Comments by jablake (page 72)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "The medical purposes exception is for medical exams." No. There are so called sex therapists that a doctor can actually prescribe for patients that have real sexual dysfuntions (sp?) that might be helped by sex therapy including sexual intercourse.
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    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    Hi njscfan, Well, then the judge was lying to me when he told me that my lawyer did an EXCELLENT JOB. The judge surprisingly to me was shocked when I agreed my attorney had done *more* than an EXCELLENT JOB and he worked his butt off to boot; I was very surprised and pleased with him. It wasn't a singular experience in that my family has suffered a lot of misery in the family courts; as you pointed out: "family court, where the disregard for the law from the bench is extreme." AGAIN: "family court, where the disregard for the law from the bench is extreme." Why would extreme disregard for the law from the bench be limited to family court? Sorry, but these judges that I've seen are true criminals and the problem can't be fixed because ordinary people are in general very simple minded. :( BTW, I'm being harsh on judges and to be more fair---there are low lifes with respectable jobs who pretend to be honorable and yet are sleazy when there isn't any financial or other real reason for being sleazy. It doesn't make sense, but there are people who are sleazy for no apparent reason. Also, in defense of judges---the judges probably represent the moral beliefs of the American people better than I would. I'm surprise how many people believe in torture for example.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "But there's no doubt that paying money for sex is illegal." The above statemnet isn't even true when it comes to the laws of the State of Florida. When the "sexual activity for hire" is between spouses it is specifically legal. Furthermore it doesn't include paying money for sex "for bona fide medical purposes." (Yes, sex can definitely be for bona fide medical purposes.) I'm sure published case law and perhaps there is even controlling depublished case law that provide even more exceptions the judges have "legislated" while on sitting on the bench. To think that judges will routinely obey precedent is downright absurd, imnsho, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "But you are incorrect in your belief that that makes it completely open ended. The interpretation of the laws becomes established over time in the case law develped by the courts, and those decisions are given just as much legal force as the statutes themselves." I'm aware of case law and depublished opinions aka secret law that still count as binding precedent. In a civil case my family prevailed using what the judge called "secret law" i.e. depublished opinions that still have the full force and effect of law. As I said my experience isn't in criminal law, but civil law and from what I've seen it is definitely ***completely open ended*** i.e. it is a gigantic fraud. I would sincerely doubt the criminal court judges are more intelligent or caring or honest than their civil court brethen. In fact, my corrupt civil court judge was from the criminal courts where he had a strong reputation as a law and order judge. He is a criminal, but because is a judge it is almost impossible to bring him to justice. My high priced attorney could have been faking for my benefit, but under his breath in an emotional moment he mumbled the word crook when referring to the judge. Now, when speaking with this high priced lawyer I was very tame and upbeat; and in fact, I told him the truth---that he did an excellent job and really went to bat for me. The most negative that I got was after the judge ruled against me and I was before the judge and he asked me a question and I replied Your Honor it was become clear that I have NO rights in this country. The judge said you have the right to appeal and I asked the judge do you think the appellate court will really do a better job than you? Besides it takes real money to appeal and even more money if you lose. It is a sucker's game generally. Now, please keep in mind this was an extremely simple case that went on for years and a years. It went on for years and years because the judges are corrupt and refused to provide written findings of fact and conclusions of law. And, even if they did do the work basic honesty even as to stipulated facts is a huge problem. One huge advantage these crooked judges have is not only is the general populace fairly slow, but even the smarty pants wouldn't be able to comprehend the brazen corruption and open fraud unless they experienced it first hand.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    The funny thing is some older men, especially, when they seek a GFE "for hire" don't necessarily require any "sexual activity" as strange as that might seem to an ignorant judge or jury. The older man may be perfectly content if the young hottie just watches a regular TV show with him. Gambling dancer's GFE with that one customer is merely pretending to be his fiance in that someday she might marry him (which is actually true; if for example he only has a couple days to live). Now if the young hottie decides to get frisky on her own initiative the older gentleman may or may not object. It isn't unreasonable, imo, to believe that a young hottie would rather engage in "sexual activity" with the elderly man rather than watch CNN or President Bush or Extreme Dating or etc. Violation of law is fairly subjective and generally you must prove your innocence, imo. My friend, who I'm certain is innocent, doesn't comprehend even a tad, how slow eithrt a judge and or jury can be AND how little evidence it takes to get a conviction. That friend may definitely be spending the next few years behind bars being raped and tortured.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    It shouldn't take too much intelligence to figure out that this relatively simple law can have many different interpretations.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    It should take too much intelligence to figure out that this relatively simple law can have many different interpretations. If I seek a GFE for $80 from a young hottie, then would that be considered prostitution? :) Depends on who is controlling the courtroom. When I use the term GFE a judge may declare that must mean I'm speaking of masturbation at the very least. Of course, I'm NOT a lawyer and my knowledge of criminal law is wanting. But, in civil law you can have numerous high priced attorneys give basically identical interpretations of the same law and don't expect a judge to agree or even lower himself to explaining his ruling.