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Comments by David9999 (page 9)

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17 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Dancer names
Stage names that sound like regular names like Julie, Cathy, Jennifer etc have several sdvantages 1. easier to remember 2. they don't constantly remind one of the fakery aspect of the strip club experience. Names like Sugar, Candy and Essence etc - get very tiresome very quickly. Note (far as i've seen) the Brazillians often seem to use relatively common names - probably because they seem in general to understand the business better than typical avg random american dancers
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17 years ago
avatar for SammyGold
New York
Sweet smell of strippers
http://www.enviroscent.com/commercial.php - many clubs today use these commercial grade scent machines to induce the right mood, one that will help you spend $$$, which pipe certain smells in, often vanilla and similar smells. If its non-smoking club, it doesn't smell bad and will not get in your clothes or anything.
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17 years ago
avatar for DickJohnson
more std talk
HIV - no rational man would have sex with a woman who is a stranger known to carry HIV HPV - clearly a media hype job led by false and exaggerated headlines and story lead-ins, led by Merck who with great fanfare has produced a highly ineffective "vaccine" being pushed now to very young girls, a vaccine that in fact will not prevent female cancers probably in the majority of cases, a type of cancer itself that can be successfully screened and eliminated in most cases. The threat to males, very low. ans; maybe Herpes 2 - would avoid where possible Herpes 1 (showing markers) - ans: yes
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
Some practical advice from wiki below useful for AMPs, and the reason why a customer should always have a mini-shower following their session. Note AMPs, especially with new clients (I was told this by a AMP lady with advanced english skills), are constantly looking (via the table shower) for any customers showing any signs of a herpes outbreak - so the odds of transmission are already very low, that combined with the fact that these girls are themselves constantly showering via that table shower (from wikipedia) "For genital herpes, condoms are a highly effective in limiting transmission of herpes simplex infection. However, condoms are by no means completely effective. The virus cannot get through latex, but their effectiveness is somewhat limited on a public health scale by the limited use of condoms in the community, and on an individual scale because the condom may not completely cover blisters on the penis of an infected male, or base of the penis or testicles not covered by the condom may come into contact with free virus in vaginal fluid of an infected female. In such cases, abstinence from sexual activity, or washing of the genitals after sex, is recommended."
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17 years ago
avatar for DickJohnson
more std talk
you do realize that anyone showing biological markers for HSV-1 (actually higher than two-thirds of the planet qualifying) (or aka cold sores) -would have an "STD" under your hypothetical?.
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
one has to wonder: does anyone in Korea actually kiss?
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
The real question is: is sex with a condom really sex at all?
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Something new has been added to TUSCL...
day of the week plus -plus day or night designation is a very important factor and I am glad they added that. I always wondered why reviewers left that out before.
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17 years ago
avatar for happylap
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann's personality and Gingers looks - that's pretty much optimal
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Seperating fact from fiction. All strippers have STD's.
More "facts" - proving once again its a muddled mess. Certainly most strippers have STDs if one defines STDs this way, and probably most kids from: http://www.healthofchildren.com/G-H/Herpes-Simplex.html The prevalence of herpes simplex in the United States is as follows: Seventy to ninety percent of adults test seropositive(presentin blood serum) for HSV-1. Up to 30 percent of adults test seropositive for HSV-2. The highest incidence of HSV-1 is in children six months to three years of age. The highest incidence of HSV-2 is in young adults between the age of 18 and 25 years. HSV-2 antibodies are present in approximately 20 percent of Caucasians and about 65 percent of African-American adults. A primary infection of HSV-1 typically occurs between six months and five years of age and is systemic (affecting the whole body). Transmission is generally via respiratory droplets (HSV-1) or direct contact (HSV-1 and HSV-2).
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Seperating fact from fiction. All strippers have STD's.
"In the case of oral HSV-1, many of the approximately 100 million Americans who are infected acquired the virus when they were children. By the time they're adults, only some 5% of people are bothered enough to consider oral HSV-1 a medical problem, according to Spruance. "http://www.herpes.com/hsv1-2.html The fact is once you include HSV-1 in the mix (cold sores) - pratically everyone is infected and we might as all go live in glass houses and when outside walk around with michael jackson anti-germ face masks As for HSV-2, the type most people really worry about, it seems odd the entire escort industry can even exist, because condoms don't stop it - so how does that industry functionif all these married guys out "hobbying" would presumptively be bringing it home?
