It took me a very long time to learn how to really make money stripping and finally after I got it down to a science, I was making nearly 5 to 6 thousand a week on a steady basis.. Follow these few simple steps and watch your income sky rocket! You can use these methods no matter if you work in a small club in the country or a big club in the city. If you find success with the ideas I give you, by all means drop me a line so I can share your story with others!
To begin with, you must always keep in mind that you are an entertainer and above anything else your job is to provide fantasy and entertainment to the guy that wonders into your club! Some of this stuff might seem ridiculous but you would be surprised at how much money girls fails to remember the biggest concept in adult entertainment is FANTASY! I guess I should say this now. One of the worst things you can do is start cussing in front of the customer. It's not that you will offend him, it's that as soon as you do the image is shattered. You want him to think you are graceful,charming,beautiful and WORTH EVERY DIME IN HIS POCKET! Cussing, chewing gum and looking the other way while talking to your customer is a sure fire way to cut deep into your profits.
1. WHAT TO WEAR: It doesn't matter if you work in a low end, small club or if you work in a high end club-GET YOURSELF A NICE GOWN or attractive dress. It can me short or low cut (to your knees only) Make sure it's fitted well to your body. Don't worry about what the other girls wear. Let them wear the bikinis and short little outfits. The clothes I'm asking you to wear will generate the right kind of attention. You want to present yourself as the classy, sophisticated lady that you are and project that image across to your customer! Quiet, sweet and subtle. You gotta work it girl! Think about it. If you are wearing a tiny little two piece and showing everything off right way, what reason would the customer give you thousands of dollars to see more for if you have already shown him? He is going to want the girl he can't have and that stands out from the rest. Works like a charm! Guys love mystery and giving them some mystery is exactly what your going to do. If you are wearing a gown and a nice set of high heels, you are going to stand out amongst the crowded field of girls already vying for the customers at the club. I once worked at a club in the middle of no where. One of the other girls who danced there wasn't making very much money. She was pretty, but she just wasn't making money. I let her borrow one of my dresses and basically told her exactly what I'm telling you. She went from making a few dollars a shift to being one of the top performers in the club within a matter of a week! Your number one goal at a strip club is to make lots of cash. You might not enjoy wearing a gown but please trust me that if you do what I'm saying, you will increase your profits BIG TIME! If you look like a million bucks, that customer sitting alone in the seat is going to think your worth a million bucks and will spend a tons of money on you. Remember, you are providing fantasy and entertainment and that's the main reason these men come to the strip clubs! Give them that fantasy and that illusion by buying a glamorous gown! You don't have to spend a lot.
SPEND MONEY ON YOUR HAIR AND NAILS: This is a huge and important point that I can't stress over again. You are presenting yourself to these customers much like you would see a product at the store! Think about it; when you go to the grocery store you will find that the higher end-name brand products are colorful and well packaged and easily placed on the shelf for consumers to spot as soon as they walk in the store. It's the same thing for girls who work in a strip club-just on a different level. As I said before, you always want to present yourself as classy and most of all you want to stand out. If you are walking across the room with a clean, gorgeous hair style and wearing a pretty gown with your nails all done-You're going to feel great about yourself and your electric energy will quickly project itself onto the guys in the club! If you were a guy, would be more attracted to a girl with her hair up in a pony tail and make up thrown on her face with a pair of booty shorts and flabby skin hanging out the side or would you rather talk to a girl who looks as crisp as a diamond with flowing hair, a sexy made up face and a flawless dress? A big part of adult entertainment is presenting an image. After all, you are going to be a performer and performers do what they have to do in order to make the show happen.
3. WORK OUT and EAT RIGHT: I know this part sounds ridiculous but since you will be showcasing something very important-YOURSELF, you want to look your best at all times. As I mentioned above if you feel good about yourself, you will earn much more money in the end. Try to eat a proper diet low in fat and sugar. You might think that in order to make a lot of money you need to be a busty blond but that's simply not the truth. If you keep your body in shape and look your best, there will be plenty of money out there available for you! Think of your body as an investment and the better you are to yourself-the greater your chances of making money! Oh and another point-the better shape you keep in the longer you can preserve your body to keep working in adult clubs. Don't let your body go to waste!