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    796.07 Prohibiting prostitution, etc.; evidence; penalties; definitions.-- (1) As used in this section: (a) "Prostitution" means the giving or receiving of the body for sexual activity for hire but excludes sexual activity between spouses. (b) "Lewdness" means any indecent or obscene act. (c) "Assignation" means the making of any appointment or engagement for prostitution or lewdness, or any act in furtherance of such appointment or engagement. (d) "Sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object; or the handling or fondling of the sexual organ of another for the purpose of masturbation; however, the term does not include acts done for bona fide medical purposes. (2) It is unlawful: (a) To own, establish, maintain, or operate any place, structure, building, or conveyance for the purpose of lewdness, assignation, or prostitution. (b) To offer, or to offer or agree to secure, another for the purpose of prostitution or for any other lewd or indecent act. (c) To receive, or to offer or agree to receive, any person into any place, structure, building, or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation, or to permit any person to remain there for such purpose. (d) To direct, take, or transport, or to offer or agree to direct, take, or transport, any person to any place, structure, or building, or to any other person, with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the purpose of such directing, taking, or transporting is prostitution, lewdness, or assignation. (e) To offer to commit, or to commit, or to engage in, prostitution, lewdness, or assignation. (f) To solicit, induce, entice, or procure another to commit prostitution, lewdness, or assignation. (g) To reside in, enter, or remain in, any place, structure, or building, or to enter or remain in any conveyance, for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation. (h) To aid, abet, or participate in any of the acts or things enumerated in this subsection. (i) To purchase the services of any person engaged in prostitution.>2007->Ch0796->Section%2007#0796.07
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers that use club spies
    I'd be surprise if an ATF wasn't "stalking" a $5,000 per pop customer. :) Heck, if word got about him at Angels the dancers would probably trample people to death to get to him and then the real blood bath would begin. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    That different strategies might work shouldn't come as surprise to anyone except to the one-size-fits-all crowd that seems to be fairly vocal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    Very interesting article, imo. However, imo, it proved the alpha male stuff isn't bullshit at all. That different strategies might work shouldn't come as surprise to anyone except that the one-size-fits-all crowd that seems to be fairly vocal. Hell, even blubber butts seem to fill a niche although generally in the U.S. the Barbie look is far more propular than the blubber butts. Go to Angels and the rules are very different. And, it isn't just the salivating over 3000 pound women. The values seem to be very different as well. Watching President Bush or CNN, I generally feel a wave of revulsion and think how nice it might be if the culture at Angels was dominant instead. The main downside besides my having to gouge my eyes out is that 3000 pound women would be everywhere. Farmers would have a much larger market so the tradeoff seems more than fair. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "maybe women also respond to more than one type of behavior." That is like suggesting ALL strippers aren't motivated solely by $$$, thus it must be FALSE.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx . . . 2 visits since the bartender issue . . .
    I never did care for gowns. Scanty bikinis or street clothes or plain nudity are much to my liking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx . . . 2 visits since the bartender issue . . .
    As long as the dancers end up making their money at the end of the day AND I have money to spend I strongly prefer being the only customer. I think most customers would probably disagree.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    Hi njscfan, I don't think you are giving him enough credit or I'm giving him too much. Here is what he originally wrote: "By the way, I've violated no laws as written in any jurisdiction in the United States." You notice the qualifier "as written"? He may quite legitimately feel he is exploiting a loophole in the written law when in comes to paying for sex. He didn't pay $5,000 for sex, but merely paid $5,000 for the woman's company. She was free to read poetry perhaps or just give a nice massage or tell some sexy stories or whatever. She chose with his apparent consent to engage in more adult activities, but being super law abiding he would never make sex a condition for receiving payment e.g. for receiving the paltry, to him, $5,000.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    Hi David9999, So parking tickets and a few speeding tickets don't count? What is that mantra that I believe the government was pushing? SPEED KILLS! :) A friend who was involved in a stabbing is charged with something like aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (guilt or innocence still to be decided or plead to avoid potential serious injury). That friend excluding marijuana use also "tend[s] to follow the law." :) So, how many bodies did you dispose of again? Besides just joking around and I hope you realize it is very light hearted joking, the friend who I strongly believe to be innocent could end up a felon and it isn't a question of whether the law was actually violated. It is just opinion . . . I personally would find a polygraph to be a more compelling instrument of deciding whether the friend violated the law. But, even the polygraph is opinion. Based on my longtime knowledge of my friend's behaviour, I *know* the friend is innocent. Yes, of course I could be wrong that is always a possibility.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "Once again. 'I've violated no laws AS WRITTEN (and interpreted) in any jurisdiction in the United States.'" I like the *and interpreted* part. :) Go Directly to Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. Just teasing a wee bit and hope you don't take offense.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "So who has been more successful with women?" He who is getting it on with the hot babes, imo. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    "By the way, I've violated no laws as written in any jurisdiction in the United States." Doesn't seem realistic even if you were a vegetable. Not to put you on the spot and I sure as hell don't know the answer, but do you know roughly, very roughly, how many laws there are in any jurisdiction in the United States?
