AI Kamala Harris Parody Video

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Weather you love Kamala Harris or dislike her,I think the AI that was used to make this video in around 12 hours by a non-tech guy is pretty amazing.

It was made by Chris Kohls who goes online by Mr Regan. Mr Reagan, is a conservative social and political commentator. Of course he did misspell Senility as "Sinility" but still 12 hours by a non-tech guy and it is fairly convincing except that everyone knows the Veep would never say those things.


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avatar for StripClubXpert
7 months ago
Granted you do not see her lips moving in most of the video until 1:20 but it does really sound like her.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Better left to the professionals:…
The AI was fully convincing.

Musk is getting some small amount of stick for having re-posted without a clear disclaimer that it was entirely AI generated and a parody. The content (IMO) made it clear that it was a parody, so I didn't really mind that it was re-posted without the disclaimer. (And I would vote farther Left than Musk, probably for Harris.)

I think the story about this video is more about the fact that the AI is so danged visually effective and accurate, and less about anybody trying to actually pass these clips off as truthful reportage. Yes it looks very real. No you didn't try to make us think it was real.

But there were other true-fake a.k.a. deep-fake videos distributed here and there which claimed to be the "real" Biden or Trump. I didn't keep careful check on them, but I know it's going to be more and more of an option for any side. Disinformation was spread about the knife assailant at that small-kids' dance party setting in England, and then deliberately re-posted by extreme-right hate-mongers who wanted to mislead the public and whip up false fervor over the immigrant question. It didn't really use much AI, though a small amount was used to create the text of the initial story out of (IIRC) Hungary and India.
avatar for StripClubXpert
7 months ago
@Book Guy Yes is is impressive how realistic the AI is convincing especially because it was made by a non-tech guy in 12 hours.

I agree that Musk should not have gotten any flack for re-tweeting it. Anybody with a pulse should realize this was a parody as soon as the hear the first sentence.

I also agree that AI will be used to make videos that are meant to pass for real although I haven't seen any yet. Please post links if you come across any. I disagree that it will just be the dance party crowd that will buy it. I had several otherwise reasonable people who were convinced of some crazy thing simply because they saw a video. There is something about seeing that is believing for many people.
avatar for StripClubXpert
7 months ago
@ilbbaicnl Maya Rudolph can be pretty funny.
She doesn't need a parody video, she does a parody of multiracial woke chick VP every time she speaks.
avatar for StripClubXpert
7 months ago
@gammanu95 If you look at 1:05 of the video, it plays an actual clip of VP Harris who really does sound like she is doing a Barrack Obama impression.
Barry Hussein. The original disastrous DEI executive experiment. Kamala really is a discount Barry, isn't she?
Holy shit, SCX is right. Tone, cadence, inflection, she really sounded exactly like our second worst president.
Yes, we agree. Kamala is an absolute weirdo.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
I might become a Republican if Boebert's boobs really looked like this:…
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