Comments by jablake (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    For me, 30 minutes of driving is substantial. I'm think right across the street or next door. Open a strip club near The Trap that went back to the old format and I think it would be a very successful business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Hi MIDancer, Yes, I wouldn't think that you'd consider it a "con" and neither would I, btw. Just trying to see it from someone elses perspective. Woman essentially is too hot and seductive thus poor defenseless grown man is being unfairly drained of money. The poor defenseless grown man really can't stay away from strip clubs anymore than a coke head can stop using coke. Thus, laws are needed to protect him. Perhaps the Burka will be the solution. Perhaps shutting down strip clubs will be the solution. Some people see a "crime" and thus government must take action especially by passing more laws. I remember watching a talk show of angry wives of strip club addicts. The wives were smoking mad that their defenseless husbands were being drained of vital family funds by heartless blood sucking strippers. Just looking at these wives you could see why hubby needed a break and couldn't resist strip clubs. :) The wives solution of course was more laws and law enforcement because stripping in their opinion was really no different than prostitution. Both "crimes" take advantage of defenseless men and worse attack the family financially and emotionally. The perception of "crime" doesn't have to rational or consistently applied: The same people who go off the deep end if a man is charging $5 for a bag of ice after a hurricane and see it as heinous crime of price gouging may also see nothing wrong with an attorney charging $400 with his buddy judge not only agreeing $400 is "reasonable" but also ordering that charging for 100 hours when it is a 10 hour job is also "reasonable." And, it is "reasonable" to charge multiple times for the same block of 100 hours. Actually, I think $400 an hour could be cheap as long as no fraud or force is involve, but that ain't the case. Anyway, the point is charging $5 for a bag ice to a person in distress is a heinous price gouging crime while charge $400 per hour and adding phony hours to a person in distress is "reasonable" and good business that reflects "fair market values."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    I'd completely forgotten because it has been so many years. The OLD Tootsies was very small compared to next version of old Tootsies. I don't even remember how they ended up so big, it didn't seem like there was space. The slutty dancers reminded me of Mons (Mons was better), but the Mons was quiet and I could have lived at the Mons. What a cheap wonderful club the Mons was. Beautiful slutty dancers, low prices, nice and quiet. I just immediately fell in love with that club. It was like I'd discovered a ton of gold, but I had to return home before collecting the booty and bringing it home.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    Also, the OLD Tootsies had the incredibly blaring music that just plain hurt. :( The next version (old Tootsies) the music wasn't bad and the clients were much higher "quality."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    Hi clubber, I think it is the OLD Tootsies. The one before they started going up scale. The regular old Tootsies was for me upscale. The new current Tootsies is off the chart upscale, but it is funny I can go to the new upscale and spend even less money than at Angels! That just blows my mind. :) Of course, I have more fun at Angels . . . but there is more of a history. When I type OLD I mean the oldest of the versions and lowest class of the version. The regular old for some people might not seem too upscale, but for me it was.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    Hi FONDL, Thanks for the information. I believe Philly and Baltimore have good reps as far as having high mileage clubs. So the two can exist under the right conditions one of which is probably "a certain minimum population" as Book Guy posted. Here in Miami we not only had crowded areas we also had more rural areas as well. And, we had rich and poor. All different types of people. W. Dixie Hwy. was special in that there were clubs fairly close together and different type customers generally would flock to a certain type club. The typical customer at The Trap would probably walk into Angels and walk out as fast as possible. Angels didn't exactly welcome new customers generally. :) The clubs were like night and day even though at the time they were both white clubs. And, there was Tootsies that was loud and slutty with lots of action and could be fairly dangerous especially away from the club to where a pool table place was. Seemed like pool tables attracted bad characters. Shooting pool, I didn't do much because of money trouble--it was a special treat. Tootsies had a nice mix of super hot and super dog. I just couldn't take the noise, which was the loudest I've heard anywhere. :( All 3 of the clubs mentioned I considered to be very different. I think Tootsies was also white with maybe a light dancer here or there--so many years have passed. I don't even know how many.