
Comments by StripClubXpert (page 4)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Taking your favorite girl for a $100 hamburger
    Still don’t see the hype
    It all depends on the dancer imho. You just need the right entertainer to make the night more fun.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Obsessive strip club regular 'paid dancer thousands before shooting her dead
    The Optimus 2.0 GL310MG Looks expensive but it is less than $20. Maybe we should all put one on our own cars with the increase in thefts lately: https://optimustracker.com/products/optimus-2-0-portable-gps-tracker-for-cars-trucks-people-battery-operated
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Obsessive strip club regular 'paid dancer thousands before shooting her dead
    Not that it matters but it looked more like a brick inside of a Pelican case than an Apple AirTag. The thing was at least 4 times the size of the tracker Walter White put on to Gustavo Fring's Volvo. https://youtu.be/Rw9xJx5o7-A?si=wVotsRquHuKkq85R
  • review comment
    a year ago
    No one here comes here and reviews it
    "She then elaborated that she was married to a guy a lot older ... would watch and when we were done he would lick her clean. " My guess is some old gay guy pays her to bring guys to his house so he can lick her after. If you ever do partake don't drink any drinks offered or you may wake up to the old "impotent" guy on top of you.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Like a Mormon diner with nudity
    This sound awesome - in a “Ripley's Believe It or Not” kind of way. Need more details. Can you give us some dancers names and ratings? If not TOFT and go back. I like your rating system “cute, not cute, needs a shower, needs to work somewhere else“. I’m going to add it to my reading system. Lmao.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Baltimore notes - "The Block"
    @shailynn The Block clubs have been sketchy since I was going there over the last 10 years or so but they had some surprisingly friendly hot girls there. Girls that looked looked like hot college girls. Many were open to meeting you outside. I don’t just mean OTC, they would go out to eat and just chill the whole day with you. And this would happen after just meeting me once in the club. You could probably do the same thing now except now instead of 8s & 9s the dancers are now 2-3s so why would you want to. The exception is the Indulge in the daytime. Now I’m getting the urge to check it out soon.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Bitter Bitch vs Cumbucket
    I wouldn’t mention it because who cares. Nothing good will come from telling the redhead that the other dancer is talking trash about her. Chances are she already knows it anyway. Most dancers will say anything to get a LD from you and steer you away from the competition. Years ago I became very friendly with a dancer in Sacramento. She worked in a club with her cousin, who she loved. But when it came to getting a LD they would say whatever they could to try to get me in the LD room. All bets are off when it comes to making money.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Baltimore notes - "The Block"
    Any dance away from the bar other than VIP is generally a waste on The Block.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Baltimore notes - "The Block"
    @schmoe31415 Next time you are there you have to go to Indulge in the daytime. Read the reviews.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    BBL-Heavy Club with Good Stage-Side Grinds
    Does BBL imply that they were Latina or just big butts ?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Low Hustle.....Grinds at Bar
    Even 10 years ago The Block had plenty of white American dancers, some that looked like prom queens, where everything was in the table.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers who look down on other strippers
    Once in a while this can really work in your favor. It doesn’t happen often but when it does it is beautiful. I was getting a LD at LUST from a 8/10 brunette Jersey college girl type who told me a story about how disgusting Delilah’s Den was because of how much some of the girls do there. She told me that she left after working there one day after what she saw. I agreed that sounded disgusting and the proceeded to look it up on tuscl. Had one of the best LDs in my life from a 7/10 blonde Jersey party girl type at DD.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @funontheside “Perhaps she sensed your interest in her based on initial comments to her related to her ethnicity, and ran with it.” We were already in the LD room when she mentioned her half French/ half Persian ancestry. But perhaps she did realize it peaked my interest when I asked her if she had ever been to Iran (no) or France (no). I think an unusual background does make someone sound more interesting which is why, thanks to SquareCastle I am know saying I am half Kenyan / half Saudi prince. I don’t care where she is from but it does make them seem more interesting to me when they are in a club in Jersey. Funny thing is I would probably not think her background is interesting at all if I met her in NYC. When a lady in NYC tells me she is from Georgia, I assume it is the Georgia that Russia is occupying and not the Georgia known for its peaches.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @funontheside “Perhaps she sensed your interest in her based on initial comments to her related to her ethnicity, and ran with it.” We were already in the LD room when she mentioned her half French/ half Persian ancestry. But perhaps she did realize it peaked my interest when I asked her if she had ever been to Iran (no) or France (no). I think an unusual background does make someone sound more interesting which is why, thanks to x I am know saying I am half Kenyan / half Saudi prince. I don’t care where she is from but it does make them seem more interesting when they are in a club in Jersey. Funny thing is I would probably not think her background is interesting at all if I met her in NYC. When a lady in NYC tells me she is from Georgia, I assume it is the Georgia that Russia is occupying and not the Georgia known for its peaches.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @PAWG patrol. White is not always right. I usually prefer plane Jane American girls but if you go to NYC clubs most of the white girls there are Russian or some Eastern Europe former Soviet-a-stan country. Some of them are as hot as balls until they speak. Then they reveal a harsh almost masculine accent. But in Jersey I guess that holds true. Even the Asian girl at PH (Mercedes) was raised in Jersey with the typical Jersey accent. Southern drawls are a huge turn on for me for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The R.O.B.
    Wow 1975! I love 70s porn. Tell us what strip club were like in the 70s. Did you ever hit The Block in B’more in the 70s?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Friday well spent
    Sounds like what I remember pre COVID
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Chill Sunday with Thick dancers
    Pre-pandemic there used to be a european bartender/dancer here who was always lactating. And there was a all american shot glass girl with DDs. Miss those days.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @Hank Moody & @twenty five Well said. As long it is not a he pretending to be a she I'm not offended by it at all. Just like I'm not offended by implants. I just want the make believe to be reasonably convincing.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @drecareypnw "if she does the kink and isn’t convincing, then she’s not really delivering." I agree completely.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    East Coast
    Getting Old But A Favorite Saved the Night
    "Overall, the quality of the girls was disappointing. Most were very overweight, unattractive, older looking, or all three." When the lineup looks like that, I don't want them to get naked.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Cultural Appropriation by Strippers
    @SquareCastle I never thought of that. From now on I'm half Kenyan and half Saudi prince.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Little League Lineup
    Why were the dancers a 6 or less? Were they crackhead skinny? too fat? fugly? butterfaces? too much ink? in need of dental work? had body odor? Smelly vag jay jays?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Looking for suggestions on near I95 in Carolinas & Virginia
    I second what RonJax said. But if you decide to hit B’more make sure you go to Indulge in the daytime - before 5pm I think.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Missing NJ strippers
    I know the disappointment when a favorite dancer disappears. Too bad we can put their faces on Milk cartons.