4. GIVE THEM A FANTASY: Ladies, this is probably the single most important element I can mention when it comes to making top dollar in an adult club! Remember that from the moment you enter the club and get out on the floor that it's show time! Guys come to the club because they want to experience the ultimate sensual fantasy and have a great time! The last thing a guy wants to hear when you greet him is your problems with your boyfriend, how terrible your night is going at the club or how much you hate the girl who stole your customer in the dressing room. Keep it positive at all times when you are talking to your customer. Never ever complain to him about another girl in the club. Not only will it make your club look bad but it also looks bad on you. If the customer sees you as a sweet, charming and beautiful girl then he is going to be happy. You don't want to fill his head with a bunch of negativity. At this point, you already look awesome in your sexy gown, your shimmering hair and your shiny nails. If he doesn't buy a dance from you than that's his loss. Make the conversation all about him and be sure to ask him lots of questions about himself. You will find that the guy appreciates your interest in him and will be happy to talk with you. Most girls simply go up to the table and say, "WANNA DANCE?" and then gets mad as hell when the customer says no. Isn't that terrible? I know I wouldn't buy a dance from anyone who just came up to me with out even saying hello and introducing themselves. Remember he wants to feel special!
5. SMILE and SIT On His Lap: As I said before, how you carry yourself can mean a lot. Your body movement, your voice, how you walk can signal a hundred messages to men in the club with out you saying a word. Do you know how many guys melt like butter just because a girl smiles at them? It can seriously make your night! It goes with out saying that you also should make eye contact with your customer. No need to over do it-just a couple of quick flashes of your smile and some your eyes can usually get their attention. By all means, when you are sitting with your customer, keep your eyes on him. How much will a guy be into you if your chewing gum, saying "uh huh" while sitting at his table. Some clubs but not all will allow you to sit on the customers lap. I've never understood why more clubs don't allow this to happen. It seriously generates more intimacy with the entertainers and the guests. If your club does allow you to sit on a guest lap then please do so! Simply glide over to his table, smile and say, "Can I sit with you?" If he says yes then slowly help him pull out his chair and sit on his lap! Put your arm around his shoulder, smile at him and just start talking. This little trick works wonders in the adult clubs because it builds an instant relationship between you and your customer. If you are wearing the right outfit and presenting him with fantasy-chances are he is going to buy dances from you.
6. GET HIM TO BUY CHAMPAGNE: OK so why would I tell you to get him to buy you a bottle of champagne? Isn't he spending money on a bottle that he could have otherwise given to you? The answer is NOPE! If you can encourage your guest to get you a bottle of champagne then your money will really start to flow! Most clubs have a minimum for the champagne room by where the girl gets paid for her time in the room and the club makes money off the sale of the bottle or liquor. Now the guy is going to feel like a complete rock star at the club and want to spend money on you! You have got him in the moment at this point and at this point he is ready to spend if he says yes. Just make sure you are not too pushy because it's not cool. He might not get the room from you the first time but if you play your cards right, he will come back one day and take you. Where else can he have champagne and conversation with a beautiful woman? Here is how you get him into the champagne room:
After you have had a few dances, say to him: "Hey-I've got an idea, do you want to have some fun?" Tell him your club has a champagne room and that you can better and more intimate time alone in the room. Now ladies, if the club you have chosen to work at is run the right way you shouldn't have any worries about being alone with the customer in the champagne room. The champagne room is not a room for sex and it's not a room to be groped and fondled. Most if not all clubs today do not allow sexual activity of any kind in a champagne room. If they do the club is seriously risking their entertainment license as well as liquor license. Now of course you're not going to tell him that he doesn't get anything extra for taking you into the room. Just the mention of going into a private room with you will stir up all kinds of fantasies in his head. It's not your fault if he miss-understands- Get it? If her insists on knowing and continues asking if he can touch you if he goes to a room then my advice is to just walk away. It's just not worth it. What I would tell your customer is that the champagne room is a private, intimate place and that it's a lot of fun! Keep in mind your objective is to make as much money as possible by doing the least amount of work! Wouldn't you rather sip champagne in a room, be off stage rotation for an hour and get paid hundreds for just chilling out? It beats having dance song after song at his table.