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    Hi Fondl, I'm not aware of any clubs like that in Miami, anymore. I was thinking in terms of competition. It seemed like the prevailing thought was that if you have a mileage club competing against a conversation club (some mileage at dancer's discretion, but not the focus of the club) that the mileage club would of course win hands down and run the other club into the ground. I just didn't think that was the case where you have a very free market. Where freedom is restricted, the mileage club, imo, will win hands down over the conversation club depending on the specific freedoms that have been eliminated. With The Trap at what I think was its peak, I did actually spend more time and money at Angels even though The Trap at the time had a lot more to offer. The problem was that The Trap with less mileage was more expensive than Angels. Money was extremely tight and I needed to be in a club where even small amounts of money were valued. The Trap, had the hot dancers and friendly people and was much closer to where I lived. Money problems prevailed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    >>"As for MIDancer, I think that she just uses her beauty to con us out of our money." Shadowcat << I'm not sure "con" is the correct word, but I think I can see more clearly where Shadowcat is coming from. Essentially, a woman's beauty can be so overwhelming to a man that when combined with sweet conversation that man is defenseless and helpless. In this fetal like state he is "conned" into paying excorbitant prices that have no rational basis. Take away the woman's weaponry (her beauty) and then will the man not only pay for dinner, but pay her attorney like rates? Let's see MIDancer try and exploit males if the law requires her to wear a Burka! That'll even the playing field. :) IME, a women with the right looks can have me almost at her mercy. It takes super human strength on my part to resist the urge to comply with any and all of her demands. Using this "unfair" advantage to gain "excessive" compensation could be viewed by some people as a "con." Sorry, MIDancer. It seems like you need to be incarcerated to help reduce the surplus of prison space here in the U.S. and to protect defenseless and helpless males that you would "victimize." Do NOT pass Go, Go Directly to Jail, and Pay Your Debt to Society. ;) LOL! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    >"As has been noted on this site before, strip clubs and their dancers often seem to be lacking when it comes to common business sense."< It's not just strip clubs. I was giving a piece of my mind to a Hollywood elected offical. I don't remember her title or name, but I was complaining about the nasty government and its attacks on small businesses. She says what attacks? We want to promote small business and large business to get more tax revenue. I practically yelled closing off Hollywood Blvd. is your idea of helping small businesses!!! Are you out of your MIND!!! Closing the street (Hollywood Blvd.) to traffic is killing the little businesses and the damn government needs to get the hell out of the way and stop these attacks!!! This damn government needs to be shut down. To her immense credit she remained calm and asked me to please calm down to see if we could arrive at a solution to the problem. I snapped the solution is open the damn road NO excuses NO tricks. She shocked me when she said yes, the road should never have been closed and she thought it was a very bad idea, but that the business owners on Hollywood Blvd. wanted the street closed! In a rage I jumped out my chair and yelled a handful of nitwit business owners want Hollywood Blvd. closed and you listened to them!!! She is like sir please calm down, it wasn't a handful of business owners along Hollywood Blvd. that wanted the street closed it was just overwhelming. I didn't even know there was a single business owner who thought it was a bad idea. She continued you probably initially thought it was a good idea too? Thru clenched teeth I said that is the stupidest story I've ever heard. There is NO WAY I'd ever think closing Hollywood Blvd. would help small business owners on Hollywood Blvd. I don't believe there is but a tiny minority of business owner who could be so stupid. I'm to going store to store and talk with the little business owners and I know that they had to be opposed to the indiocy of closing a major road! Miss, I'm just really furious and need to leave now, but if you're telling me the truth then I definitely owe you an apology big time. I will be very sorry for my behaviour and rudeness. She says with a smile I look forward to your apology. Her statement caught me off guard yet again. She was RIGHT and I definitely did apologize to her profusely. It took work, but she helped to get Hollywood Blvd. reopened. :) Government to the rescue!!! :) Those little store owners were so slow that it blew my mind. I understood their reasonings, but it was DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! At least these little business owners did have reasons and ideas, it was like ok you guys are capable of thought, but how and why are you so completely brain dead! And, one huge problem is even as they're going out of business they don't want to admit their mistake. That elected lady official really did some hard work to save them from themselves. And, she was actually very sharp and caring. I wish I'd remembered her name.