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
Different girls for sure, however with Kitty I not sure if she has breast implants or not, in any case they look good, but most important her overall attitude and demeanor is real nice, a real nice girl who wants to please you Red Rose and JJ Tuina are about 100 ft away on the same block, 2 different spas, both Chinese with very little English. JJ Tuina (and I've verified this a 2nd time recently) offers at a maximum CBJ, no FS available. Girls are so so also. Red Rose is FS for sure and FS may even be available for less than the the $100 (that I offered over the 60)- when they suggested the idea - or pointed to the idea actually
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
By "kat-something" maybe you mean "Kitty" - tanned or fairly dark, real real nice attitude, she's about a 7 or 8 level, better than usual ass (by asian standards), maybe 5-3 which is fairly tall also by asian standards, sort of pretty, nice body overall - maybe 20 something. She won't let you near her lips but she really will hammer you when she's on top - she positions herself (and you) somehow so she can get maximum leverage
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
CH was in fact busted a year or 2 back for offering massages w/o a license, that's why one signs the waiver, and that's why the girls are trained to tell the client they don't offer messages and actually have a little canned speech about suggesting a hospital - if you even suggest a back pain or whatever
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
By the way, Red Rose Spa on Pontiac Ave, a new very small new spa is also FS, however both girls I saw upon entry are so-so, both 30's (chinese, with very very little english) one almost slightly hot in a mid 30's something kind of way, the other kind of plain maybe even older, but very nice attitude though in both, and a very secretive room upstairs - which right away tells you this could be an FS shop -which turned out to be correct. Normal price 60 to get in, 100 for just for one. I did both, one right after the other, so it cost 60 plus 100 plus another 100 Now in regards to this "Jennifer", she admitted being from Korea (and has the accent) and said she had been in USA for 2 years, with NYC merely her last city, and Chicago the city where she picked up her breast augmentation - small to mid B's that look real. This girl appears to be pretty wild.
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
By the way, I didn't tip this this hot new girl, (at a seperate AMP locale from the demure girl) she seemed real happy just with her 140, (with another 60 for entry) and this girl is absolutely spoiled anyways - so why add to it. The economy requires we all seek cost savings.
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
There's little doubt there a nationwide aspect to this business - particularly the way they move girls around (e.g one place raided in City A, girls quickly start work in City B) Ok call it organized crime, because in nearly all states, there's some element that's illegal. However even the police/govt article admits that many of the girls in some locales get to keep the funds beyond the 60 dollar entry fee. Then the question is how much if any of this money (down the road) still has to be paid as "debt" of some type to the orgnization. We don't know exactly. I can personally confirm that (at least on a nomimal basis) at least some of these girls get to keep 100% of the money. For example I have this AMP girl, young, demure, (actually bows when she is paid), very sweet, and very very good looking - and I've been focuing on her buying many sessions with her (pre-shower before arrive, kissing, better rooms etc a few of the benefits.) Also I included from the very first session upon first meeting very large tips (more than 30% of the entire fee). Of course she claims she keeps all the money beyond the 60 dollars, but I'm not basing this on her word - I know its true because the asian woman who keeps time - is always very tight on the clock to keep things moving ahead, going strictly by the book, so its clear she has no idea that I'm paying these extra amounts - otherwise they would slow the clock and take the money for themselves. Point is the AMP girl is clearly getting all the money I give her beyond the 60 dollars Some of these girls already appear to making loads of money, so (assuming they could either with or w/o direct or indirect coercion or even violence or implied violence of some sort to NOT do this) - I'm not sure if they would want to anyways - as there could also be cultural of loyalty issues involved. My guess is you will rarely find an established AMP girl moving from the AMP world to complete independence in the escort world By the way, the "new girl" I mentioned who mentioned business is "slow", I'm not not sure how long she's been there, but said she "just" arrived from New York City - so lets assume maybe a few weeks, and a good guess is she got busted in NYC and had an established clientele and was spoiled with earning lots of money, so she's expects fast earnings quickly in her new locale and her perception of "slow" could be different than others in the independent escort world. With a few recent exceptions (since changed back) these AMPs in the area I've mentioned (even in other New England ares I've noticed) try to maintain low profiles, they will rarely advertise a precise girl in picture form, at least not like regular escorts do, so building up business can be a bit slower. One who was model level, they were running her picture (face blurry) last summer and fall, and would only keep it on the web for a few hours - she's now been transferred out.
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17 years ago
avatar for David9999
Stripper quality AMP girls
http://usinfo.state.gov/eap/Archive_Index/Asian_Criminal_Enterprises_and_Prostitution.html While the general issue has clearly been vastly overhyped by Congress and the press, there have been and still are some serious issues, and this article (referrring to a govt/police organized crime look at the business) will lay these out. On the other side these comments are interesting: http://www.sexwork.com/whatisnew/SexslaveMelodrama.html
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17 years ago
avatar for Doug
Ashley Alexandra Dupre---natural or not?