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    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    I love the seed spreading posts. :) I read this book, I believe the title was the Mean Gene, and whether it was the subject matter---I was into gardening and breeding different types of plants; a novice though---or the writing style of the author, it just for me was interesting and fun reading. The Wall Street Journal before the shift advertised by the editorial "No Guardrails" was also for me interesting and fun reading. I would wake up early early pitch black in the morning early waiting for my copy of The Wall Street Journal. After the shift, I lost interest and it was boring and tedious reading. I felt like some silver spooned mentally challenged individuals had seized control by birth right. Damn nepotism. Now, I'm tempted to do a little research on their circulation numbers----------too much work and too inconclusive. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi njscfan, You wrote: "I'll agree I should keep my posts shorter . . . " I disagree with you. The length of your posts is fine, imho. However, the majority and I may be wrong about this probably prefers shorter posts. One poster--who thankfully no longer posts at all--had a real reading problem. Having difficulty reading my posts is understandable and often valid, but this particular moron couldn't even read concise well written prose. Worse, he was demanding others e.g. the good writers to dumb it down. :( I haven't read a post on here by anyone that was too long. Poorly written perhaps----I'm speaking about myself in that regard mainly because I have the bad problem of missing words and I prefer to write in a more windy style to boot! Not a good combination: missing words and windy. I sometimes or often disagree with different poster's povs including yours-----but, my povs probably don't win many lucky charms. :)
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    16 years ago
    Hi njscfan, Sorry to disagree, but I don't think you keep your posts shorter. That is just my 2 cents and probably the majority will disagree with me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi Book Guy, Excellent point! :) It is especially upsetting and frustrating when highly intelligent people do it. My former boss had 2 miserable marriages and lost substantial wealth as an added bonus. He is a huge marriage supporter and would like to get married a third time (he is older than god, btw), but this time she has to have money of her own. He is off the charts intelligent normally, but there is something about marriage that for some reason he thinks it is the greatest. He also has a twisted view of government, imo. He says that I should have learned the government is my friend and is there to help me. I really gave him both barrels for that idiocy---boy, was I fuming and spitting rage. I felt like ripping him into little tiny pieces and feeding it to a dog. :( His point, which I understood, was that I'm powerless against the government so I might as well enjoy it no matter what evil it does. Like the old advice to women to lie back and enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    I will always remember this dancer at The Trap. She's coming looking for a tip and I gave her the customary $1, but mainly I just wanted her to move on the faster the better. My interest in her was zero because she appeared to be so tall. To my great surprise she apologizes to me and I'm thinking what the F is she apologizing for? She hasn't done anything wrong and seems like a pleasant person. She takes off these horrible high heels, which I think were special designed to drastically increase her height. Suddenly, I want her to stay and am extremely interested. She was adorable at her normal size. I still think how perceptive she was in understanding why I was just completely uninterested in her. Mr. Happy went from being totally bored to being very happy almost instantly; the change was amazing and I never realized what a huge difference a woman's height actually made to my level of attraction. If a woman isn't interested in short men, then by all means let her choosed what makes her happy! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-monogamy as an attitude - its not that complicated
    Most women, imo, seem to care very much about height. I've never let it bother me because I care deeply about a woman's looks. Looks are all important to me. A tall woman almost always leaves me bored. A fat women leaves wanting to look away. Should tall and fat women be upset by my preference? Maybe, if I had a real choice in the matter. I think that is the key. Some people yap that focusing on looks is "shallow" and I strongly think such yapping is shallow. A woman can get me excited or not based on her looks. If she is looking "ugly" to my eyes, then it doesn't matter how good she is at sucking dick---my arousal is going to be subpar assuming I even get aroused. And, it doesn't matter how sweet or intelligent or funny she may be. Thus, a woman who doesn't like short men has my complete sympathy. If she doesn't like short, then for me that is good enough. The ideal situation for me is that she is just honest about preferring tall or average height men--that to me is very polite and nothing for her to feel guilty about.