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Hi Fondl, When more clubs were allowed there were more options. Some clubs were more G rated. You had high price clubs near low price clubs. There were fun clubs and more depressed clubs. Clubs with super hot dancers and clubs with only dogs. Busy clubs and slow clubs. The clubs were generally small or medium. No giants that I can remember. You had biker clubs. You had black clubs. Supposedly the "market" decided people didn't want these clubs. Of course, that wasn't the truth even a little bit. People or at least people with power became less tolerant and also corruption arose with a fury. So clubs get closed and most people just shrug their shoulders because that club didn't interest them anyway. And, besides it is a "free" market. At one time it was a "free" market, and if you wanted to open a small club then do it. It's a "free" country. LOL! The point of all this rambling is that I don't think demanding more sex or more contact kills clubs as long as people are free to open new clubs and set their own rules. Angels is too down and dirty? Then you should be free to open a "bikini" club across the street without government thugs bothering you. I think there is a real demand for a "bikini" club because I think there are a good number of customers that aren't focused solely on mileage. They're more interested in conversation and looking at hot girls in skimpy outfits. These customer really aren't into real sexual contact with some unknown dancers. Will I ever get to test my theory? No. It isn't reasonable to even try in the current environment where not don't you enjoy basic legal protections, but there is a strong agenda to kill stripclubs and little bars. There is only so much BS a small fry can stand before he has to bow his head to the government and say what you think is of course right Mr. Government. The Trap has turned into a cesspool of high prices and low quality dancers. It has already closed its day shift. And, it should close its night shift because it really for the most doesn't generate nearly the revenue it did. You could blame extras. I blame the government. Before the governments attacks against the little clubs you had high mileage and low mileage clubs exisiting in harmony. Real problems are cause when little clubs are forced shut. Some of the "low lifes" migrated to The Trap. It shouldn't have surprised anyone. The government closed their club so some of those customer moved over to The Trap. Now dealing with these "lowlifes" is an interesting issue. Where you have freedom it really isn't a problem. You just tell the "lowlifes" you don't want their business. Unfortunately, imo, most people seem to want the government making these decisions . . . when clubs die the true enemy is usually never even understood . . . you still have people yapping about the "free" market as if it wasn't slain years earlier.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Sexual promises not kept. Hmmm . . . that is one fraud that hasn't been much an issue for me. Probably because I'm not into the FS or even BJ with complete strangers. But, still there has been occasional fraud in that respect. A dancer will tell me that pretty much anything goes in the VIP if I pay X. Once in the VIP the fraud could either be NO you're not getting any contact or it could be a demand for more money. Either way I don't have a problem complaining to management in a non-explicit manner. The vast majority of dancers that I know consider sluttiness to be a badge of honor and consider doing sex of all types NO BIGGIE as long as the customer pays as agreed. That is the main issue. You want all this X-rated fun and service? And, you agree to this level of compensation? Excellent, but after I do my job then just pay what you promised! Over counting is the No. 1 fraud by far. But, it is a $5 club and the dancers are being beaten with club fees that keep rising! Another "fraud" is when the dancer claims she wants to meet you OTC for some relaxed fun or lunch and doesn't have any intention of doing so. Some people may not even consider that a true fraud so I put it in quotes. It isn't a big deal to me, but it would be nicer if she just said NO or she'd might consider it in the future.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Music too loud! DJ's obnoxious....
    According to an old article in The Wall Street Journal the loud music is a tactic the clubs use to get you in and out as fast as possible. The theory is you know your budget and you'll spend the same amount regardless of how long you stay. Better to nab your dollars and then encourage you to leave. I hadn't really been aware that there were customers like that, but I guess it makes sense. I guess it is sort of like customers who budget a car's purchase price by how much their monthly or weekly payment is going to be. A relative told me that NOBODY is that dumb and very strangely a co-worker came in that same day bragging about his new car. My relative wanted to know how much the car cost and the man said the price was X amount per week or month. My relative persisted and says NO, how much was the actual cost not the payments. The co-worker basically said he didn't know and didn't care. :) I can see entering a club and leaving if it is too bad without spending anything but token amounts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    What value? If the U.S. was a "free" country a kilo of cocaine probably would sell for a $100 max. Add law and government violence, and presto that same kilo can sell for around $8,000 or more. Did the law and government violence actually add value? Sort of a strange way of looking at value. :) Another example, the government makes mortgage debt freely available. A home selling for $50,000 shoots up in "value" to $300,000. The government increased the "value" of the home six fold by making more debt? I think these are interesting ideas to ponder. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    Young. Very young! