Comments by jablake (page 86)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    my quote
    I thought all the women looked better after surgery. But, again it is the same deal as with fat women. Some men can't get enough blubber. Over at the RolLexx a dancer was bragging to me that she had a HUGE pussy and didn't love HUGE pussies? I answered no, that I liked small pussies and small women. She was neither and departed post haste. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    my quote
    For photos:
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    my quote
    "About the Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty Procedure: Cosmetic Labiaplasty (labia reduction surgery and beautification) involves surgically reducing and/or reshaping the female external genital structures. There are multiple reasons more and more women are requesting this procedure. They want to alleviate discomfort caused by large and/or thick labia, which often interfere with biking, working out, wearing tight fitting clothes. Or many women want to enhance or improve appearance of “butterfly” or asymmetrical labia. Feeling good about how you look often builds self-confidence and self-esteem. During your labiaplasty consultation, your doctor will explain how long the labia reduction surgery will take, the amount of time and care necessary for a full labiaplasty recovery, and exactly when after surgery it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse. Vaginoplasty (rejuvenation of the vagina) involves “tightening” and rebuilding of the vaginal muscles and the perineum. Childbirth, (especially multiple), aging, and genetic factors often cause the vaginal muscles to loosen, tear, and weaken. The diameter of the vagina gets bigger and there is a loss of feeling (and pleasure). Vaginoplasty returns the vagina to “pre-pregnancy” state and recreates sexual excitement and pleasure for the woman (and the man)! Some doctors use a laser for vaginoplasty and or labiaplasty surgery. You may hear varaitions of terms such as: labiaplasty or laser labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation and vaginoplasty or laser vaginoplasty or vaginal tightening. The difference is that some doctors are trained to use the laser for cosmetic vaginal surgery and reconstructive vaginal surgery and some use a scalpel."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    Well, at least with the strippers I'm dealing with the upper limit of the loan doesn't reflect the upper limit on risks. :) So, please don't assume that just because you lend $500 that $500 is the most you're going to lose. The young lady next door who I've known since she was a young child told be that if I keep bringing ho's over to the house she is going to move! I said what the hell you got against ho's? She says those ho's is dangerous and their men folk are even worse. Keep 'em in the strip club. Then she wants to know why that isn't the case? I said because the strip clubs are under attack and that means the game changes. I added that I may be moving girls in and that she could preach to them. :) (She is a sweet woman and she loves going to church, but she don't want to add ho's to the congregation.)
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    17 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    The purpose of starting a bank is to make money. That isn't what I had in mind at all. I like interacting with strippers. OTC is good even when it's bad, imo. Anyway, who has the money for a bank and who wants to put up with all the government regulations. Furthermore, if I need to sue then I wouldn't lend a dime. I'd rather lose the money. Even though I've had better luck with strippers than upstanding citizens, I never lent too much. I would like to be more helpful and with real security I would be willing to lend more--SHORT TERM (3 or 4 month loans only). Screw the fucking profits. I like strippers. From friends and just regular joes it sounds like wives are far worse than strippers. My mother would make the typical stripper look like an angel so I can believe when other men tell me how horrible marriage is. O, the happy gentlemen? Jeez, they ain't got NO sex drive or are fucking everyone in town and don't want a wife for sex. My father was such a wonderful person, too. I had strangers come up to me and say that your father is the greatest--that is after they confirmed my indentity. I consider that just plain weird. But, hey it feels great when people you never met just start up a conversation for the purpose of telling you what a great man your father is. BTW, I'm definitely not a chip off the old block--unfortunately. Lastly, I feel mainly contempt and disgust for charities. The Light House for the Blind here in my Miami did change my harsh feelings toward charities somewhat. But, basically I'd rather burn the money than give it to a charity. Now, charity for attractive strippers--YES, that is a good cause. Charity for runaways, yeah I can manage to feel good about helping teenagers on the run. I will also help people who I know have helped other people without expecting anything in return--that is easy to dig deep to help a person like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    I don't have the skill to value the junk. :) Remember these are loans where the clubber would be getting security for his loan, hopefully in substantial excess to what is borrowed. If I could value the junk, then I wouldn't mind at all giving a dancer a short term loan at 0% interest. If she wanted to use gold or diamonds, then how would I place a value on it? Some of these pawn shops eager to lend at 240% overvalue the assets of some borrowers becaue the borrower has a history of wasting a lot of money in interest and penalties. Pawnshops do get stuck with junk and that is exactly what I'd like to avoid even with Ebay handy. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    Or, she is addicted to gambling. Or, there was a real emergency in the family and she needed money next day. I've only loaned relatively small amounts and never expected to be repaid. Like clubber, I've had better luck lending to dancers than others.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smart Experienced People Don't Taken . . . by a Stripper
    "Macarism is the act of taking pleasure in another's joy. It's a good word. I think it's interesting that in our culture, the obverse concept -- sadism, taking pleasure in another's pain -- is a word in common parlance, but macarism is not."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    It can be fun, imo. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smart Experienced People Don't Taken . . . by a Stripper
    Well, if I could afford it giving them credit cards and checks would be a hell of a lot of fun for me. I doubt it would be appreciated, but when it is appreciated that just makes helping feel that much better. This is selfishness on my part. It is sort of like trying to get the hooker to become soaking wet with apparent desire especially accompanied by hardened tits and a racing heart. That isn't for her and in fact if she can fake it is just as good for me. I will definitely want to become a regular customer if she can perform like that and isn't out of my price range. Other customers become excited by inflicting pain and some women love to receive pain. I like to give pleasure, but I do watch the pennies because I'm not wealthy by any means. Is it unusual to get off by making a woman very happy or aroused? As far as "breaking the real rules," I don't think there are "real rules" for the most part if you're ready to pay the piper. Can you afford to give her your credit card? Will it make you happy? If you want to try and make a friend or girlfriend out her, then can you afford the rejection or the knife in the back? Nothing wrong with treating a stripper as a friend as long as you realize the odds are probably stacked against you, no matter how special you think she is or how much you think that the two of you have clicked. And, the costs can be thru the roof!!! Hey, you don't mind paying financially, emotionally, and or physically then why not take the plunge? :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good News (non-stripper)
    To enervatedly attempt to get something about strippers into this thread, this woman met the stripper who had briefly stayed with me. She was just shaking her head later like what is wrong with you. Just flat out without even getting to know the woman at all says you have very bad taste in women. That woman is just plain bad news no matter which way you look at it. My reply was that she was just looking at her beauty and youth and letting that dictate. Of course, she says yes the woman is too young for you, but she is just a bad woman and you're a nice man who is going to get burned bad time by her. (She also added that woman wasn't that pretty!) The dancer didn't like her at all either. Instant dislike. I don't even think they said hello to each other. :(
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    17 years ago
    Good News (non-stripper)
    Years ago --around the time or Hurricane Andrew-- actually it was years later if I recall correctly, but the damage suffered was caused Hurricane Andrew. Anyway, the published court decision of the Third DCA made very interesting reading. Essentially, a home owner was screwed by a handyman and the home owner wanted his money returned. The court basically said NO you attempted to get the job done without the proper permits so you can't now come and seek help from the courts and this will serve as a lesson to those home owners who would try and get repairs done without the proper permits. Bottom line attorneys ain't cheap especially appellate attorneys. So the home owner got screwed by the handyman and then for good measure by the courts. It wouldn't surprise me if you agreed or disagreed with the court's opinion. If the home owner had asked my opinion (I'm not an attorney), then I would have pointed him to the car owner's trial court file as well as the appellate decision. IOWs, I would have said don't trust the courts even if they *may* ultimately rule correctly.
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    17 years ago
    Good News (non-stripper)
    She knows that and she is unfortunately, imo, all law and order. The reason the man didn't get burnt was because of her pride. Like she told me, if I tell the story to anyone else please don't use her name. The handyman, well she told me his name and I was free to use that. Even if I recalled it I wouldn't use it--I could easily see being sued and have a bunch of money--relatively speaking--stolen from me.
