
Comments by mitciv (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    haha getting desperate wingnut? Now go ask founder to ban me because I'm making you look like a fool! MisterGay...seriously twisted...ugh
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    "Please, you know how many ugly, nasty, smelly, old customers an average stripper does LDs with in her lifetime? Come on now...?" So strippers deserve to be raped in your opinion MisterGay. You really are a twisted perv.... with a rapist streak. Someone should track MisterGay's internet address. Your daughters (and sons) are at risk from this wingnut
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    "I've been that guy." let's throw a pity party...
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    "Holy shit...like all combos of white women & black men lead to rape...my goodness...what a racist statement, from a well-known racist of course...ugh..." haha...pathetic..as usual...
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    "rap is prohibited" doesn't mean they are racist, but that they have good taste
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    "Some White dancers will ignore Black customers all day long." That is their right. To say otherwise is to condone rape.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Why do some dancers like tattoos so much?
    Tattoos and nose piercings...is it childish rebellion?
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    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    how, I vote for "C" MG, Is there anything Obama could do that you would criticize?
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    15 years ago
    .......and Obama is a liar! You actually believe obama????? You are the dumbest pos I've ever come across http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/01/31/2010-01-31_bam_now_you_may_not_be_worthy_of_his_badge_it_was_hubbys_dying_wish_but_widow_is.html
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Please send $10 to Haiti.
    http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/01/31/2010-01-31_bam_now_you_may_not_be_worthy_of_his_badge_it_was_hubbys_dying_wish_but_widow_is.html MisterGay you are so full of crap
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    15 years ago
    Obama is against the bill that would provide care for the 9/11 first responders who have suffered severe illness as a result of their efforts. I suggest we turn our attention to them. Haiti has received amazingly generous support from Americans. The primary mission of the FealGood Foundation, a non-profit organization, is to spread awareness and educate the public about the catastrophic health effects on 9/11 first responders, as well as to provide assistance to relieve these great heroes of the financial burdens placed on them over the last five years.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Please send $10 to Haiti.
    Obama is against the bill that would provide care for the 9/11 first responders who have suffered severe illness as a result of their efforts. I suggest we turn our attention to them. Haiti has received amazingly generous support from Americans. The primary mission of the FealGood Foundation, a non-profit organization, is to spread awareness and educate the public about the catastrophic health effects on 9/11 first responders, as well as to provide assistance to relieve these great heroes of the financial burdens placed on them over the last five years.
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    MisterGay you lost this one! hahaha
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    MisterGay barack and W are for amnesty...period. You say no, which means you are a political hack, or VERY VERY DUMB!
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    Wrong again MisterGay doper For his presidential campaign in which Wall Street regulation was a mantra, Obama's top source of funds was investment bank giant Goldman Sachs, whose employees, partners, and executives gave him $995,000 -- that's the most any politician has raised from any one company in a single election since the age of "soft money" ended. Obama is touting his proposed bank tax and financial regulations as a test of "whose side" politicians are on -- the bankers' or the people's. But check the numbers at OpenSecrets.org, and you get an interesting clue as to whose side Wall Street on. The "securities and investment" industry has favored Democrats by more than a two-to-one margin so far this cycle. The top eight recipients of Wall Street PAC money this election are all Democrats.
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    15 years ago
    Republican family values stripper wins Massachusetts Senate race
    Teabagging is for MisterGay. Tea Party is indeed on the rise
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    15 years ago
    Republican family values stripper wins Massachusetts Senate race
    Because most of what Bush wanted, the democrats wanted. Bush was a pos
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    Bush vs Obama.........There are more similarities than differences Maobama is sucking up to Wall Street BIG TIME and promoting Crony Capitalism, as did Bush. Maobama is calling for amnesty of illegals, as did Bush. Maobama has EMBRACED Bush's weak timetable for withdrawal from Iraq Maobama has escalated the Afghan War, seeking to shove his brand of "democracy" down the Afgan throat, just as Bush did in Iraq. Brave American boys are coming back as QUADRIPLEGICS, for Heaven's sake How can MG support these Imperialist wars?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered ...?
    This is amazing...I find myself agreeing ith MG
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    Can you imagine MisterGay fighting in Afganistan? lol
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Please send $10 to Haiti.
    Don't hold your breath
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Please send $10 to Haiti.
    With all due respect my answer is no. I'm sure Barack Insane Obummer will spend far more than $10 on my behalf before all is said and done! Janet Napolitano with the stroke of a pen amnestied tens of thousands of illegal Haitians, how many of those are violent criminals? and Biden has already called for nation building in Haiti. Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Haiti....when will it end?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    Chickenhawk MisterGay wants to extend the war in Afghanistan. Of course he won't get his hands dirty. End the Afghan and Iraq wars now
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    More doper bs from slimebag mistergay..ugh.. •Jack Zimmermann, defense counsel, asks prosecutors if they have any exculpatory evidence that should be provided to the defense (referring to Dr. MacDonnell’s demonstration). Prosecutors deny having any such evidence despite having been told by their own expert witness that Lt Behenna’s explanation was the only logical explanation. •Prosecutors withholding of this evidence allowed them to argue that Lt. Behenna executed Ali Mansur while seated when the forensic experts, including Dr. MacDonnell, agree that Ali was standing with his arms outstretched when shot. http://defendmichael.wordpress.com/
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/ http://www.pvbr.com/Issue_1/pers.htm