
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 13)

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    14 years ago
    Worst looking strip club?
    Ahaha, yep, I remember this club. I was born and raised in Portland, OR. Drove past it plenty of times. Ugly-ass building, isn't it? BTW, Brad's Brass Flamingo, which is the highest-ranked club in Indiana, is on Southeastern Ave., which is not in a super-rich neighborhood at all. Lower white middle class neighborhood, to be exact.
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    14 years ago
    NICE. This is in Columbus, Indiana, right..? :D
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    14 years ago
    @arbeeguy: I think I will. It's just a matter of figuring out what the next hot topic will be >:D I don't think I've ever met anyone from here - if I have, it was not to my knowledge, probably last year, lol. @george: I do try to make good conversation, but it's a 50/50 situation. Some guys act like any sort of verbal exchange is a turnoff; others seem to like it. I remember one time in a club I met a Kentuckian, like yourself, and we had a great conversation, about all sorts of things. He was also completely sozzled, so maybe that was why it was so good, lol, but at any rate he kept giving me money. At about $30 I started to feel a little weird, and offered him a VIP, but he said no, no, just sit with me. It was odd. I still wish he would have purchased a dance instead of just handing me money. I guess it just goes to show conversation can be rewarding, too, but I just like talking with people. And funny you should mention Louisville. I might relocate to New Albany and try out the Louisville scene. We'll see....if so, I'll try Trixie's. I checked out the website. Looks nice. As far as pictures go, I'm still trying to find a good one for my profile. :D
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    14 years ago
    @the two discussing financial terms: I appreciate the derailment, actually. I work as a commercial loans broker and since I'm relatively new to it, I like the back-and-forth banter. I've learned a few things. What I can tell you is this: the FED rate is currently 0.14% and it WILL change in the next six months. Any small business owner who doesn't refinance with a company offering a good product is in high dancer of losing their business. I recently met a guy running a car dealership, and he's paying 7.1% as his rate, but it added up to 9% in fees. If the FED rises, he'll lose his business. ANYWAY, I'm not going to advertise my company here, but if there are any small business owners looking to refinance, contact me :) @DoctorDarby: Thanks for the compliments! There are a lot of people here I think I'd get along with - perhaps I'll get to meet a few of you. As far as the 'grind for a good price,' let's just say I've never 'air-danced' before and don't plan to.
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    15 years ago
    Aww, thanks! I'll keep you guys updated. I'm auditioning at a couple of clubs this next week, so I'll inform you which one I'm hired at :)
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dancer arm pit odor
    I dunno if any of you guys have ever been in the dressing room at a SC, but the majority of them are disgusting. I went to audition at a very nice Indianapolis club and I was expecting the dressing room to be nicer. It wasn't. Beat-up lockers, gross toilets, and dirty floors. The establishment is for the customers, not the dancers, and installing showers would make the SC spend money on the dancers that they don't want to shell out. I agree there should be showers - even a communal shower would be better than nothing after four hours of dancing in a hot club! but the reality of the situation is that all we really can do is make sure we're freshening up every hour or so, because SC establishments are tight with their money.
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    15 years ago
    Well, I think I'll enjoy it for the moment. The matter of self-regulation/non-regulation is a lose/lose situation. If you have a big corp. that doesn't self-regulate, you have a problem, but if you allow the gov't to step in and regulate everything, you have an even bigger problem.
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    15 years ago
    @CTQWERTY: Yep. I'm attending school, I write for royalties, and I work in the finance business, so it's safe to say this is merely a thrill-seeking venture for me. @Danton: I'm probably going to relocate to another club and just devote myself to ignoring it. And, about the older dancers, I feel sorry for them, too. I can't see myself doing this for longer than a year, two years tops.
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    15 years ago
    @MisterGuy: It may not be viewable, while standing on the streetcorner is, but all of the dancers know it. It doesn't matter whether or not it's "viewable" by everyone; a whore is taking money and ruining the legitimate business of real dancers. You've just pointed out the exact reason why whoring is gotten away with in SCs - because it's low-key. Doesn't make it right or fair. Well, then, good for you, but remember, if you're getting a HJ in a strip club, you're contributing to the filth you profess not to be a part of, both financially and healthwise ;) Prostitution may be legal there, but that doesn't mean every whore is 18. Because the rules regarding it only seem to come into play on the subject of sexual health, that leaves a more lax lee-way for underage girls to be inducted into the system. To each his own. I don't really have an issue with the guys who are getting these things in SCs - you aren't going to see it the way a valid dancer does. Just don't expect it from every dancer in the club simply because you've gotten it from a few. That is the request of us minority group not performing extras. @CTQWERTY: That's what I'm seeing more and more. I'm deliberating over whether or not this will be my last month dancing...