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    17 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    One of the conversations that I enjoyed immensely concerned rappers and rapper music. If anyone had told me that ahead of time, well I might have blurted out he needed a new brain. Silence is golden when it comes to music, imo. Unfortunately, despite hours of hearing about this rapper and that rapper and this rapper song and that rapper song, I didn't learn much if anything. Yes, I was listening and even trying to follow along. Her beauty and her animation and raw emotion made all her talking a lot of fun for me. I think she could of even started talking about dog toys and it would have been very good. :) When she finally asked me about my favorite rap song, I just said that I didn't have a favorite. Then she wanted to know my favorite rapper. I give her the eyes and she says you don't like rap?! Like it was unheard of. :) She says that's ok because she likes all different types of music and she is real music lover. So, she asks what type of music do I love. I give her the eyes again. Now she is really shocked and seems completely dumbfounded. Finally, she asks how could you listen to me for hours when you don't even like music? I explained that I loved the way she was telling the stories and how excited she was getting. Finally she says well you do like dancing. I shake my head NO. She says but you come to the strip club for dancing. I don't remember what we talked about on my next visit, but it was a lot of fun. She was just very enjoyable to listen to and she liked talking. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smart Experienced People Don't Taken . . . by a Stripper
    I didn't get that impression from your posts. And, yes if you can avoid looking like an easy mark then that can save you a lot of grief. I think there is even some interesting research that shows looking weak can encourage a bully or predator. It is the showdown time that I was thinking about. Generally, I'm overly cautious because I just want to avoid the trouble or put myself in a very negative frame of mind. I will always remember the dance who I paid to get rid of and she unbelieveably comes back for more! She knew I was unhappy and wouldn't get lost. Surprisingly, she became a favorite dancer. She wanted me to stand up to her: To be a man. I had just wanted to relax and buy a few dances. If the music was low enough, then maybe listen to whatever an attractive dancer wanted to talk about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    OK, I guess I will wait and see if the original poster gives examples of some of the useful information. Not saying it wasn't there--just didn't read it or remember it. I didn't know about the women posters getting lots of email.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    Well, he shared his experience of making the 2 for 1 offer. To some guys that is extremely important. He promoted his favorite club and I think the reviews show that most people agree with him that it is a very good club. He shared his experience of getting stood up by a dancer who he felt actually cared about him. I'm sure there was more, but I'm not a fan of his.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smart Experienced People Don't Taken . . . by a Stripper
    Just wanted to elaborate a little on why I don't always stand up to a dancer whose been dishonest. One of the main reason is I don't want future issues with the dancer or her friends. Besides there is always the very slim chance she was just mistaken. And, I view my future business as valuable and that loss, imo, is usually enough for me to feel that "justice" has been served. Another reason, and it may just be a problem that I have, is that if there is a conflict I tend to get very down and might slip and take out my unhappiness on some nice person without even fully realizing it. For me I feel much better just thinking in terms of cutting my losses short. BTW, it was a dispute over a mere $20 that lead to the death of one good young man and life sentence for the other young man (I heard that he also supposedly was a good guy). Yes, that could happen anywhere. However, in the club you've got young guys who are getting all worked up and the emotions can definitely be at higher levels; critical thinking tends to diminish in the club as well. If by your code of honor it is worth it, then by all means go for it. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    There isn't any lack of supply. There is a huge supply. I believe relatively small incentives would make people think about being donors just as people plan to leave money for their loved ones or buy life insurance for them. With a true free market in organs I believe the prices would drop to "relative" pocket change. And, if it is true relatives will kill each other to earn the organ donor money, then I guess life insurance is causing a bunch of murders. It all gets down to supply. I believe the supply far exceeds the demand if there is even a little financial incentive. Think Walmart shopping cards for $50 to $500. :) ***Not the first to go; the first to be interpreted.*** That is of course if they interpret it. The distinction also may not be just in interpreting it, but having an actual holding in the case compared to "mere" dicta. I had a U.S. Supreme Court case I used where in the dicta of the opinion it was written that trial judges have even greater obligations to provide due process than administrative hearing officers. It was a wonderful opinion because the hearing officer has to provide written findings of fact and conclusions of law among a whole list of wonderful requirements to assure that a person received basic due process. Well, the federal judge said the case wasn't binding precedent (I didn't disagree and never claimed in was binding precedent), and that therefore he didn't believe the trial judges had *any* such due process obligations. Yes, good old Mr. Honesty himself that federal judge was. