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Joined Apr, 2008
Last Seen Aug, 2018


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14 years ago
Two Resources for Strippers in Chicago
If you are headed to Chicago, and need some resources for clubs to work at, I would suggest the following two sites:

<a href="http://www.chicagostripclublis… Strip…
avatar for StripandDance
14 years ago
Hair Extensions for Exotic Dancers
If you have always wanted really long, beautiful hair but hate the idea of wearing a cheap wig, hair extensions can be a wonderful…
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15 years ago
Semi-Permenent Eyelash Extensions for Strippers
Everyone knows that in a dark club, exotic dancers are left to their own devices when it comes to bringing out their own natural…
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15 years ago
commented on
What do strippers want
I talk about this on a site I do for <a href="http://www.chicagostripclublis… Strip Clubs</a>. Strippers want to be treated just like anyone else. Just…
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17 years ago
The Good, the Bad, and What It's Really Like to be a Stripper
So you want to know the upside and downside of working as a stripper right?&nbsp; This page is designed to help you get a realistic impression of what a typical strippers life…
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17 years ago
How to Make More Money Dancing
It took me a very long time to learn how to really make money stripping and finally after I got it down to a science, I was making nearly 5 to 6…
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17 years ago
How to Audition at a Strip Club
Getting a job at a strip club is not always an easy thing to accomplish. It took me 3 tries before I got hired at the club I really wanted.&nbsp; You have…