Comments by jablake (page 65)

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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    "The govt. in this country IS the people." Interesting concept. So in Miami-Dade where one candidate ran on a promise to be *firmly opposed* to a taxpayer built stadium and the other candidate ran on a promise to be *firmly in favor* of a taxpayer built stadium the people voted and the main issue rallying voters was whether the poor should pay for a rich man's stadium. Anyway, the candidate *firmly opposed* to a taxpayer built stadium won an easy victory. David Paul an attorney who had fought the crooked stadium deal in the courts and lost told me the election was irrelevant. I said NO, one candidate has promised to oppose the stadium so we can still stop the stadium. David Paul laughed and said I'm sorry you actually believe who wins makes a bit of difference. I said you're just bitter about losing in court. He said something like you'll see the stadium is a done deal even when the candidate opposed to the give away wins the election. :( Of course, David Paul was right. The candidate who ran on a platform opposing the taxpayer built stadium changed his mind only a short time after his victory. To add salt to the wound the candidate's new plan gave even more taxpayer money away. Taxpayers got screwed royally, which was the game. And, this idiotic corrupt government is the people? The people never even had a real choice. Besides even if an honest candidate wins 51% of the vote and 49% hate his guts it hardly seems like his government IS the people. Anyway, it is much worse than what I've briefly outlined.
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    16 years ago
    OOPS! Not to be too paranoid, but founder could be LEO and once David9999 further confirmed his identity out comes the government bracelets and say good bye to David9999's former life of high living. A big shot government prosecutor gotten taken down by a moral stripclub and moral dancer here in Miami--I think it was the Pussycat. He's a top law dog and yet he goes off the deep end when a dancer refuses to perform sex acts for pay---Paid the dancer something like $1,500. Say good bye to the six figure plus government income as well as fun of destroying other citizens' lives (he probably gets to keep his fat government pension). Almost makes me feel sorry for the holier than thou dumbass government prosecutor.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    "I always miss the point and you are usually on it. The difference being that I do not read and therefore do not understand the politics behind most of it." An apparent advocate of ignorantism as well as a bibliophobe, but at least the lack of comprehension is acknowledged. I've actually argued in favor of ignorantism, but at the moment I don't recall all the merits of why it could considered enlightened as compared to the mainstream propaganda of more education, more teachers, and higher teacher's pay; ad nauseam. Strippers burning books and talking like babies seem like it would be ideal for him.
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    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    It is very difficult to say because I'm buying dances or time and if she chooses to do more or not is fine with me. I'm not pushing for extras at all. Sometimes the dancer feels like doing more and sometimes she doesn't. No pattern that I've seen. The only thing is a few dancers try and get specific, but that doesn't make sense to me. For example, if she says $20 for a BJ---it may only be worth a couple dollars to me if she is able to excite me too quickly. Also, I've noticed the dancer either needs to be into it or a good actress. One hottie was rushing and got completely dejected when I told her that even if I came early, which I didn't care about at all, that I expected her to stay the full hour (actually I've had to explain this concept to a few dancers). It was supposed to be $20 and she says I'm not working a full hour of sex for $20. I say this had nothing to do with that. You can sit and talk with me for the $20. She says she'd rather work?! Wow, I didn't realize I was that bad. She explained that it was easy for her to work than to try and talk with me. She actually worked hard for an entire hour and really did a great job going very slow and keeping constantly excited. I gave her $40 and she was very surprised and very happy. I said to her are you sure you wouldn't have rather just talked for an hour---you know it could have been any subject that you like. She shakes her head NO and says it is way more work to talk than just keep me excited. She said white people were usually crazy anyway so talking with a white customer just didn't interest her, but that maybe she would try a little at a time and see how it works. :) Oh, I had to drive her home which was at least 10 miles away---that was part of the deal. Figure total cost at about $60 ($40 + $20 for driving/gas/etc.). I have more expensive as well, but usually I try and keep the price very low within my wimpy budget.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    "Also: It certainly isn't the government that makes the good things about this country so. It is the people. If you can't see that you must be fucked in the head." FONDL, unfortunately, has a powerful solution to thinking like that, supra: Mandatory military service for the U.S. government. Yes, some veterans don't treat the government as some holy deity to adore and love, but those seem much rarer than in the general population. I've never read it, but "War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier," by Smedley D. Butler may be an exception to the seeming view of many vets that the U.S government is God and that military service equals "fighting for your freedoms or protecting your freedoms."