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    "Value is whatever someone will pay, however there does seem to be signficant evidence what people are willing to pay is getting lower - because at current prices many more are just not buying" The issue is also for some or many people the ability to pay. The value in the person's mind may be sky high. But, if you only have a $100 then the "value" is limited by budget. A woman's child is dying and you have medicine that will save the child and you tell her I want $100 to save your child. Her total assets excluding her body are $10. So she offers you her body plus $10. You laugh and say lady your body might be worth 50 cents at most. Put I'm a super sweet guy. All your assets and your body will equal $15. Now, just get me the other $85 and your baby gets to live. :) She is crying her little eyes out begging for the life saving medicine. What is the true value of the medicine? $15? What if there are NO other potential buyers and you aren't willing to accept less than $100 because you know that is a fair price and besides you're Mr. Generosity giving her a $5 credit for her body when it is only worth 50 cents max. In some culture(s) giant rocks as big as a small hut allegedly have lots of "value" at least in the minds of most of the members of that big rock loving society. I'd be careful of assigning/judging "value" by culture or ability to pay, imo.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Well, I definitely think Shadowcat is more the norm as far as wanting sex and or mileage. :) If I was forced to spend $1,000 getting a full 2 hours, or less if I so desire, for a hot young skilled dancer who I didn't know and I had to choose 1) Full Service (fucking) with or without condom or 2) conversation. It is an EASY "choice" for me. Conversation wins by a mile. Now if I get to know her over a period of weeks then the Full Service would win by a mile. :) Add choice 3) lots of mileage, and that choice would win by a mile. :) Different customer have different needs, but yes I think shadowcat is definitely more normal in his desires. But, this sex without condoms is CRAZY!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    Hi Fondl, Yes and No. Even after learning or knowing that it is the old guys who spend and generally are very appreciative it seems like with a *good number* of these young dancers you almost have to knock them over the head as long as the younger guys are there! And, believe me some of them actually do know that it is the old men generally who have the money. And, when I say young I mean young. Generally, I don't have any interest in the older dancer even if she is nice and skilled and intelligent. The only exception that I can think of would be if her body still responds to contact. You know the fast heart, the hardened breasts, etc. Are there even old dancers like that? If so, then I might be willing to try a few oldies that are still hot. I just think the bodies go numb way too soon. :( And, that is my pleasure seeing and feeling the response. With other guys, middle age or young, it is usually all about fucking or blow jobs. I definitely LOVE both, but damn I have NO interest in that until I know the dancer a while. You know these customers who are all focused on stick it in stick it in stick it in whether or pussy or ass or mouth, make it difficult on me! I mean sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get a dancer to come over because she assumes that she knows what I want *really* want he after I make very clear what I would like. Her assumption is LOCKED in place until the session is finished or I tell her there is no need for a condom because she is way ahead of me. Usually this is met with complete disbelief. (Some will laugh and say if I knew you just wanted some dances there wouldn't have been any trouble!) Yes, I definitely would like to get to that point (stick it in) just on a little slower time table. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "In my opinion, a customer goes to a club with the intent to spend $90, will buy 3 dances if they are $30 each, or 9 if they are $10 each." The Trap might be using that theory. Dances are now $15 for table and $25 for lap. The nice older wealthier customers disappeared not that long after the price increase (who knows why?). For the most part few customers are getting dances now. Yes, there was an exception. The special dancer from Angels, but there were still some of the wealthier old customers at that time. One argument I kept hearing was the good guys went to Tootsies. BULLSHIT! Those old men loved seeing the same friendly attractive dancers day after day. And, they had friendships with other customers. Great guys to hang out with even if like me they're old. The other argument was why would the old men leave because they could easily afford higher prices as proven by generous tips. Well, I think most of these men felt the price was fair for one thing. Another issue was the friendly young guys who were very friendly and bought dances disappeared almost immediately. So it was like loosing good friends, and positive experiences went downward. Other people say they just died off! What I do know is that it really isn't a happy club anymore. The dancer quality generally is garbage. Regular guys aren't buying dances for the most part. Those that do buy seem to buy less. The dancers have tried and failed to get the owner to go back to the old format. He won't using the argument that there is inflation everywhere so why shouldn't his prices go up also! I can't relate to customers who don't care about the dance price unless they just never buy dances. Where a club has high dance prices, then it is 99% certain I will spend almost NO money. Lower the price and I go crazy and will even buy a mercy dance here and there. A dancer that I didn't know wanted to sell me a $25 dollar dance. I said NO. She wanted to know