
Comments by jablake (page 8)

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    15 years ago
    lets talk about long term effects on a stripper
    Another concern I have is how the young man who normally would be more appropriate dancer is pretty much chopped liver unless he starts committing crimes because the dancer can make in a day what he as a typical wage slave earns in a week. Felicity was explaining her support for her loser boyfriend. She said without her pussy and fine body she'd be lucky to earn min. wage and be suffering. She doesn't want her boyfriend to suffer just because he lacks the pussy and fine body. If the shoes were reversed, then she'd hope that he would support her. Oh support doesn't mean sending someone off to be a wage slave for corporate America at min. wage. Two things Felicity was upset about: One was that her loser boyfriend was dealing drugs so as to try and compete with her (show he could bring home real bacon like her)----the problem is this country has a severe shortage of prisoners and the government would love to put her loser boyfriend thru the meat grinder---it's very profitable and grows government very nicely. The other was that her loser boyfriend didn't want to get an education although she was begging to send him to school. She said someone was willing to send her to school and she'd be jumping on it fast!!! Who knows maybe closing all stripclubs is the solution. I wouldn't mind seeing Tootsies and like get put under by the government.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    "I suspect it's one of those neutered males who strictly obeys his wife, and he eats only tofu and raw vegtables. He's 5'10" and weighs 115 pounds. Know the type?" Unfortunately, yes. Feminists are fortunate that they can key into anti-sex feelings many Americans have.
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    15 years ago
    Club is attracting a bad crowd
    "But it is ignorant to continue to patronize an establishment that makes you uncomfortable and then complain about it." Sometimes there ain't a lot choice. Government eagerly shut down one tiny club after another. The Trap when it basically became "ghetto"---I'd love to see the whole country go "ghetto," btw---the older white customer really had no place to go. Please don't say Tootsies. That is for tourists or those that want a huge club. The older whites were looking for a more family like club----you know the same dancers for years and years---quiet and relaxing with lots of conversation. These older whites, in general, definitely had the $$$. Oh well, they can wave their flags from home and spend more time at church. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    lets talk about long term effects on a stripper
    "Ok......so a dancer probably encounters THOUSANDS of men in her short career that all simplu want to see her naked or fuck her. Does this affect the way she sees men and the way she acts towards them?" I think for some it has a very adverse effect, but to some extent that is eliminated because the "softer" or more "sensitive" dancers get weeded out quick. Some dancers only last a day or two and say screw this I'd rather starve. Not all dancers have a true option of just starving because they've got a child or children. Anyway, let's say that stripping is bad physically, emotionally, and financially for a dancer----it is violence against women; gotta love that idiocy. :) Well, would I rather have my daughter be a coal miner or a dancer? Dancer. Would I rather have my daughter be a soldier or a dancer? Dancer. Would I rather have my daughter work at Burger King or be a dancer. In a nicer country, I'd choose Burger King. In the U.S., a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    Actually the feminist idiocy make a little sense when I talk with females who consider sex to be a chore or a means to get their significant other to obey. These women have such a low interest or even a dislike for sex that they think males must be doing it just to dominate, degrade, exploit, abuse i.e. be violent savages that need to be in a government prison. Women who actually like sex may also see it as merely male need to dominate, degrade, exploit, abuse i.e. be violent savages that need to be in a government prison. I hear the women who likes sex casually comment that there isn't any shortage of sex and looks are irrelevant-----because she is getting as much dick on demand as she wants she assumes males have the same deal. You say well, I need hot----it is dismissed with looks are irrelevant commentary. Because these women don't place a high value on looks that means that is the rule for males. So there you have it stripping is truly just about violence against women. And women stripclub customers? Oh, they must be violent sickos also because there ain't a shortage of sex so that woman custys just need to stop being one of the boys----a violent savage that needs to be in a government prison.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    "I disagree." I'm confident with classes to educate you and perhaps medical care if you're recalcitrant that fallacy will be disposed of. After your education and or therapy you will awaken and see that stripping/prostitution is all about the violence and really has zero to do with sex. Yes, you'll be on the road to recovery. A labelled sexual predator just in case you might relapse and it is important to remember like an alcoholic you're never cured. Even castration ain't ideal 'cause you'd still have eyes, hands, and a tongue. :(
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club is attracting a bad crowd
    "Is there some reason the "moneyed white" people could sit through music they don't like and the "dreadlocked gangsta" people couldn't?" The "moneyed white" people *seem* *in general*, from what I've seen, to care a hell of a lot less about music than the "dreadlocked gangasta." The Trap had a long history of overt and covert discrimination against black dancers and black customers----finally, the game changed, but a big part of that change was a change of music. The "moneyed white" seemed to like quiet rock or country and the minority blacks be they dancer or customer would vocally complain about "white music." Seems like the "white music" is dead and the rap or whatever it is rules----my last visits didn't see many whites at all---dancer or customer. Too bad discrimination i.e. freedom ain't allowed. Yes, I go primarily to black clubs and I'm white and yet I think "whitey" should be able to have his own little club. I say little because I believe Tootsies (a huge club) is still very white and fighting hard to underhandedly discriminate----I don't like the club so I haven't kept track as of late. Maybe it is now a black club. :)