She's around 7 or 8 level in looks, and would make an average good looking stripper as that is the stripper norm (sort of like the cute, reasonably pretty girl in high school, but one you wouldn't expect to win beauty contests). All the fawning by her friends about her astonishing beauty - is getting very tiresome.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
Bobby1 - you got some interesting stats however it simply proves the the entire Herpes debate is a muddled mess. I am not a hobbyist, but I read the TER board, and yes its definitely happens and I've seen some references (yes some quit because of it), but very very rarely a talked about issue there. Yet, if your "80% of people who have had 60 or more partners have HSV-2." study is correct -that alone would have to make it a big deal for the married guys on that site because with most of these hobbyists it would only be a matter of WHEN not IF they catch it. Note that the mere chance it might be latent or hidden would not likely put them more at ease. Also that would (as you've said) also mean that every provider has it. However, if that number were true and TER posters believed it - they would have to be part of the everyday conversation. since I've not heard that condoms have little ir any impact on herpes. Note on TER they're mostly condom worshipers, and will rip to thread any opposing comments ever questioning mandatory use. Also you also reference a "About 5 in 10,000 female to male" transmission rate, yet if its that low why would 80% individuals (in this case males) who had 60 or more partners necessarily have it. It seems that that 80% number is questionable Further muddling the issue, its also claimed that HSV-1 and HSV-2 are in essence the same disease anyways, despite obvous location differences on the body, and pratically everyone has some kind of HSV-1 already, unless you live in a plastic bubble.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
In regard genetical herpes, (one of the big fears of married guys despite the actual disease for many being mostly an annoyance) its does seem the media (maybe with some drug companies selling relatd drugs) to a large degree has vastly overhyped the odds of actually picking this up. (of even showing up if picked up) For example, when you look at what either the official govt info or the info from various authorities on the web, they all claim it can be picked up very very easily, regardless of whether the spreader has symptoms or doesn't show symptoms. Yet, if this were true, why is a such a non-issue for most of the hobbyists and providers posting on TER. If the claimed facts were what they're purported to be, this "incurable" disease would be everywhere among those groups. These married guys on TER who've done over 100 pros - why don't they all have it? Also a major story the other day about 40% of teens with STDs, well looking at the details that said it was approx 2% or therebabouts of that group having herpes, which seems way too low - if one were to believe the hype.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
Good New and Bad News for the Governor. Bad news is he's had to resign as Governor, will never be able to be President of the United States, could be indicted, and his wife will probably leave him. The good news is he's now established himself as such a voracious horndog, he's probably going to have more chicks waiting in line - than Bill Clinton on a good day. From USA Today online, this letter, apparently from a female reader: "Why does this keep happening"... simple answer really.... Because humans, particularly the males of the species, are, quite simply, a herd of primitive, brutal, vile, perverted, insane little beasts of limited intelligence and No morals." Notice the passion and intensity of her comments, the firt sign that the "chemistry" is getting stirred up.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
Agree Bobbyl that more unprotected goes on with providers than people realize, and no doubt with strippers (and I know this having been offered personally), and certainly the escorts on TER overhype the risk. However, I think you will find the big bucks here were being paid precisely because this is where the unprotected cost/benefit equation starts to work out more favorably for providers, and we know its certainly what most clients would want, if they could do it safely Spitzer's wife must really be ticked when she now has to go to the clinic for the tests
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
Generally for regular hi net worth individuals, pros are much safer than affairs, however he was not only a major public figure and sitting governor of a major state who apparently was looking to run for President in 2012, but an ex-Atty General who prosecuted such cases, one who used very questionable grandsanding tactics against Wall Street firms (e.g trying companies in the press) - and did all sort of preaching about the alleged evils around him. Of course Spitzier was not just hi-worth, he was ultra-high worth, way beyond the 2 to 5 million net worth level, and I believe his family net worht to be the vicinity of the 100 million range, and therefore he should have just opted for affairs and have carefully chosen his partners If he ran for President, all of this would hit the fan anyways 3 or 4 yrs down the road. Bet he spent over one million dollars over the alleged 10 yr time frame.
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17 years ago
avatar for njscfan
Poor Governor Spitzer
"chitown & dave: To paraphrase Hollywood madam: "Celebs don't pay big bucks for very wild sex with a hot woman, they pay big $$ for escort to keep her mouth shut about it." He should have used an full service AMP, no name, no english, and they wouldn't know who the hell he was, except perhaps if he was President of the United States Confidence alone doesn't cost that much. You saying mid-level agencies or independents (having even less chance of a major bust) both charging in the range of 300 to 500 per session - have a higher risk of breaking confidence? Another madamn, Heidi Fleiss is on wire services clearly saying Spitzer was looking for unprotected sex, and the the FBI wiretaps have indicated that also, and you will find at the ultra-high end, the big deal is in fact unprotected sex with supposedly safe or safer girls - because one oould reasonably argue that sex with a condom really isn't sex at all. As I referred to before, why do you think Rush Limbaugh was flying his Gulf V down to the Domican Republic? Unprotected sex with super hot euro/eastern bloc girls would have been the big attraction,