Looking for more than companionship, conversation, and dancing?

avatar for nolamanager
If so I suggest you patronize someplace other than a strip club.&nbsp; The majority of these girls are not there to provide sexual favors, but to entertain you and provide companionship and amusement.&nbsp; As far as most of us are concerned, the girls who are there for &quot;extras&quot; are not welcome and should find another venue to peddle their wares.&nbsp; Should you be one of the customers who expects something extra, think about this:&nbsp; What if that was your wife or daughter?&nbsp; What if your mother had to dance to support you as a child?&nbsp; Would you want someone treating her this way?&nbsp; I know many of you are going to say &quot;They put themselves in that position, so I am justified&quot;.&nbsp; This is not true.&nbsp; If that were true then by that thinking every time you use a drive up or walk up ATM at night, it is perfectly acceptable for someone to be waiting right there to rob you, because if everyone thinks in that fashion, you put yourself in that position and you should expect that this will be the outcome.&nbsp; I know that seems to be an extreme example, but having seen the reactions from countless girls over the years, it is no less traumatic or financially detrimental.&nbsp; Please by all means, enjoy yourselves, and have a good time, but just not at the expense of the ladies entertaining you.<br />
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One other thing that you may want to think about:&nbsp; Should the &quot;lady&quot; that you are propositioning agree, what makes you think that you are special?&nbsp; You are more than likely nowhere close to the first &quot;client&quot; of the day, and more importantly, you are almost certainly not the first one of her &quot;career&quot;.&nbsp; Taking that into consideration, I would have absolutely no desire to complete this transaction.&nbsp; That's just me though, and I prefer not to risk incurable ailments even should they not be fatal.<br />
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avatar for Vivienne
15 years ago
I've gotta show you some love for this article because you are absolutely right!&nbsp; I think a lot of men, especially ones that write articles on this site about the &quot;pussy they are owed.&quot; assume that every dancer is also a prostitute.&nbsp; There are plenty respectable ladies out there that regard their bodies quite highly and would never put a price on them--me included.&nbsp; Gentlemen, you need to realize you are in a strip club, not a brothel, and you spend money on a dancer (reinforcing the word DANCER)&nbsp;of your own free will.&nbsp; She is there solely to satisfy your fantasy (most of which is visual) and be that girl you'd likely never be able to land outside that&nbsp;club.&nbsp; If you want a prostitute or sexual favors, HELLO--find a prostitute.&nbsp; Some dancers are stuck in the life of a dancer and have self-esteem issues from hell, likely because of how they were treated as a child by their fathers, therefore they have little ambition or hopes for themselves and they use sex as a control function.&nbsp; So stop enabling their sleazy behavior and act like a gentleman.&nbsp;And if a dancer has to rely on sexual favors, apparently she&nbsp;feels she has no other worth but her sexuality and she uses that to compensate for other areas she may, or may not, be lacking, such as sensibility and intelligence.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you need or desire to pay for sex, maybe you should do your own self-reflecting and figure out why YOU have self-esteem or control issues.
avatar for Stonesource
15 years ago
Brothels are illegal so what's a guy to do to get those &quot;extras.&quot;&nbsp; We have to ask.&nbsp; I don't think men are being disrespectful to the dancers by believing that a lap dance is not that far removed from something more.&nbsp; That something more is what all men are actually at the SC for in the first place really, but we recognize the house rules and generally respect the dancers so we honor their personal boundaries.&nbsp; I get the issue with guys believing they are owed something.&nbsp; That's not right.&nbsp; But cut the guys some slack.&nbsp; All respect to the dancers but the men aren't there to see the next Isadora Duncan, they are there for tits, ass, and pussy.&nbsp; If the girl has a fun personality all the better but it is generally a secondary requirement.<br />
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