
Comments by SnakePlissken (page 12)

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    15 years ago
    The Wrestler
    There's an old movie I'm a big fan of called "Perversion Story" by Lucio Fulci. It's Italian mystery/thriller (called a "giallo") dubbed into English, but it's set in San Francisco. One of the main characters is a stripper and it has a lot about strip club culture in it. OTC extras, stalker PL's, girls doing porno on the side, etc. It's worth checking out it you're a fan of the whole grindhouse movie genre.
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    15 years ago
    PL's As Advisors to TSA
    I hope you all realized the damage you have caused. Some Islamic terrorist (they love strip clubs) is going to come on here and read this and then think "hey, maybe we could test the way we hide bombs by trying to sneak them into strip clubs first, if they don't catch it, the mongoloids at TSA sure as hell aren't"
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    Write an honest review and refuse to go there anymore, that's all you can really do.
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    15 years ago
    How long does it take you, and do you finish every time?
    I'm a younger guy and sometimes I've had to leave without finishing because the girl (not strippers, FYI) didn't know what they were doing.
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    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever thought about therapy?
    Player, don't let 15k-20k a year bother you. They summed it up pretty well on South Park: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/251903/?searchterm=Butters%27+Bottom+Bitch
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    15 years ago
    I like eating pussy, but I'll only do that if I'm in an exclusive relationship with a girl. I wouldn't do that with a stripper and I don't do it with one night stands or even after the first few dates.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers to be hit hard by healthcare bill's new taxes on tanning and boob jobs
    My roommate voted for Obama for the same reason, he wanted free health care since he got a liberal arts degree and won't have ever make a lot of money. And Philip, stop thinking so rationally, you're raining on the Obama fan parade. Just for the record, I think that bitch Palin is just as bad as Obama.
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    15 years ago
    AIDS group wants rule requiring condoms in porn
    Samsung, I can't think of any of hand, try making some calls to the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse or Euronext to find out. Just say "I want to buy porn", and they'll probably know what you mean. You could also just buy stock in Trojan if the first idea doesn't pan out.
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    15 years ago
    Tiger Woods Pretended He Was a "Virgin to Strip Clubs"
    "yeah but Tiger is different from the rest of the guys" That's probably true, I'm assuming most of the other guys didn't get caught.
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    15 years ago
    AIDS group wants rule requiring condoms in porn
    "each individual is responsible for knowing the risk" I agree Dougster. Honestly, if you're too stupid to realize that banging people without a condom is probably not the best idea, you're so stupid you deserve to die.
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    15 years ago
    AIDS group wants rule requiring condoms in porn
    If this passes, do one thing. Buy stock in European porno companies.
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    15 years ago
    Has champagne lost its sparkle?
    The French wine industry is still geared toward the days when ALL high quality wines and brandies were French. With the rise of the New World they're suddenly not the monopoly they once were. Personally, it's just the free market. French wine making will never die, but it will have to downsize and truly start competing with the New World if it wants to remain competitive. Don't think I'm too hard on the French though, my wine collection is almost exclusively Bordeaux and even some of what it isn't is still French. And if I could drink but one thing for the rest of my life, save water, it would be cognac. However, the French will need to adjust to changing times. I'm sure they will too.
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    15 years ago
    Which LA clubs have the most pornstars dancing?
    Londonguy, I saw Jenna Haze feature dance at a club in Maryland once, so she must at least do it occasionally as part of a tour.
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    14 years ago
    Gregg Gutfeld Says He Plans to Open Gay Bar Next to Mosque
    Name?&nbsp; How about Ramadong?&nbsp; Manmeat Meccah?&nbsp; Jizzhad?<br type="_moz" />