Prom Night Strip Club Theme, Has it ever been tried?
Southern Libertine
Have any of you seen this theme used in Strip Clubs?
I am always thinking of what-if scenarios that are not typically used in Strip Clubs.
Halloween is standard. Christmas and Easter are standard. Occasionally you get a pornstar coming in. I just look for something different.
last commentYes I can see now, a PL trying to explain to his wife why he needs to rent a tux and it has nothing to do with her.
"I just look for something different." different women isn't enough?
@ K
different women is always enough, I just would like more diversity in themes instead of the same holiday light ones.
Shouldn't it be a Sadie Hawkins Dance since they normally ask us.
On Memorial Day in the couch room they could sit on your lap and pretend to be dead when the song starts. Would bring in the necrophiliac money.
If you go to blahblahblah's club on Valentine's Day she'll shot an arrow in your chest, cause even stabbing gets old if you don't mix it up a little.
Discount on jobs on Labor Day. Blow or tit.
^ you’re an idiot, but at least a creative one! lol
Speaking of blah, she hasn’t posted in a long time. Think she finally killed someone and got caught this time?
Yeah weird that blah doesn't love these discussions since I'm the only idiot.
SRCOI had a prom night theme recently (last month?) I didn't go but I saw social media posts about it.
Hear an awful lot about LDKs on this site. Isn't that what happens on most prom nights, at best?
If you LDK in a rented tuxedo, I wonder if you still get your deposit back.
A strip club advertising a night where everyone pretends the girls are high schoolers might bring a lot of unwanted attention. You'd have a bunch of pedos showing up to indulge their fantasies, a bunch of Bible thumper and general anti sex workers protesting and law enforcement keeping a real close eye especially at any club with a liquor license.
Just stick to the traditional strip club theme nights like Leather and Lace, Cowgirl Hoedowns,, Amateur Night, etc.
^^ "If you LDK in a rented tuxedo, I wonder if you still get your deposit back."
Which deposit?
@ whodey
I was more thinking a long the lines of strippers dressing in sexier versions of prom gowns (that come off when you pull the string).
I can understand where you are coming from, and my idea could technically be repurposed under an already established one (leather and lace, Halloween, Valentine Day, etc).
Sadie Hawkins would ironically be more fitting for a strip club @ilbbaicnl.
Ive seen that years ago. It wasn't that popular . Havebt seen it in years
@ilbbaicnl: I can personally attest that you do get your (monetary) deposit back. At least you did back in the 70s. Just wad the suit up so they can't take up time looking for pecker tracks. If they did look, it would show right up on line green fabric
I remember at one point Perfect 10 off Bratton in Austin had a “conspiracy theory” party event. (Elvis, Kennedy, etc for decor)
I’ve never heard of a titty bar trying to recreate anything high school related.
There are a few clubs here and there that have a theme year round as their club shtick. Like the Oval Office near Green Bay that have presidential portraits. Or The Nile in Oregon that has ancient Egypt decor. Top Hat Lounge in Fort Dodge is full of Norte Dame fan stuff.
And blah is doing well
Doing well as in meeting the stretch goal stabbing numbers, or just generally?
Schoolgirl costumes at SC Halloween parties creep me out. There, I said it.
I miss highschool. Free pussy everywhere and just the vibes
Well... it is more about the club and the dancers going in on the theme then customers following suite... with that said I know of a local club that did a prom oriented or "gown" night where all the dancerd were on the floor in nice(r) dresses instead of the "standard" look and the club was decorated a bit to be themed. Customers really weren't in on it.
Las csriñosas in vegas actually had a few nights with live bands where customers could pay to dance with the girls. It was kind of corny
Maybe I'm crude, but seeing her in a string bikini is much more helpful in knowing if I want a a dance, versus seeing her in a prom dress. I'm the type that generally goes to the same local clubs every week. I don't mind this sort of theme night, because I already know who my favs are. Many of the dancers get a charge out of mixing things up, getting a chance to express themselves in an unusual way.