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    15 years ago
    Will rich pedophile finally face justice? Polanski arrested in Switzerland
    "Seeking underage = sick (as in mentally ill) Not even a topic suitable for joking about." Actually, I wish I could remember some of the amusing jokes about lovable and perhaps a pedophile Michael Jackson. I'm definitely a fan of Michael Jackson and I think he was a pedophile---could be I'm wrong. Do I care that he might have been a pedophile? Nope, but that isn't important in the least. What I found interesting is that other Michael Jackson fans that I spoke with didn't care---that was a surprise in that many of these same folks were very anti-pedophile. His stardom was just more important to these folks. A human idol to worship. "Since he was 99% plastic, Michael Jackson should be melted down into lego blocks so little boys can play with him for change."----this joke was googled and so so, but I heard many a funny Michael Jackson pedophile jokes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    Almost forgot: This isn't any feminist conspiracy or government coverup. Nope, it is a FACT that stripping is about violence against women and has absolutely nothing to do with sex.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Apparently, how, you've horrifically misconstrued and misapplied what I've posted.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    I was thinking of an example of real courage that would appeal to President Bush supporters. American military comes across a home with a single suspected terrorist along with a bevy of innocent children and women. You let the suspected terrorist use these innocent children and women as human shields or do you blow them up in a blaze of glory? Real bravery might be understanding that the war requires extreme vileness so butcher the "human shields" left right and center for the greater good. It is sorta like torturing suspects for the greater good----sure a few sissy men might object, but it is a demonstration of true bravery in doing whatever it takes for the greater good. The greater good may have been what was on the great man's mind that unfortunate night. Lose a great man for a dead woman or even a single woman that might be saved? Come now if mass bombings are good surely the death of a single woman can be understood and even approved of. Just imagine that President Bush took the same actions. Surely President Bush supporters wouldn't want to lose their macho hero over a single dead woman. Imagine a pussy Democrat giving the terrorists whatever they want! Oh no, run President Bush run! IOWs, be a real man and accept that a great man must sometimes take seemingly vile actions. That girl knew getting into the car with you had risks. She accepted the risk and her family got paid!
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Yes, VERY moral *compared* to much of the cattle class. Furthermore, let's say Senator Kennedy showed some real bravery and knowing (assuming he was DUI) that he was in no condition to save her that he instead sought help from the police or others. Before you know in he might be doing 5 to 10 in prison state America. Getting raped and tortured daily. Yes, the odds are against it given his position in society. No matter a 1% risk may have been too horrific for him to roll the dice. I'd say self-preservation is definitely a moral virtue that shouldn't be too quickly denigrated. Sure, it would have been nice if he could of saved the young woman and I'm sure he would have done so if not rightfully concern about his life. Besides, he probably thought she was dead. Maybe if he thought she was alive he'd bravely be willing to risk his life. He reportedly repeatedly paid her family and that seems to have settled the books. They might have driven her into the river themselves if they knew nice payoffs would be the reward. Would the young woman have wanted Senator Kennedy to risk his life getting help??? She might have been of the opinion that the great man needed to whatever it took to save himself and that, that was would be the mark of true courage. Sometimes a person must take what a first impression seems like the vile road as part of being a man. The old when in Saudi Arabia don't mourn beheadings---they just be part of the greater good. And, it is just part of the game.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Correction: I have a hunch that I *wouldn't* even see most manslaughter cases as even being crimes in the true sense.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Not sure what the elements or ins and outs are for manslaughter, but considering cowardice a crime just don't sit right with my moral compass. :) Essentially, it seems like Senator Kennedy was guilty of cowardice. Hell considering the penalties that can be imposed by government, cowardice seems like it may be more than reasonable and may in fact be self-defense----which depending on one's culture may be very highly valued. Anyway, to those who are brave men and women----more power to you! However, there should be plenty of room for cowards without the desire or need to legislate 'em as criminals. I have a hunch that I would even see most manslaughter case as even being crimes in the true sense.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    Glad they amaze and amuse. :) And, nice alliteration. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Like I said, "I didn't care for Senator Kennedy." However, I saw him like a moral giant compared to much of the cattle class. The reason I say that is at least it appeared that he was capable of independent thought and moral judgments. IMO, a person has pretty much hit rock bottom when he needs a legislator to determine what is right and what is wrong.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Funny thing is that as much as I didn't care for Senator Kennedy, he seemed, imo, like a moral giant compared to much of the cattle class.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How often do you tip the bathroom attendant?
