Is This Why Cuban Strippers Can Be Clones?

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I just talked to a black stripper who has an interesting theory about Cuban strippers. I thought she was about to launch into those fake gripes about there allegedly uniquely cheap extras but it wasn’t.

She says she thinks that Cuban dancers don’t understand capitalism coming from Cuba. Because of that they don’t see how they need to make there actions and performance stand out in a market to make top dollar, don’t really get how to network or in this case work the floor, how to evaluate performance so they can meet goals, have way lower expectations financially that non Cubans to begin with, and tend to think work ethic is just showing up and that’s it. I think there’s something to this one.


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avatar for basedtexafornian
a month ago
The Latinas born abroad and the older women don't overly obsess about asking for the maximum money out of the pocket while promoting meager lap dances and robbing customers.

If you believe that dancers should ask for maximum amounts of money and become huge robs, then you are a good example of the reason why clubs are going to be a downfall.

I remember a dancer once quoting me 300 for a over the pants HJ at the strip club, which is a rip off in my book tbh lol.
avatar for basedtexafornian
a month ago
Suggesting that dancers should be robs is delusional at this point, you are out of your mind.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
In my experience they are generally more hard-working than average. But I've never been to South Florida. Seems like there's more complaining about them in that region.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a month ago
@basedtexafornian ??????? Where did I ever say they were/should be encouraged to ROB or provide bad service? Where did you get that from

@ill The black strippers argument was that the Cubans think showing up is working hard. They don’t have a plan and a way to stand out and don’t think in those terms
avatar for shailynn
a month ago
“showing up is working hard”

Is that an example of communism?
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^ or generation Z.
avatar for Beer101
a month ago
I dont buy this at all, one does not need to know the deifinition of capitalism to use common sense to make as much money as they can, for example: American does 1 dance for $40, the Cuban did 3 dances for $60, she out capitalized the capitalist by $20
avatar for Number8
a month ago
It’s a communication issue for a lot of customers. I learned a little Spanish to communicate with Cubans at clubs but most people don’t want to do that and I understand that. On the other side, Cubans really drag their feet on learning English. I’ve met several who are us citizens and have been here for years and my 7th grade Spanish sounds better than their English.

Usually their high mileage makes up for the issue above but in the long run it will make it hard for them to cultivate regulars and really make money with repeat business. So most of them definitely have a “one and done” approach to clients. Conversely I’ve seen a few become way too attached to a customer too quickly.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
No, that doesn't really make sense. Cuban strippers have a higher population of ROBs among them. There is a strong argument to be made that coming from a Communist country, they are from a culture where greed and avarice are necessary tools to survive. I have seen this amongst Venezuelans as well.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a month ago
@shailynn I think its an example of someone not getting that in a free market you have to make the service you offer special. Out of 100 dancers that'll work a popular clubs what separates you. The smartest dancers understand that.

@Beer101 I don't think some of the Cubans think in do as many as you can they might think do as many as they have to. And how are you going to get those guys to buy dances from you? Some Cubans dont think that way.

@Number8 I agree this is an issue.

@gammanu95 Really!! I've never been close to ROBbed by any Latina. Mostly robbed by black Americans. White Americans are more likely to gave GSP and lie about what they'll do and not do it.