Well, as a long time patron of strip clubs, I can say that some of these suggestions are quite good. Make sure you look your best, smile, etc. It is when you get to the Champagne room part that is suspect. "Make as much money as possible with the least amount of work" just does not work where I come from.<br /> Expecting a customer to spend a lot of money on you without being able to touch you will not work either. The girls that I know that make lots of money stripping are the ones that not only do everything they can to look and act their best, they are also the ones that aren't afraid to give the customer what they want, whatever it is.<br /> <br type="_moz" />
However, we are dancers, exotic entertainers if you will, not prostitutes. The girls that need to stoop to sexual favors because their company isn't valued enough by their customers ruin it for all of us good girls that carry ourselves with class and self-respect.
I suppose I'd be too small-minded in asking for a pay-per-view showdown of you versus the guy who wrote this (<a href="…; See whether you could wring every dime out of him or he could pick you up, and no collaborating to fleece the audience!!!<br /> <br /> Course, you and he could always pitch the concept as a show idea to the depraved producers at VH1: You each get 6 proteges to teach your craft at the start, with a quasi-celebrity panel made up of B-listers [one male (Ron Jeremy's always looking for work), one female (Janice Dickinson, if she's not tired of being exploited), and one pre-op, trans-gender judge in Alex/Alexis Arquette], eliminating one contestant each week until a winner is crowned. It could be promoted as the ultimate showdown: "Feminists vs. Male Chauvinists", with the battleground being the strip club.*<br /> <br /> * I want NO credit or blame for this fiasco whatsoever.<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/confused_smile.gif" />
I agree with runnoft and will beg to differ with you on the champagne issue. When I go into a club I have a certain amount of money to spend depending on what I know the club has to offer. if I go to a topless club that offers $10 table dances only, I plan on spending no more than $100 for dances only except for maybe one drink for a dancer that will sit and talk with me for a while. If I know a dancer (one who has given me her number so i can check to make sure she will be there to spend time with me) I will spend up to $150 plus buy drinks or $200 without buying drinks (maybe one.) If I go to nude club with $20 private dances with a dancer that allows touching and GFE (and one I can call to check availability) I will spend upwards to $500. If I were to buy champagne, that $500 would include the cost of the alcohol and the dancer would get less money.<br type="_moz" />
I agree...the champagne room issue is extremely bad advice so dancers, if you are reading this, i can tell you for sure it is the best way to ensure a non-repeat..let me do the math for you...u get $200-300 from him at that visit...meanwhile, he comes back for 4 visits and spends $100 on other girl..the math is $300 today, lose out on all his future visits, all because you led him to believe something and then blamed it on him for misunderstanding you. You do better saying what you do, than creating an impression that you do when you know you don't. Other things in here are ok, but seriously, its been said time and again, if you screw 1 customer out of his money, eventually that word goes around, and its a hard reputation to repair...for every 1 customer you screw up, you will need on average 7 you actually did not to vouch for you, and in life, SC goers are more likely to say when you are bad than when you are good...Happy dancing people...<br type="_moz" />
Not only that, but a bad experience in a champagne room has caused me to swear off all champagne/VIP rooms in all clubs. I won't even take a chance any more. I understand, as Chris Rock says, "there's no sex in the champagne room." But you do expect a bit more mileage than the average lap dance. If I know, or even suspect that there won't be - I'm out.
One added bit of advice: Even if you can't sit on the customer's lap, touching goes a long way toward getting him interested. Touch his hand or arm. Touch his leg - the higher up the thigh the better. It's flirting 101. High school girls know how to do it. Some dancers would be well served to remember how effective that is. Smile. Flip your hair. Ask the guy questions and really listen to his answers. Act interested. "You're a manager at K-mart? That must be FASCINATING."
