
What Should I Have in My Stripper Bag When I Go to Work?

1. Your dancer clothes - I keep my clothes in a plastic bag, but I've known other dancers who use plastic zip-lock bags to organize their outfits. Some bring dryer sheets to put into the bags so the clothes stay fresh. Keeping them in a separate plastic bag keeps your clothes clean just in case there is anything in your bag that could stain them. It also keeps them nice and clean and un-wrinkled when you want to put on a new outfit. </p>

2- Your makeup - Obvious. Gotta have a little makeup to bring with you. Some dancers do their makeup at home, and some do it at work before their shift. Bring a small makeup bag with you, one that zips up and fits nicely in your bag. Ive seen dancers drag in huge Caboodles boxes with makeup. This is not a fashion show and you only have to do makeup for yourself so get a makeup bag that fits into your dancer bag and your life will be a lot easier. It doesn't have to be complicated. A Basic makeup set in your bag would have a complimentary lipstick or lip gloss, eyeshadow, mascara, powder/foundation, and blush, blush brush, makeup sponge and maybe an eyelash curler. You can have different small kits that have complimentary colors, just use one at a time in your bag. </p>

3. Hairspray, or hair products - Bring these because as said before you don't want to get there and realize that you don't have any hairspray to use, or whatever you need to make your hair look glam. Sample sizes are great too because they fit neatly in the pocket of your bag and if your stuff is ever stolen you wont take a huge loss [and that does happen if you don't lock it up, you leave it out on the counter and forget it, or you let someone borrow it and they never return it.] </p>

4. Your Hairbrush - Bring your hairbrush please. You don't want to get there and realize that you forgot your hairbrush, and then ask Suzy Dancer if you can use hers - but she has LICE! and she didn't tell you! Bring your own brush and avoid this situation. You'll feel better and you'll be able to freshen up your hairstyle later on after you've been flipping your hair around sexily on stage.. </p>

5. Shoes - Your dancer shoes may be small enough to fit into your bag. Its important to bring them....One time i headed out for the club and i drove all the way there and forgot my shoes! Not a happy scene... It would have been easier if my shoes fit into my bag but I wear boots so they are a bit large. If you do keep your shoes in your bag, remember that your clothes are also in there so consider putting your clothes in a plastic bag so your shoes do not get them dirty. That floor is dirty to so consider bringing them with you and keeping them out of your bag, if that is your preference. Appropriate shoe wear for a strip club has a heel that is at least two inches. In fact, your club may have regulations on what heel size they want their girls to wear. Flats are not appropriate stripper wear and some clubs can't let you work in them. (Texas for sure). Best option would be to keep a pair of clear 4+ inch heels in a bag in your car in case you forget your favorites. </p>

6. - Tampons - Obvious. You'll need these just in case aunt Flo visits and you don't want to have to ask around the club for an extra one like those other girls who aren't prepared. Just pack a few away in the side compartment of your bag so you can be prepared when the time comes. Most if not all dancers use these because it is next to impossible to dance while wearing a pad! You may also want to bring your own pair of scissors, maybe some small sewing scissors, to cut the string of your tampon so that you do not have it hanging in the wrong place at the wrong time [like on stage!Watch those black lights...] Don't worry, all you have to do is reach inside and retrieve it when you need to change, its not a big deal. Being prepared will save you during that special time of the month, and you wont have anything to worry about. Moving on! </p>

7. Gum, breath mints - Another Obvious, but you'd be surprised... Even though the customers may not care what they smell like, we as dancers have to be pretty and smell nice. Part of that is making sure your breath is fresh when you whisper in his ear that you want to take him to the VIP and give him the dance of his life! Bring some gum or mints- you'll be glad that you did and you'll have confidence to approach customers. One dancer that I knew kept a toothbrush and toothpaste in travel size in her bag just in case she chowed down at the club and needed to freshen up. This should go without saying, but it must be said- FLOSS every day. The plaque that builds up is not only destroying your gumline, but it stinks! If you still have breath issues, try brushing your tongue or tongue scraping. Barring all of these steps, go see your dentist! </p>

8. Razor - I also have seen dancers who keep a razor in their locker for a quick touchup just in case there was a spot that they missed while shaving. it helps to have lotion with this too, you don't want to do it dry or you'll have razor bumps. Very Un-sexy, counter-money making. This is optional. its always better to be prepared and get smooth before you get to work so you don't have to worry about a thing. </p>

9. Perfume - Must smell yummy. Bring something sensual, flirty or fun. Avoid teenage girl scents from the pharmacy like charlie, white musk, or cotton candy. Try for something exotic or refreshing. Expensive perfumes are not necessary. What works best are body sprays, something light that you can spray on after your stage set to freshen up. Guys like it when you smell nice, but don't over do it. The idea of perfume is to have a hint of scent to keep them guessing and getting closer to you..This also goes for Pheromones. </p>

10. Deodorant - in case you need to use some during your shift. Its nice to be 'so fresh, so clean' and depending on the club and temp in there, you could sweat. Never let them see you sweat! </p>

