
Comments by ilbbaicnl

  • discussion comment
    3 hours ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    The majority of unauthorized immigrants are refugees from poverty. I do reject the asserting that Trump is legitimately a convicted felon. A jury found he had committed misdemeanors beyond a reasonable doubt. They also found, with some unspecified standard of proof, that he committed or sought to commit one or more of a laundry list of crimes, none of which he was ever even indicted for. And that converted misdemeanors into felons. Reminds me of how you get 20 years for smoking rock cocaine, and a kleenex to wipe your nose with for snorting powdered cocaine. But I don't see any clearly documented flaw like that with the Carroll case. If we reject jury and court decisions just because we don't like them, we're giving up on rule of law. This is your idea of freedom of expression? https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-07-28/officer-challenges-account-of-violent-clearing-of-protesters
  • discussion comment
    21 hours ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Better Green New Deal
    Full up with nectar.
  • discussion comment
    21 hours ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    Seriously, you're going to quibble about the distinction about a distinction between rape and sexual assault? We'll just have to agree to disagree about it. How would the jury be influenced by a witnesses TV show preferences? Can't you see how desperate you are, to not face some obvious truth? Why do you think an illegal immigrant can't be a refugee? If you prefer to live a fact-free fantasy world, why make it so negative? Why not just fantasize that everything and everyone is great?
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    It seem like, with the deficit, we just gotta hope we get lucky. The Republicans are not willing to tax those who can afford it. The Democrats aren't willing to prioritize transfer payments protecting those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Neither party is willing to make military spending more cost effective. It's also true that the corporatist/Obamaist Democrats and the Trumpers are strange bedfellows in making sure we only have those two choices. But that Trunpers are much worse on the suppression of democracy, then want to not certify election results that go against them, and "find" votes in their favor. Add to that the fomentation of hatred of refugees based on lies, and ignoring it when a jury finds a candidate probably committed rape.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Some rickvice: be more like the stripperlover
    I have to wonder about the economics of that bull riding video. You'd think whoever made it would have to pay those very hot women more than they could make camming. But how would the producer of the video make a profit on it? Mia Farrow found the way to make Woody really regret the joke about 12 year old blonde girls.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    Artificial Intelligence is an academic term that non-academics misinterpret. They think it means what academics call Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), creating a full simulation of a human mind. When the popular media and the general public hear about AI breakthroughs, they assume it means AGI is right around the corner. But AI breakthroughs have all been in specific, narrow abilities. The first one, back in the 90s I think, was playing chess. Siri and Alexa are about voice communication, what they tell you is driven by a mediocre search engine. ChatGPT / Large Language Models basically just combine search engine results together into a readable summary. But it basically has to assume it's accessing mostly accurate results and few inaccurate ones.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Some rickvice: be more like the stripperlover
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @mogul so you blame what happened near the end of W's 2nd term on policies of the 90s (that he didn't reverse). But, what happened in the economy in the pre-pandemic Trump's term had nothing to do with the preceding 8 years under Obama. Very fair and balanced of you. https://thehill.com/business/4562244-how-retailers-are-profiting-from-food-inflation-profit-inflation-question-gains-new-urgency-from-ftc-report/
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    5 - 10% of voters are still undecided. Most of them just have other decisions to make, sooner than 2 months from now. But some of them might get some use out of reading the arguments on both sides. And, yes, many people do change their opinions, generally based on life experience. I have. Grown ass = open mind.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    In 2004, W got reelected because the economy looked pretty good. That nearly lead to an economic situation worse than The Great Depression. So, clearly, a simplistic approach doesn't work. The Republicans borrow money so that people with much more money than they need can have even more. The Democrats borrow money to help people who don't have enough economic security, although granted, they don't spend it as effectively as they should. Pretty clear to me which is the least bad option.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @mogul those are your opinions, but I don't see any hard facts in what your saying. I could get a hard on more easily when Reagan was President, but that doesn't mean it was because of him.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    I love boobies
    Rollcall on club sites
    Oh, probably should add, I heard she's married and retired now. Hope nobody had already grabbed their go bag and hit the road.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    TUSCL...but for Massage Parlors/Massage Therapists?
    founder seem tolerant of massage parlors (and sex clubs) being listed here. My working hypothesis: they are either scammy, GILF-oriented, or are pimping. Otherwise, wouldn't they crowd out most of the strip clubs? Only tried two, both were scammy.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    Do some women lose interest in sex as they get married/older?