StripandDance I am a counselor and psychologist who happens to enjoy a strip club once in a while. I have enjoyed reading your articles fro a professional perspective. However, I have to agree with the people having a problem with getting the guys to spend way more money in the champagne room and getting no added benefit. Almost makes me question your integrity. Agreed that you are going to get your club a bad rep by doing that. You may make more money in the short but I don't know if you will make more money in the long run. Regardless it is the wrong thing to do if you have your guests leaving unhappy and wishing they never came.
Thank you StripandDance for the article. It was a very interesting read and it would definitely help every dancer/entertainer who reads it.
It would be interesting to know if you still make approx 5-6k a week only working 3-4 days/nights per week. Around the time you posted this article, clubs were a different generation. Moving around from club to club and city to city benefits you since you are a temporary fantasy. Your champagne room notes benefit a travelling dancer/entertainer.
Relationships between a customer/provider is still a relationship and as such will evolve over time. But you probably move on to the next club/city before the next phase of the progression. Would you use your champagne room advice today if you were planning to be at that club for the long term?
Doesn't anyone see the multi cultural facets of what will work in this location, but not the other? That's why all your contradictions statements are taking place.
I highly doubt she was making 5 to 6K a week without utilizing OTC, extras, and escorting on the side. Strippers are paid to be deceitful and duplicitous, so the authenticity of this article is questioned as soon as she fabricated her weekly earnings.
5-6k without OTC, extras, ANYTHING a week? She might as well combine escorting, outside "dating," "favors," and stripping as stripping. I would not give my wallet to a girl unless she convinced me to through her non-dancing abilities.
And those non-dancing abilities better be worth it.
Hello- I've been a dancer 18 years and I started in 1999, no its 2017. I have dances in Minnesota, Iowa, Dallas, Vegas, Columbus Oh, Columbia Sc and now Atlanta the past 5 years. I will tell you that every single skin is
last commentExpecting a customer to spend a lot of money on you without being able to touch you will not work either. The girls that I know that make lots of money stripping are the ones that not only do everything they can to look and act their best, they are also the ones that aren't afraid to give the customer what they want, whatever it is.<br />
<br type="_moz" />
<br />
Course, you and he could always pitch the concept as a show idea to the depraved producers at VH1: You each get 6 proteges to teach your craft at the start, with a quasi-celebrity panel made up of B-listers [one male (Ron Jeremy's always looking for work), one female (Janice Dickinson, if she's not tired of being exploited), and one pre-op, trans-gender judge in Alex/Alexis Arquette], eliminating one contestant each week until a winner is crowned. It could be promoted as the ultimate showdown: "Feminists vs. Male Chauvinists", with the battleground being the strip club.*<br />
<br />
* I want NO credit or blame for this fiasco whatsoever.<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/confused_smile.gif" />
One added bit of advice: Even if you can't sit on the customer's lap, touching goes a long way toward getting him interested. Touch his hand or arm. Touch his leg - the higher up the thigh the better. It's flirting 101. High school girls know how to do it. Some dancers would be well served to remember how effective that is. Smile. Flip your hair. Ask the guy questions and really listen to his answers. Act interested. "You're a manager at K-mart? That must be FASCINATING."
It would be interesting to know if you still make approx 5-6k a week only working 3-4 days/nights per week. Around the time you posted this article, clubs were a different generation. Moving around from club to club and city to city benefits you since you are a temporary fantasy. Your champagne room notes benefit a travelling dancer/entertainer.
Relationships between a customer/provider is still a relationship and as such will evolve over time. But you probably move on to the next club/city before the next phase of the progression. Would you use your champagne room advice today if you were planning to be at that club for the long term?
And I agree with SmashingHoes.
5-6k without OTC, extras, ANYTHING a week? She might as well combine escorting, outside "dating," "favors," and stripping as stripping. I would not give my wallet to a girl unless she convinced me to through her non-dancing abilities.
And those non-dancing abilities better be worth it.