
Comments by Dazymaz (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    having fun
    strippers issues are their own
    Hey you forgot about one type of Dancer .. the kind that like it and do it because they like it .. I mean whats not to like ? good exercise .. money, worship, independance,, flexable hours ,, and dont forget about the " conversations " .. thats is the best part .. Some girls are lifers not out of need to have the money but out of love for the job it's self , I love music and looking at naked chicks all day ,, I love men and dancing for them and conversing ,, so why shouldn t i do it for as long as I want to ? Some girls really go for the sympathy trip to get your money others just like earning it .
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    14 years ago
    How to be a less pathetic PL
    wow that was kind of harsh chickie . have some respect for the harder eared dollars customers are spending on you .. If a customer likes you or even loves you you should be flattered .. it is a compliment to your hunting skills . dont bite the hand that feeds you .
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    14 years ago
    What Should I Have in My Stripper Bag When I Go to Work?
    oh she is totally spot on with this .. great minds think alike lol
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    14 years ago
    Replies to Stripper rants
    LOL this is too funny .. and spot on in most cases LOL thanks for that laugh !
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    14 years ago
    Whats the Big Deal
    If you all remeber the raid at Fantasia In Richmond Hill Ontario Canada some 10 years ago ,,, they came in like storm troopers in riot gear over 300 arrests were made and I was caught in the raid as well ,, up in my dressing room ALONE ,, and fully clothed ,, just got in after being gone for sevceral months ,, it seems in my absence the coppers had been in the club many many times and kept a log of all the " activities " they " endured " in the visits ,, I was mentioned in the disclosure as haveing a floresant Green Gown on and charging a 5 Song Minimum for the VIP .. no mention was made in the disclosure as to what extras may have been committed by me but many of the other girls were arrested for Prostituion related offences and the management and DJ and door man were also arrested .. the CLub paid all of our legal expences and all charges were drop against the dancers that did not take a plea ... I didnt take a plead as I felt that anything I did was because I wanted to to it not because of the money .. all that money the coppers wasted in over time and pulling other coper in from different areas to do the raids and oh the shame of it all for those poor poor coppers to have to endure a lap dance and the extras .. I wonder if they have PTSD from it ? I now that I do from the Guns in my face and the hand cuffs and the way they treated me in my dressing room ... Almost broke my nose busting the door open ,, if they had knocked I would have just opened the door .... now when I see copper come in the clubs My heart races so fast and my legs get all weak ,, Please just leave us alone ... we are not crimminals .
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    14 years ago
    Once again "Why Stripclubs?" - this time a literary answer
    That was a Good read .. too bad not all club owners are like that .. or more dancers dont look at their customers like gods ,, some girls have the same contempt for customers that the customers have for the dancer, I wish club owners would get it that if you let the girl do her job and give the customer the fantasy he is looking for then the bar would be packed and maybe our house fee's would go down . you guys all bitch and complain our prices this and that well we have expences on top of the current or past due bills that are piling up .. from too many slow nights due to strick managment policy dictated, of course, by the presence of the Coppers ,, so bewteen High house fee's , too many bouncers not letting any fantasies go down ,, and coppers chasing drunks trying to sneak home .. the price of a fantasy has to go up . higher the price better the fantasy ,, or not .
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    14 years ago
    The way Dancer are treated
    Thank you for your Support Tess , Sorry for your loss of employment that really suck ,, I had a car accident a few years back and put me out of the business but now I am back and I missed it a lot , and not just the money ,, I had a lot of friends and customers and both that I did'nt know how to call to say I missed them . It was quite a shock ,,to my life style being all alone ,, but now I am back and I thank god for being able to do this for a living , I am sure you miss it to , thanks you for the love Dazy
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    14 years ago
    New York City
    The Lowest of the Low
    HA Great artical ! I had a good laugh ,, thanks for the write ,, don't for get to tip them ,
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    15 years ago
    Strip Clubs, The Single Guy, and The Need For Surrogacy
    Greetings Dudester<br /> Thank you for sharing your life story ,,My path ran simular to yours&nbsp;, I was lucky enough to find myself on this path ,, that of a dancer ,,, this business saved my life on more than one occasion ,,I wish the powers that be would listen to us&nbsp; and just let us be ,,, I have made a good life for myself and done no harm to any others ,, why must the &quot; system &quot;&nbsp; look down on me for a providing a much needed service ... we all need love&nbsp; even if its only for a song or two...
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    Etiquette a dancers advice and perspective
    Wow&nbsp; what an article !!&nbsp; <br /> gotta love the differnt points of veiw though ,,,,,,,, I just sum it up&nbsp; like this&nbsp; ,, if you treat me badly or are rude and disrespectful to me&nbsp; ( without paying me extra )&nbsp; I simply wont dance for you .. simple .. tell me what you like ,, if i m game&nbsp; ill let you know ,,, if im not i ll let you know ,, no games&nbsp; just business&nbsp; you want .. I want ,,, works for me .. <br />