My nominee is The Acropolis in Portland, Oregon. In this picture the vertical stripage looks light blue, but I could've, sworn it was teal when I saw it in person. Making things far, far worse is the presence of a sister building which sits behind where the photo was taken from. It is painted the same way, giving the entire block a nightmarish look.…
last commentAs for the inside at The Acropolis, dancers entertain all seated at the sides of their corral (yes it is a VERY rustic feel.) Witnessed one of the best-looking au natural blondes I've ever seen in a club spot a guy using his cell to take her picture while she was up and full nude; bouncer came and 'removed' unwanted behavior. No idea how many pieces he got his phone back in.
Does anyone remember Bones' old "jack joint" in OH? The picture of the deck at that place was a looked like a tornado hit it.
"Also looks can be deceiving. A bad looking strip club on the outside but be a high mileage gem on the inside."
Very true...especially for the above strip club in northern NY state.… shows a number of them in Iowa, as well as WI, IL, SD, and NE. Some of them are truly ugly. My worst is… which happens to be in Fort Dodge, IA. My favorite club is not much to look at, although I've only seen it once during daylight that I remember. An outdated pic of that club is at…
The thing about run-down shacks, they tend to be in areas where the surrounding real estate really doesn't differ too much.
BTW, Brad's Brass Flamingo, which is the highest-ranked club in Indiana, is on Southeastern Ave., which is not in a super-rich neighborhood at all. Lower white middle class neighborhood, to be exact.
Did you view Samsung's Blue Diamond?
Fetish: A once native Portlander?? Grow tired of correcting midwestern people who say OreGONE? Glad to hear you feel the same way about The Acropolis. I wonder when a neighborhood community group made up of "concerned parents" will assemble and descend upon the Acrop to douse it in a fresh coat of white during the middle of the night???
KPrince: I was thinking about the exterior when I wrote the title for the thread. But since you brought up Henry's South, how can you be sure it eclipses Bogart's?
Honorable Mentions go to:……
The "Most Likely to Survive a Tornado" Award:…
The "Could You Get Any Further Away Before You Snapped the Picture" Award:…
The "Best Catch Phrase" Award:…
"We'll Make You Squeal"
The "Best Friendly Service" Award:…
...because I got confused when I saw "Engine Diagnostics, Wheel Balance, Front End Alignment, Brakes-Mufflers, and Tune-Ups" on the side of the building. "Holy shit, they fix your car while you're at the club?!" :)
The "Best Name" Award:…
Screamin MeeMees
"Candy-striped in teal and white in a residential area?"
Sure, I'm sure it looks awful & out of place, but it doesn't look like it's about to fall down IMO.
Yeah, I was born in Oregon and raised for part of my life there, then I transitioned to Washington and stayed there until just a year ago.