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    Iopaw: Oh, LA is NOT my cup of tea when it comes to social issues/economy. It would be fun to check out the fetish scene, but I wouldn't want to live there. But maybe I'll visit >:D
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    15 years ago
    @Danton: The money is nice, but I have a day job, so I really am just in it for the lights, music, and dancing :) Good analogy. I love being on stage and I have been told that I work way too hard for a dollar...but to me, it's not work :P
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    Interesting!!! Why the hell is there a bigger fetish scene in Ohio than there is in Indiana!? Unfair...
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    15 years ago
    @Danton: Point taken. Speaking of dances, since aggressive dance-sellers seem to be a turn-off, what do YOU (and everyone else) think of girls who don't even mention VIP during your conversation with them? I don't. Or ask for drinks. Too many of my coworkers push and push and PUSH those things, and so I try not to. Plus, I'm rather shy about selling dances, for reasons unknown even to me. A dollar dance is one thing; offering a VIP dance is another, lol.
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    @Iopaw: I, by BDSM standards and nature, am a submissive. Uncollared - I stil retain my 'free-bird' independence. However, while I'm not a dominatrix type, the roles can be reversed. I've heard the saying 'a good sub makes a great dom,' but I don't know yet... That having been said, I think every club should have at least ONE fetish dancer. That's how I market my image; chain accessories, a little latex here and there, and lots of black. Also come armed with a flogger most nights. It's great fun, but a lot of conservative Indiana types are a little turned off by it. Last Samhain (Hallowe'en) I dressed in a nun's full garb, robe, wimple, gloves, rosary, everything, and used that in one of my sets. Again, the atmosphere was not too conducive. I suppose my niche would be in a more liberal city, but I'm here for now, lol
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    15 years ago
    @Danton: Just a comment on clubs in Mexico - something to think about. Are you sure those girls are all of-age? After all, it IS Mexico, where a girl is considered to be a woman as soon as puberty occurs, which can be as young as nine years old. The Quinceañera, a celebration of a girl's fifteenth year, comparable to our own 'sweet sixteen' parties, automatically inducts her into adult society. Therefore, with the rules so lax in Mexico regarding intercourse between underage girls and grown men, I would be careful, if I were you. That being said, I would also agree that, in the current economic climate, perhaps extras are more expected and provided. Your note about Freud also pleases me; I love his works and I can see it plays a role in just about every day-to-day situation. The lack of emotional intimacy is also part of the reason I'm against providing such services - although I AM an entertainer and my job is to disrobe for the patrons' pleasure, sex in and of itself is something I hold incredibly sacred, monogamy even moreso. Hard to believe from a stripper, I know, but that is what I base my club "ethics" on. @arbeeguy: Actually, I did get my education in the US. :P Good ol' west coast. Liberal arts education, focus in creative writing, modern dance, and theatre. To answer your second question, I'm going to stick to my guns and say yes, she is. To be fair, I know for a fact a few of the girls I'm friends with ITC ARE doing extras during their shifts. ITC, I'll turn a blind eye to it, although I am put out that I am losing money because of their actions. Again, we have a divide; you are a male patron, I am a female dancer. Dancers are independent contractors, meaning we don't get paid. I know some clubs pay their dancers a little, but for the most part, the only money we go home with is the tips patrons stick into our thongs, lol. Mr. Dugan pointed out that whores and dancers are grouped together in the same category MENTALLY, but that doesn't mean it's a fair reality. If you're going to peddle sexual favours, you need to find a different venue in which to hawk your wares, NOT an SC, where honest girls are attempting to make a living. Basically, if you're taking money from us by providing extras, that is unfair and you need to leave. @Player-11: Exactly! I've heard of backpage.com and I wish SC whores would just go there. In fact, I'd bet they'd make more money as an escort, seeing how they can charge whatever they want, while SCs have set prices for stuff ;) If you're whoring, leave the clubs to us and take the night as your oyster. I have a fetish for exhibitionism and BDSM - some girls just like pleasuring perfect strangers, like the sweet little dancer arbeeguy pointed out. That's a fetish, (to each her own, I say) but it shouldn't be used to exploit a valid business.
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    15 years ago
    @Rick: Sounds good! @Lee: Lol, I was wondering about that.
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    15 years ago
    :) My example still takes into account your theory that a guy with $500 WOULD spend it all in one place for an extra. It's 50/50, I s'pose. I actually frequent more "divey" places. I like the ambiance, the blue-collar men who come in, and the other girls are much nicer than they are at higher-end clubs. I also pointed out, earlier, perhaps in a different thread, that I don't have the build that the highest-end clubs in Indianapolis are looking for. Not fat, not skinny, and I'm au naturel, which is apparently a big no-no. I guess fake tits are "en vogue." I'd rather work at a middle-end club where my curves and energy are appreciated than work a stage amongst a bunch of cold, fake girls. I think I would have a problem there, moreso than I do or ever have had in the clubs I work at. But it's all about finding a niche, and I haven't found mine yet. Your tips and advice will be remembered; I've appreciated your words.