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Yes, I wasn't thinking long term as far as her marriage. More like take his money and walk slowly away. I mean my original impression of what she was doing was so negative because the price seemed outlandish (remember I knew as a $5 dancer) compared to what she was giving. Therefore, if she's so cold why not go for broke? Turned out she truly didn't see the amount she was charging as a big deal because of her experience in Cutler Ridge. She says she was charging very high prices ($1,500 min.) and often doing very little, but being sexy and giving good conversation (imagine that, a stripper giving good conversation :) ). If a customer wanted more that wasn't a problem, but she wanted more money. Sometimes not much more and sometimes a lot more. So I can see that in her mind perhaps there wasn't anything wrong with charging a lot and doing very little. She wasn't feeling 100% good about the fiance deal because he didn't meet her in the business (a client should know it's a fantasy) and worse he was definitely in love. Time, she said really wasn't the issue except that she felt that more time spent would only increase his feelings for her. I wouldn't have believed her pricing except that I knew some of the players in Cutler Ridge. I certainly wasn't having any fun at those prices or anywhere near that ball park. Even more startling she mentioned the name of her girl gang, which doesn't stick to the mind readily. Whoa, that definitely *sounded* like the gang different wealthy buddies of mine wanted me to meet, but so many years have past and besides maybe she just read or heard about the gang. I just didn't see any point in meeting because it was way out of my ball park. So I never met this gang of young hotties who were supposed to be really crazy. I heard about the leader from a couple of my friends at different times and each had urged me to meet her because they thought she was pefect for me: That we would just hit it off. In retrospect she could have been that dancer. I think it would have been some type of event if we had met in Cutler Ridge--probably negative. For example, she thinks because I know some of the players in Cutler Ridge that therefore it is impossible for me to be as poor as I say. How would I know these people unless I actually had money? For my part, who the hell is this girl printing $$$ in Cutler Ridge and then hangs with me for small amounts at Angels? Everything probably would come to some to type of head. Most likely a very negative head.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    "You got the wrong impression of me." Those are her words. See I've known her for years and years after having met her at Angels were she was charging me less than $5 a dance. Thus, I believed she was doing it for the money. :) Yes, even with all the "freebies" and hours of conversation I still thought it was all about collecting the $5 a dance from me. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. She was slumming to be around her own people and "we just hit it off" (her words). I'm very distrustful so I got a lot of questions to this latest revelation. I'm thinking stripper shit all the way, but because I've known her for so many years many times I can predict her next move. She knew a lot about Cutler Ridge and what was going on over there. I was surprised how well her story matched to some of the players. Also, I never mentioned Cutler Ridge at all. I was always Mr. Poverty to her and I never mentioned wealthy friends or anything over there. She starts talking about what was expected and the rates and it is like "Oh, my God. We could have run into each." Our paths were crossing in the wealthy area without my knowledge at the time and were in hitting in the poor area. That would have shock city for me that she was actually super high priced. You're making insane amounts in Cutler Ridge and then you work some more at Angels?! That is 100% insane. She said it wasn't insane at all and that I was more like a mistake since she was trying to be with own people and ended up spending a bunch of time with me. That I wasn't a normal white and that I wasn't acting black either. What in the world did she do with all that money? She dropped her head in complete shame and softly said she gambled it away faster than she made it. :( She said she could have been a wealthy woman, but the money was way too easy then and she didn't have any experience with having so much money. Now, with the years adding up she sees things are going to be a lot harder.
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    17 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Hi quimby, I'm glad you found my posts interesting. :) She is pro and I was feeling very negatively towards her. She knew exactly what to say to make me feel better: That she would spend more time with him, but that he would fall even more in love with her. From what I saw and from what she says it would be very easy for her to take him to the cleaners. Of course, he may not be as easy a mark as he appeared to be and she may be wrong about his true vulnerability. But, knowing she can be very cold blooded I asked why she didn't go for the big financial reward instead of just $200 every week. She replied that she wasn't a bad person. She didn't want to hurt him or to really take big advantage. But, she had bills to pay and to some extent people do have to take care of themselves. So, at least she understood the concept or degree. She also asked what in the world is he going to spend the money on if not me? Her meaning being that his tastes excluding her were very simple. He impressed me as the type of man that just wouldn't be too excited by most material things--remember I only met him once and that was briefly. He definitely was crazy about her. She also claimed that she would be interested in marriage if he could act more like a real man. She thinks a man should take charge and command respect. If he wants more than 15 minutes, then he needs to DEMAND it and if it is a good deal still for her she will accept and she will have a lot more interest. Looks aren't important to her from what I can tell and neither is age. It seems like she wants a man who is dominant, stable, and financially sound. Almost forgot. Sex is a problem for her. You want to pay, then it's not a problem. You want it for free and then it will be when she's interested which isn't too often at least with men. To try and coax her toward setting a marriage date he allegedly told her not to worry about sex and that it would be only when she was completely ready.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    As far as the latin women in general, I didn't follow the conversation too well because the stereotyping seemed a absurd, imo. I see all types of latin women. Once the Mexican women were mentioned then it was like yes the ones I've seen overwhelmingly have flat asses. I can't even remember seeing any local Mexican woman that had nice asses or who knows if I did I'd probably think they were of different origin.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    Heck, the government could probably make it a tax credit dealy for close relatives and get a surplus or organs. Just don't make too good a tax break or people will probably start killing thier close relatives. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can I Borrow a Dove?
    Does the government need to be the payer? I guess the system is so socialized the answer would be yes in many cases. So it is better to let people suffer and die because the government won't allow any any type of free market in organs? Heck, the government could probably make it a tax credit dealy of immediate relatives and get a surplus or organs.