: Maybe you should attempt to exercise a bit of literary wit and READ my posts, rather than assume I'm a dude. Funny how that's the first thing that comes to your mind... @Prim0: The judgmental attitude of legitimate dancers toward whores is valid. When you agree to perform extras, all you're saying is you're incapable of entertaining any other way. Therefore, leave the club, which is a place of entertainment, and join backpage.com or something, where your varied "talents" can be put to better use.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    No, interesting as in I'd like to hear more about your experiences as a dom. :P
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    No one here is going to understand why dancers hate whores, because, as a man and as a patron, you're all on the receiving end (pun intended) of the deal! Having a girl who gives extras in a club is the same as having someone in your place of business who robs the till/safe. It's basic thievery. And we legitimate dancers have every right to judge her, call her out, and beat her ass for taking money from us (even though I myself don't fight).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Thanks, VM!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    @Rick: Hard not to be cerebral when you're an Aquarius! :p But you're right. Pah, maybe it's because I'm not money-minded. :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    double post, but I don't care: @SnakePlissen: Ah, a Geisha. Did you ever read Memoirs of a Geisha? I did when I was younger and I actually went through a phase where I practiced the various arts of pouring tea, sitting in a kimono, and so on, and so forth. Part of my self-taught theatre training :D
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Worst looking strip club?
    hahaha! Good for them!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    @RickDugan: You'll just have to come see, then. I AM doing research, because I think dancing has more to it than simply wagging your ass on stage. And while it's not a personal, lifetime career choice of mine, dancing covers so many points of interest that are important to me to know about. Thanks for the words! @Iopaw: I've seen your postings. I like you - you seem interesting :) @LeeH: Ah, you've cottoned on to that; no, sexiness and substance are not mutually exclusive. However, my point was: would you pass up an older dancer, maybe without the fresh bloom of youth on her cheeks, for a sexy young thing who maybe had no substance to her? As a dancer, I welcome the majority of the patrons who come into the club where I dance. They are mostly blue-collar workers who enter the SC to enjoy a few beers and the company of women. I've also noted that they are mostly older men, and tend to gravitate toward the older dancers, who latch onto them like limpets, but the patrons don't seem to mind so much. It's rather intriguing.
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    14 years ago
    @george: interesting :) @the rest of you: Keep going! I like the talk of finances
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Worst looking strip club?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Please read Fetish_Dancer's Posting
    That would be appreciated. A following is also surprising, lol, as I came here merely to check out reviews of local clubs, and then saw the board. I'm a big fan of forums; I'm just another anonymous, opinionated individual. :) I think it's interesting how people connect over the 'net.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    lol, why not?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Worst looking strip club?
    @CTWERTY: Uh, yeah! LOL. That and telling me I have an accent. 'You sound like a chick off 90210.' I still don't think I have an accented voice...I think everyone else does! Ha! Yeah, I was born in Oregon and raised for part of my life there, then I transitioned to Washington and stayed there until just a year ago.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Well, then! I'll have to check it out if I'm ever in the area. I'm not a top by any stretch, but I'm sure I would enjoy the dungeon room quite a bit.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Please read Fetish_Dancer's Posting
    I appreciate the fact that it's pleased everyone. I, for one, enjoyed the conversation immensely :)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    LOL sorry to make you work so hard, arbeeguy :D
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ..dammit! :p