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    15 years ago
    I like you, RD. You provide challenging conversation. I prefer the Greek precept, then, bastardized or otherwise. However, Marx's original words mean the same thing to me. If you have the mental ability to take someone back to VIP and have the NEED to perform extras in order to further your finances...well, then, there's the precept for you. But maybe I'm reading too far into something that's supposed to be a political metaphor, haha. I agree, Capitalism be blessed, (but I still will always hold Marxism as an interesting ideal, lol.) however, I think actual dancers are losing more than a bit of money to the few tramps in a club. If a patron has $500 he's willing to spend on a HJ, BJ, or whatever, but is only willing to spend $200 on just dances, that means the actual dancers are out $300, right? Let's say there's three guys in a SC, each with $500 in their pockets. If two of them blow their wad (pun intended) on a jobbie in the VIP, that means the rest of the dancers, as a collective whole, are out $1000. That's a lot of cash, especially in this economy. And, anyway, SCs are a bit more socialist than capitalist - we want the patrons to 'spread the wealth!' LOL! As far as catching an STD off a toilet or anything else, hey, I'm not saying it happens all the time, but there's the potential for it to happen when there doesn't have to be. You're right; my moralizations are pointless. In a SC, it's something to ignore, but it's also unfair, imho. Nevertheless, my moralizations are still valid, at least to me, and at least to the dancers who are following the bulletted points you've laid out.
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    15 years ago
    @uscue: I have had a lot of fun with black guys in clubs before. The older ones, it seems, like more to talk and have a good time than spend the entire conversation commenting on how they don't like my name or they want to date me OTC. I don't mean to stereotype; it's more a cursory reaction than anything, because once I sit down with a guy, regardless of colour, and I get to know what he's like, a decision can be made then. To me, someone who's not tipping anyone except the dark, dark dancers, who wants me to dance for them for free, and who demands I take my chain accessories off is not someone I'm going to spend time with. And those types are easy to spot right away. @casualguy: I don't count those as extras. I don't appreciate my nipples being twisted, licked, or kissed, but touching is all right. I count HJs, BJs, or FS as extras. My VIP dances are always high contact, but not high mileage. Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't 'high contact' mean a dance with lots of sliding, grinding, and movement against the patron, whereas 'high mileage' means basically how far a dancer will let you go..? Right? :D /lame @rickdugan: As I've pointed out before, I'm not on a pedestal or a moral high horse. I also recognize the fact that many, many men enter an SC with the intention of turning it into something else. My issue with extras is two-layered; if you're going to be a whore, stand on the street corner. Get a pimp. Don't compete against actual workers for the same wages. It's the same in any business; as an employee, aren't you going to be insulted if Joe Slacker-who-doesn't-do-shit keeps his job by brow-nosing and makes the same amount as you do, when YOU'RE the one working? It's basic Marxist theory. To each his own, according to his own merit. I have merit and I have talent. Therefore, my moralism and my voice on the matter is valid. The second part of my "issue" with it is that it puts the rest of the actual dancers at risk by compromising their health because "she's the girl that gives extras." Let's say she gives a HJ in the back, and because she's too fucked-up on drugs to give a shit, she leaves traces of semen on whatever she touches. Not only is that simply nasty, no one knows if that particular patron is carrying something. I know YOU don't care, but the rest of us do. I'm speaking from a dancer's perspective; you're speaking from a patron's. There's a disconnect here. Stripping is a valid business, and while I recognize that whores and dancers are grouped the same mentally, no dancer should be denigrated for not going the whole nine yards in the VIP room. /end rant.
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    lol @ George
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    15 years ago
    @SuperDude: I never said I wouldn't dance for black guys. I said I didn't like to. As a rule, they don't like my look, my attire, my stage name, or my music. I'm there to have fun, not totally change my persona for every thug who walks in the place. Also, they're the only patrons who try to pay me for services OTC; white blokes never try to solicit that way. I am a dancer entertaining gentlemen. If the patrons are able to pick and choose, I am, as well.
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    15 years ago
    Interesting. I was actually resigned to getting more of a negative reaction to my forward approach regarding extras, but, so far, it's been enlightening.
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    lol, I go by Lasher.
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    15 years ago
    From what I've seen, you kind of ARE the exception :D It's refreshing. Don't meet too many of those types anywhere.
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    15 years ago
    Agreed. Part of me feels bad for judging, as if I was on a pedestal, which is absolutely not true, but if I'm gonna spend 6hrs of my time being evaluated, then, hey ;)