    When you ask a "some" question about people, generally the answer will be yes. But, if somebody gets less interested is sex with their spouse, and doesn't ask for a divorce, it probably means they've got more important priorities than sex. Rather than a loss of general interest in sex. I suspect that a lot of women's anger about cheating isn't really because they are jealous of the "other" woman. They are jealous that and older man can generally more easily get satisfaction from cheating than an older woman can.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    I don't use Siri or Alexa (or otherwise bug myself without a warrant). But I'd guess the purpose is to give non-controversial facts, not opinions, balanced or otherwise. Saying that experience as a prosecutor is useful in dealing with the issue of crime is, yeah, sorry, a fact. Do you want to dispute it, that's it's good that all kids, not just white, male ones, could imagine themselves as President? Can you give any non-controversial fact that indicates someone should vote for Trump? Instead of saying Mr. Bankruptcy-Is-Just-Another-Business-Tool will run the government like a profitable business, just tattoo IDIOT on your forehead.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    I love boobies
    Rollcall on club sites
    I remember newb me calling the club to ask if so-and-so was going to work that night. A quick lesson that, even if the club interior looks vaguely like a Ruby Tuesdays, and the bouncers wear suits, you will not be pissed on if on fire. There are occasional exceptions. The Hideout in Tuscola, Illinois. The decor is Post-Economic-Collapse, but the bare-bones staff are great with PLs. They were pleasantly patient with my infatuation with a dancer who almost suffocated me with her boob.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    I love boobies
    Rollcall on club sites
    Many or most dancers don't want their pictures associated with stripping. Besides laziness, clubs don't post who's scheduled since it's rare they'll all show up. With the changes made during the Trump Administration, it might add to the already-high risk of running an adult business to post the pseudonyms of individual dancers online.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    I love boobies
    Hooters, Twin Peaks and other Breastaurants especially in high mileage areas
    This type of bar is a good place to introduce adolescent boys to sex workers. Young men ideally can find sex where the pleasure is mutual. But, seeing a sex worker is better than sexual assault, or telling a woman or girl you love her when you don't. Or thinking you love her when you don't. Males should be aware of the not best but not worst option.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    What is your take on Nofap?
    https://www.medicinenet.com/masturbation/article.htm I'm a MGMOW (my not their). Not realistic for me to find a compatible woman who would be satisfied with/by me. I don't see any problem with sex workers I'm physically attracted to, who don't give a fuck where I am going. I'm definitely not going the way of stick-up-their-ass dudes, who think that somebody owes them something if they're an innie between their legs rather than an outie. If I win the Powerball, all the vacuuming and wanking will be done by hands other than my own.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    What the hell?
    Trump was asked to be there by the families of soldiers buried in the cemetery, and it was the families' choice that Trump provide the photographers. I don't agree that, because a veteran is buried in a military cemetery, the family should lose the right to gather in memory of the vet, and invite who they want. It's roughly as political as when Biden tried to call the wife of the man who was killed by Trump's would-be assassan. Would be best for the country if we didn't think the worst of either act. Just honor those lost and sympathize with their families.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Porn stars touring at Clubs
    When I asked at one club why the cover had gone up so much, they told me Stormy Daniels was featuring. She looks good, if the GILFier side of cougar is your thing (not mine). The club was at least twice as crowded as I'd ever seen it before. I was expecting the type that likes NASCAR for the crashes. But most seemed like genuine fans. I think she only did pictures, not dances, but I wasn't seeking either. She had her own tour bus. One or more of the traitor wackos smashed the glass in the club doors.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Order Kiosks in Food Service
    Why can't they just put in replicators like on Star Trek?
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Exotic dancer in Luzerne county Pennsylvania
    Birthday at the club? Happy Saturday
    Birthdays are appropriately a day of mourning. That we weren't born on a better planet.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Cubans are ruining this place
    It's on the club, if dancers get away with showing their ass, but not in a good way. There are plenty of annoying US-born dancers, and non-annoying Cubans.
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    I love boobies
    Hooters, Twin Peaks and other Breastaurants especially in high mileage areas
    Generally, in the US, if female nipples or buttocks are not covered, it's legally classed as adult entertainment. Thus, many levels lower in Gubment Hell. Analogous to how there are often stores that sell beer and wine, but not distilled liquor. Are pantyhose still mandatory at Hooters? I'm kinda surprised pantyhose are still made.