avatar for Beer101
a month ago
@iwantheronme, the way it works is they get you back there for cheaper dances and the higher mileage keeps you back there for more, thats how i see it
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a month ago
@Beer101 But that argument is every dancer there is offering dances at certain prices. Its like Wendys and McDonalds both have burgers. What's going to make you stand out next to all the other burger joints? I don't think Cubans think that way.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@IWHOM it sounds like the rationalizations of a stripper who is bitter about strippers with less restrictive boundaries having an advantage. In my experience, Cubans are less likely to try to use hard sell tactics. I doubt that's due to Communism, as hard sell is similar to the propaganda of a totalitarian state. They are more motivated to push their boundaries, which tends to make their dances better. Hard sell is just a mediocre remedy to the problem of selling a mediocre product or service.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
If you are in Florida the Cuban strippers act remarkably similar. If you're in Jersey, the Russian strippers act remarkably similar. If you're in New England the Brazilian strippers act remarkably similar. If you ask my friend Gayle who moved to California 30 years ago, she can always tell a male New Englander on the beach because we drink Bud Light in a can and are remarkably similar. Cuban women provide more services, which is great, as long as you prefer more services with a robot. At the end of the day I'd rather chat, have a few cocktails and get a regular full contact lap dance than extras.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
@@@@@@@ the fuck. @have a conversation for the whole thread
avatar for Grjax
a month ago
99% of Cuban strippers are bots
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a month ago
@ill I’m sure that’s still in the back of the issue, but I think she meant more that she was taught how to sell without seeming like she sold something. Cubans just ask and accept there’s no greater approach.
avatar for basedtexafornian
a month ago
@gammanu95: I used to go lap dance spots. The older Latinas i got dances with were either Mexican or Central American and they have super high mileage dances. The Latinas born abroad, from my experience, and the MILFs/Cougars are usually sensual and take care of customers. Americanized ones are big time robs. So it varies.

I think women abroad, or who are of older age, really know how to please customers and are good at being sensual.
avatar for basedtexafornian
a month ago
@gammanu95: I used have this 50 year old MILF i would get dances with at Tropical Lei Upland, California and she would give customers over the pants blowjobs and lifting customers shirts and licking customers nipples out in the open of customers views. She was a literal freak in the lap area and it is proof that pre-pandemic dancers are literal freaks. I have some good dancers too post-pandemic, too.
avatar for basedtexafornian
a month ago
@skibum609: The dancers that are from abroad and also on the older end know how to be truly romantic and take care of you. Also older MILFs especially. That is what I experienced. Who knows, I have a MILF fetish when I go to clubs.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
I asked a Cuban dancer if there were things she missed about Cuba. Family and friends of course. But she also mentioned how family, friends and neighbors pull together to deal with the hardships of life there. Doesn't sound like anything that would lead to ROBbiness. Sounds kinda Republican actually (pre-MAGA anyway).
avatar for stripperlover777
a month ago
👽 Cubans Can Get Away With It, Coz Da' Cubans Know We Really Need $Strippers. No Hard Recruiting For Da' SC !
They Might Feel As Being Easy Target For Scoring $Extras & $Perks, Coz Of Being Foreign & Clientele Could Be Opposed Ta' Pickier Americans Of Our Way, So Why Work Harder On Da' Floor, Right? 🤑

American $Dancers Need Ta' Step Up Ta' Plate & Be Lenient On The $FS/Extras Coz Dat Seems Ta' Be A Trend.
However, I'm Still Hearing Good Cases Of American OTC, Stage Work Satisfaction & Sittin' With/Conversation With & VIP.
Reg Pvt Dances Across Da' Board Is
50/50 From What I'm Hearing 🤠

Altimately More $Money With Da' Way Cubans Do $Bootleg Work, So They Don't Want Ta' Show More On Standard Floor Work, Basically Not Shooing Away Da' Bigger $Money.
It Could Be They Feel Spoiled Here Compared At Cuba, They Feel They Be Special Here For Us & Don't Have Ta' Work As Hard ☀️

avatar for dannyboy3
a month ago
I haven't seen a great difference in the cuban dancers and other groups. It helps that I'm fluent in Spanish and once they see the gringo-looking guy can talk to them, I get a good conversation. There is a wide spectrum of quality and hustle, but it doesn't seem any different from other ethnicities.
I recently had an extended conversation with a cuban about receiving her us work permit, her f8nances, her family in Cuba and her lans for the next year, then we had fun in the booth.
avatar for Icey
a month ago
Thats bs. They know exactly what they do amd are extremely calculated. Most were hookers in Cuba. Lots of trafficking rings get them in the US. Get them into clubs. Travel. Its why they do all that in groups.
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