11. Feminine spray. - Some dancers use this religiously. I use it occasionally on the outside of my clothes from a distance. I don't want it touching my skin but I do want to make sure that I'm not sweaty down there. I use it sparingly, if at all. If you use this it is your preference. Some dancers advocate against it for health reasons, and that is completely understandable. </p>

12. Garter - You should bring a garter to keep your money in. Some chicks keep their cash in their locker which is fine. but if you want to keep your money on you, then you should bring a few garters [in different colors, if you are color-coordinating your outfits]. You can find garters either at your club if the house mom sells them, or locally where they sell dance wear [like at a sex/lingerie shop] or even on the internet, e-bay, etc. Keeping your money in your garter is easy. You fold the dollars in half over your garter and wrap a rubber band or hair tie around it to secure it. It will be safer if you keep your money with you at all times. </p>

13. Snacks, soda - bring something light just in case you want to take a break and have a snack. Sometimes dancers order food at the club but a lot of times, it is takeout food and it can be greasy or fried and this could weigh you down or make you sluggish. Greasy food is not good. Neither is food that has garlic in it, lol So bring a light snack, like cheese crackers, an apple or orange, something that is going to give you energy and will be good for your body. Spending money on takeout is overrated anyway. You may also be at a club that has a kitchen but its easy to get tired of the same food night after night. So a snack would be great. I also pack an energy shot into my bag just in case I need a boost in the last few hours of my shift. </p>

14. A Lock for your Locker - don't forget to bring this just in case your club does not provide locks for your locker. Some dancers use a padlock and keep the key with them when they dance. Some use a combination lock. Gotta make sure that you lock your stuff up. One time I left my locker open by mistake over the weekend and when i got there, everything was gone, my bag of expensive MAC makeup was gone too. That was a lot of money to loose. Got to have your things locked up or they will disappear. There is no such thing as a safe club where people do not steal. Even clubs that have cameras in the dressing rooms aren't safe. Bring a lock. </p>

Finally, what NOT to bring to the club. </p>

15. Glitter, lotion and Oils... *Please* do not wear glitter. Glitter is super cute when you are 17 and you are on the beach with your boyfriend. Glitter does not belong in the strip club. Why, you ask? Customers who come to the club to be discreet are not looking to go home with glitter all over their business suit. Massive amounts of glitter poured on you is not going to make much of a difference in the dim lights anyway. And, glitter that falls on the stage can be *very* slippery. You wouldn't want to slip on that stuff. And that brings me to Lotions or Oils,. Its obvious that these things are going to grease up the stage and the pole. You don't want to be the one to fall on the stage or be the one who makes other dancers slip and fall because you had to put oil, cocoa butter, Vaseline, or any other type of lotion all over your body. If you need some moisture, put your lotion on after the shower or bring some light moisturizer that is quickly absorbed [nivea works great]. you want the lotion to disappear into your skin and not leave a greasy after feel. Try to not do this before your stage set, either. Please be considerate with this. Oil on the stage is dangerous to you and to other dancers. </p>

By Rebecca Avalon (Strip and Grow Rich)


  • Dazymaz
    14 years ago
    oh she is totally spot on with this .. great minds think alike lol
  • MondoGoGo
    14 years ago
    She forgot one thing in the not to bring category IMHO namely bad attitude. While sexy outfits, good looks and fresh breath will get you going in the right direction the most important asset I consider when choosing to spend money on a girl is attitude. A PYT who's sweet with a touch of sassy naughty girl will get my cash flowing every time.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    A favorite once asked me to hold onto her stripper purse while she went on stage. When she came back she said, "Thanks. I don't care what else they steal, but there are three things I can't do without - my phone, my money, and my pot."
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Condoms. I don't always remember.
  • bang69
    14 years ago
    Yes always remember to bring condom's with you.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    <p> She forgot: </p>


    <p>Baby wipes-I've seen strippers with tiny baby wipe cases (I think there's 10 or 15 inside). Bodily fluids left behind by dancer and/or customer are, well, ....you get it. </p>

    <p>The other night I saw a stripper whip a baby wipe out on stage (don't know where it came from-she must've concealed it). She cleaned the stripper pole before touching it. </p>

    <p>Leave behind:</p>

    <p>The pot. Carrying pot when at or leaving the club is like throwing a ball in a football game-two chances in three that something will go wrong. Cops look for strippers leaving a club and pot gives rogue cops an opportunity to....you get the idea. </p>

    <p>A ghetto attitude. Among other things, a strip club is a place of business. A stripper who thinks (and acts) like Gordon Gecko is in charge of her destiny. A stripper who who thinks (and acts) like fifty cent will end up broke, disenchanted, and wondering just what the fuck happened.</p>

  • runnoft
    14 years ago
    In the clothes category, remember to bring a few extra pair of panties. They do have a habit of getting wet.
    Also, a small bottle of a good lubricant can come in handy. Especially if you are not into giving blow jobs. A good hand job using a good lube can feel almost as nice as a blowjob.
    Also, the comment about not using glitter can also apply to perfume. Using too much perfume can rub off on the customer, which can get him into trouble when he goes home to his wife.
  • journey87
    14 years ago
    There really r clubs that ALLOW extras? I'm confused I thought that was prostitution??
  • bigstad24
    13 years ago
    Allow? No.

    Know it's happening but look the other way? Yes.
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