why? I said too expensive she says, but it is only $25! I say yes and if your dances are good I'd want a minimum of 10 so it is actually $250 and I'd like to be visiting the club more than once a week. She is like well spend $250 then. I said sorry that is way out of my budget. She says so you're not going to spend any money because you can't afford a lot dances? I said exactly. She says that doesn't make any sense. One dance is better than none! Not to me, I replied. Anyway, different customers have different needs. However, I think the $5 dance saved Angels and they went from not being able to clobber the dancers with high fees to hitting them without mercy and the club seems to be continually PACKED. PACKED to the point they're charging for parking and really at times raising the cover charge way up. Who knows maybe the $5 only had appeal to me and the other customers who started buying and coming had their reasons for going into spend, spend, spend mode. :) I also think the $25 dance may very well kill off The Trap. Not much of a loss I hate to say except that now the government won't let you replace it. Once it is gone that's it. Of course, plenty of guys prefer Tootsies so if they're happy that is all the counts . . . right?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "So, what did I do wrong, that your friend at Ford did right?" My relative was trained/raised to be a money grubber. :) She was trained not to actually accept standard idiocy even if she bowed her head in agreement. She had the right looks. The right clothing. I think the law may have helped as well with her being a woman (minority) and all. A solider of conformity who is actually a non-believer. :) Perhaps hypocrite is the correct term of endearment? Naw, the "hypocrite" is a little more complex equation. The immigrants that I know that are successful---work for themselves and value money! Too simplistic? Could be. The drug dealers even low level could be very successful, but lack the education. I'm not talking about education to get a job--which is a depressing situation, imo--education to understand the value of money and investing money and the system risks of having it (the bank ain't exactly a safe place for him unless he can show some legitimacy and even then . . . ). One drug profiteer (not a dealer) became known as Senior Crack among educated white collar friends. He was shrewd to get the hell out the business after a couple "scores" and got into small retail evolving into million dollar retail. Just as prohibition helped I think it was the Kennedy Klan and other "elite" families it is helping many families who take the risks and then go legit as fast as possible i.e. become an upstanding member of society or a politician. :) (One negative regarding legalization is that it would be another source of revenue for the governments---it seems like most people see additional revenues for the government as a positive. :( ) To those of may object on "moral" grounds it is like hello, the society is built on corruption in case you've been sound asleep; and when in Rome it may be wise to do as the Romans.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "Are strip-club managers peculiarly prone to raising tuition costs? What exactly IS the correlation between college tuition and lap dances?" Another "correlation" is that you shouldn't necessarily make the obvious conclusion. In the Angel's lap dance pricing problem it was *obvious* to the dancers and management that dance prices couldn't be cut because the poor dancers were already starving. Another *obvious* that people often think is that if demand is falling then *obviously* prices should fall. It shouldn't be *obvious*, imo, it should take some thinking. :) Lower prices increase demand seems *obvious* to some people and, imo, it shouldn't be obvious. It should take some thinking. When silver or gold start rising there is a piling on that seems to occur as people rush to buy before the price goes up, yet again! Expensive art is another example where rising high prices may actually increase demand. Hookers are a good example, also imo, that a higher price may sometimes increase demand. With the school to some it seems *obvious* that the cost to educate a student is related to the tution charged and again, imo, it shouldn't be *obvious* but should take some thought. :) Remember real goals are often hidden for a reason. Results are often determined by that which is hidden. And, the "Zen" goes marching on . . . at least I think it was starting to sound Zen. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "It's damned ridiculous. I see a link between strippers and bad pricing strategies; college tuition and the "elite" snobbery of poorly priced institutions; and my inability to get a decent job. There's something in there about figuring it out, working for a living, having a link in to the better life." I'm impressed for what little that's worth! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    Corrections: With the lap dances at Angels the prices could have skyrocketed to ***address*** stagnant ***revenue*** or the prices could have been slashed (the solution taken), but the prices could not have remained the same, unless going out of business was the idea, because "hidden" costs were skyrocketing. ***The revenue had to increase one way or the other. Or, the business goes belly up!***