    I seem to like everything about these bathroom attendants. It is nice having clean facilities. Candies. An assortment of combs and brushes. Soaps and sprays. A sentry for making sure those hands get properly washed . . . without the sentry I'd bet fewer than 10 percent wash their hands at all. Add an attendant and it seems like a 100 percent. A government mandate for to protect health and safety seems in order; maybe a $250 fine for not tipping the attendant at least a $1. :) Hey, one of my stripper buddies got a $205 ticket for not paying a Sunpass toll----I believe the toll was only a $1.
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    15 years ago
    Dating Strippers
    I hope Gridget doesn't turn out to be a fraud. And, for the record it isn't just strippers who are frauds. I got taken this weekend for $250 by a man who really shouldn't need the money----the fraud was just for jollies or ego most likely. I be tempted to tell the gentleman to fuck off (when the demand was for $400 that was the answer in politer form, btw), but I had the government breathing down my neck and a seeming deadline. Better to bow to the fraudster and the government, then make a moral stand. Also, 2 women who've known me for many years were surprised that I was opposed to fraud! Both are Bible thumpers. One is a hooker and the other is prude. Somehow they don't comprehend the idea that some crimes have a victim or victims and thus it isn't very nice to commit the crime. Reminds me of my boss of decades ago who believed that without the firm guidance of legislators it was impossible to know right from wrong; also, if you broke one law, then you should be willing to break all laws. A real hard man.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How often do you tip the bathroom attendant?
    A $1. I appreciate 'em keeping the bathroom clean. Not shy at all so I don't see negative unless you like a nasty men's room.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strippers and the military
    Seems like the strippers that I've come in contact with go absolutely crazy over U.S. military men. Yep, I'd say the number one poor choice strippers make is not caring enough about $$$. If a man ain't making $$$, then don't fall in love with him!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Seems like the public good (i.e. increased wealth and opportunities) is best served by a combination of war, capitalism, and a huge dose of government. The leaders as whole including Senator Kennedy seem to have done a bang up job at working for the public good. Even President Bush seems to have done well working for the public good as far as that goes----endless war and more government. The right wing seems particularly slow when they mouth off about putting their children in "debt." This alleged "debt" is the bedrock of the most powerful economy the world has ever seen. I suppose they'd rather have dollars chained to some customary metal like gold? I doubt the government even has enough gold to back 1% dollars at the rate of 1/100th of an ounce per dollar. So productivity and innovation should grind to a halt because there isn't enough gold? :) Much better to back dollars by debt.
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    15 years ago
    Hot Blonde Canadian stripper wants to make $$ in the US
    "could also make money in Miami" I don't think money is being made in Miami. Too many hot women(from all over the world). Sure there are tourists here to throw away money, but they get spread thin quick.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    "many people (including you!) will be paying less in taxes as result of Obama's initiatives, period." Hmph! You're using too many sesquipedalians such as "initiatives," "including," "paying," "period," etc. Try "YOU GET TAX CUT," and repeat 10+ times while waving a U.S. flag. The dictionary of 4 letter and less letter words is the holy grail of effective communication with conservatives. JUST SAY NO! GOD IS GOOD! THOU SHALL NOT KILL! SHUT UP! PRAY TO GOD! THANK YOU! DO NOT WALK! LAZY BUMS! OBEY THE LAW! I LOVE DOGS! WAIT FOR GREEN! DIE PUNK! CASH FOR CARS! PLAY FAIR! ALL OUT OF LUCK! LIBS ARE EVIL! LIVE FREE OR DIE! PRY FROM MY DEAD HAND! GUNS ROCK! NO WAY TO GAYS! See how simple it can be to speak to conservatives. Sure, a 5 letter word might be acceptable if you speak real slow and it is fairly common term, but strive for 4 letters or less and you are certain to be very popular and in demand with conservatives.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Despite my support for President Obama, I think his wife could do an even better job of saving the country. I think she'd have no qualms about surpassing FDR's marginal income tax rate of 94% and also impose all manner of new wealth taxes, fees, and contributions. A beautiful thing would be for "conservatives" to dream of the good old days under President Obama with every successive president being more liberal. Property as theft would be understood by the working class as well as their former masters. The latter class would mainly be consigned to the lowest rungs of society---compulsory community works and mental wards and correctional facilities. :)