
Comments by Vivienne

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blonde, brunette or redhead?
    Brunettes. They are usually edgier and are more real. Blondes seem to exploit the blonde aspect and they come across as too girly and dumb. But I'm a redhead myself, with freckles. :o)
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    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    Yeah, this chick is just plain selfish. First of all, she should have contributed to the room and board but not in the way of bennies. And to bitch over you not wanting to take her for waffles after she was already being a free-loader? Hell no.
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    15 years ago
    Cheerleader strippers?
    I am a dancer and I was a cheerleader for 5 years in high school and jr. high. I also was a semi-pro cheerleader for a couple years back home. I do not feel that cheerleading requires any sort of narcissism as it is a sport just like football or gymnastics. Dancing can run the gamut of personalities--the narcissistic types to the incredibly insecure and need reassurance and acceptance types. Then you have the "I'm not too bad looking, love to dance, and really need the money because I lost my job" types. I consider myself one of those dancers. But in my experience, most girls that are dancers were not cheerleaders.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    natural or silicone?
    Okay...chick's opinion here. Fake is exactly that--they look and feel fake. Yes, I've felt them and seen more than I care to mention. I don't care how great the boob job, but for the most part, they all look sub-human and don't even resemble tits. And seeing them on a 50 year old? WTF???
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    15 years ago
    Looking for more than companionship, conversation, and dancing?
    I've gotta show you some love for this article because you are absolutely right!  I think a lot of men, especially ones that write articles on this site about the "pussy they are owed." assume that every dancer is also a prostitute.  There are plenty respectable ladies out there that regard their bodies quite highly and would never put a price on them--me included.  Gentlemen, you need to realize you are in a strip club, not a brothel, and you spend money on a dancer (reinforcing the word DANCER) of your own free will.  She is there solely to satisfy your fantasy (most of which is visual) and be that girl you'd likely never be able to land outside that club.  If you want a prostitute or sexual favors, HELLO--find a prostitute.  Some dancers are stuck in the life of a dancer and have self-esteem issues from hell, likely because of how they were treated as a child by their fathers, therefore they have little ambition or hopes for themselves and they use sex as a control function.  So stop enabling their sleazy behavior and act like a gentleman. And if a dancer has to rely on sexual favors, apparently she feels she has no other worth but her sexuality and she uses that to compensate for other areas she may, or may not, be lacking, such as sensibility and intelligence.  If you need or desire to pay for sex, maybe you should do your own self-reflecting and figure out why YOU have self-esteem or control issues.
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    How to Make More Money Dancing
    However, we are dancers, exotic entertainers if you will, not prostitutes.  The girls that need to stoop to sexual favors because their company isn't valued enough by their customers ruin it for all of us good girls that carry ourselves with class and self-respect. 
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    15 years ago
    How To Pick Up Strippers - 10 Tips
    MIDDLE of a dance...brainfart typo.  :o)
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    How To Pick Up Strippers - 10 Tips
    I give this article an 'A' for ingenuity.  However, the part about making her sit down in the missle of a dance is pretty put-offish.  You may be controling the game, but she should still feel valued and appreciated.  If a guy said that to me I'd think 'damn, maybe he thinks I suck at this' and it would make me self-conscious and unattractive (and I am NOT insecure about my dancing skills).  Sorry, but even outside a strip club, no woman wants to feel unattractive.  Just a thought.  Play on!
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    15 years ago
    Why I'm Stripping
    I concur with CholatDva...your kids will grow up seeing a dysfunctional relationship and will only have that for an example of how to be in a relationship themselves.  I had the sameline of thought you do about not breaking up because of the kids but I changed my mind and it was the best choice I ever made.  As far as dancing, I started dancing at 36.  I have a Bachelor's degree and am working on my Master's but the job market sucks so much right now I'm having a hard time finding a full-time job.  I can feel your pain but I am enjoying the club and I don't do too terribly bad, so make the best of the time you have left dancing, have a backup plan, get your education even if it requires loans (I have them), and do what's best for you and your kids.  Your hubby DOES NOT seem to be the answer to that.