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "Are strip-club managers peculiarly prone to raising tuition costs? What exactly IS the correlation between college tuition and lap dances?" The "correlation" is that don't expect the markets to necessarily act rationally. Do people act rationally? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, and sometimes it depends on your perspective. With the lap dances at Angels the prices could have skyrocketed to meet stagnant demand or the prices could have been slashed (the solution taken), but the prices could not have remained the same, unless going out of business was the idea, because "hidden" costs were skyrocketing. To the casual observer it wouldn't seem rational to raise prices because the girls were already getting major NOs over the "high" price of dances and also you couldn't cut the prices because the girls were already starving. Thus, obey the government and go out of business! :) In your question about tuition it almost seemed like you expect the market to behave rationally or maybe I'm just mistaken. And, it also seemed like you thought the cost of providing the education should for some reason have something to do with the tuition charged. It might or might not! A lot of this garbage you really have to take a very close look at and what is the point or points of the exercise?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    "Basically, 'elite' private schools are paying for things they don't need -- tenured faculty to instruct in German 101, for example; particle accelerators. The 'real' cost of educating someone, and educating them well -- and no, don't worry about it, that can mean 'technical training in job skills' OR 'humanities-oriented non-useful enlightenment and mind-opening liberal studies' -- is actually a LOT lower than the expenses that private colleges undertake in order to compete with one another. We've got a marine biology tank, we've got a rocketry launch pad, we've got dormitories with five-star concierge service, we've got a private air field. Etc. None of which has anything to do with whether the kids understand basic differential equations or Latin. How much can a black board and a bunch of desks really cost? But the schools spend spend spend, . . . " I think Trump had it right in that it really isn't the education you're paying for. A relative of mine got a job fresh out of school with Ford paying over $100,000 plus a truck load of benefits. She got the money because she had the credentials as far as graduating from a prestigous school and having good grades. Was the real education anything special? Not according to her. It is who you get to meet at the school (rich kids and very bright kids) as well as who wants to meet you once you graduate. Actual education really wasn't important, with Ford telling her that for the first year she would basically be getting an education from them. They were willing to pay her a large salary (including housing I think) so she could learn on the job. In her opinion not only wasn't the education she received anything special, but it really didn't even lay a foundation for what Ford wanted her to learn. I believe also that the person doing the hiring graduated from the same school----so it was a just keep in the "family," dealy. :) Spending all this money on stuff that really has nothing to do with providing an excellent education is important on several fronts. Some activities such as sports can actually help getting $$$ in the form of getting former students to keep interest in the school and donating. Other activities add prestige. Very important, moreso than educating. :) High tuition is also important on several fronts. Prestige for one. Too often, wayyyyy too often I hear the garbage that you get what you pay for. And, some people genuinely believe that just as some people actually believe the nonsense that if you have to ask the price then you can't afford it. Another important point, is that it acts as nice filtering device to keep out much of the riff raff i.e. poor and middle income students unless they're "gifted." Less known and more controversial is that keeping people deeply in debt is a powerful weapon to keep people silent, working, and obedient! To that end, keeping people obedient, the wonderful government has done a number of little scams. One scam was "reforming" the bankruptcy code to keep people from getting a fresh start. No fresh starts for those in financial agony---just let the interest and penalities continue to mount. And, pile on fraudulent attorneys' fees. :) Another scam involved student loans. The more money the government is willing to make available directly or indirectly the more the schools can charge! A win/win for the government and schools and bankers and attorneys. Of course, the students not only are faced with inflated tuition prices, put they'll be paying a pretty penny in interest too. And, this debt has new special teeth as I understand it so not even the student's social security or pension or maybe even their home will be safe. And, of course there are provisions for "reasonable" attorneys' fees. That means a judge can award basically any amount he wishes to his buddy buddy buddy attorney pals. That is the way the cookie crumbles and most people are either too dumb to understand, ignorant as to the true facts, and or don't care as long as they ain't getting screwed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    Younger strippers in general seem to care about age! And, that statement should almost elicit a NO DUH! So it doesn't really matter that you're paying bucks for some hot dancers if you want positive attention then your appearance is important. Yes, you could try and find a different dancer that doesn't care about age, however, there is a fairly good chance that the dancers you like are age conscious. Now, if it didn't make a difference---wonderful. :) Remember it isn't all about the money! LOL!