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Founder probably has to check for approval from his high powered lawyers. Wouldn't want him sent to a government prison and or suffering financial ruin at the hands of a government court when it all might have been avoiding by a few legal consultations. About now founder is probably shaking in his boots since his lawyers have advised that he is "legally" screwed NO MATTER the action he takes or doesn't take. Time to retain more lawyers and call a priest for a few prayers. :)
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    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    "Everyone has heard the sayings that 'church girls are freaks' though..." Unfortunately, by and large I didn't meet those kinds of church girls or may be my Alpha male skills weren't finely honed enough. Thank Heavens for Christian Dancers. :) They must be liberals cause they don't push their religious beliefs too hard----mainly they find it hard to believe a person could be without a God or more. :) They also find it hard to comprehend that other Christians could condemn them just for working at a stripclub.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    "Also: It certainly isn't the government that makes the good things about this country so. It is the people. If you can't see that you must be fucked in the head." Mister Guy, said something about conservatives seeing people as bad and liberals seeing people as good. I guess I see a better analogy with dogs. One dog is usually nice and friendly and not too dangerous. A pack of them is often blood thirtsy and extremely dangerous. Yes, it the dog pack has order and leaders; just as the government has order and leaders. I think a good dog pack is rare and similarly a good government is rare. Of course, packs definitely work. :( I don't know if decriminalization is the only solution----it sure beats the government's endless Drug Wars. Perhaps those that abuse and are addicted to drugs and harm others----could be the new target with not only criminal and civil penalties, but humane treatment and real assistance by people who actually care about the addicts. Focus more on seeing the harm causing addict as needing help----help might be as simple as Britains non-AA approach to liberating many alcoholics. Seems crazy, but some people just need lessons on how to drink less and more responsibly---I believe it was MUCH greater success than AA---which claims to be the only way. Punishment should be a last desperate resort when all else has failed. Government taxation if carefully measured can also help reduce demand by casual users. And, instead of spending of this new government money on building an ever larger prison state the money might go toward more social workers. I've been very impressed with the quality of the few social workers that I've met---perhaps it is their low status and low pay----they're doing it because they care. Tom Hussey of Broward County, was an extremely interesting case. He was OUTRAGED that the judge---a very GOOD man---refused to send him to prison for 5 years which what the law required--NO exceptions. The judge plainly stated to an attorney in my presence that he would NOT OBEY THE LAW in Mr. Hussey's case NO matter how much Mr. Hussey was demanding prison time. To Mr. Hussey the issue wasn't whether serving prison time would help society, he agreed with the judge that the prison time required by law would NOT benefit society----but, the larger issue for him was a judge willfully NOT OBEYING THE LAW merely because he didn't think the law would serve a social good in Mr. Hussey's case. Mr. Hussey believes a judge should follow the law even when it is harmful to an individual or society to do so. The judge iows shouldn't make his own law. I believe it was Prozac or some other anti-depressant prescribed by a doctor that had the side effect of ending Mr. Hussey's desire to drink alcohol completely. Unfortunately, there wasn't a provision in the law for "cured" addicts so Mr. Hussey's "privilege" to drive could never be restored and he was caught driving without a government license. Yes, mandatory 5 years in Mr. Hussey's case and Mr. Hussey admitted his guilt very aggressively and his need to have the law enforced. Therefore if the government law makes a stripclub customer liable for addict strippers whose to quibble? :0
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    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    At one time I remember a good number of tolerant Christians as well as limited government conservatives. Both groups seem to have vanished. Never thought I'd be looking forward to a Democratic sweep, but if government force is the way then I see them as the lesser of two evils. And, perhaps with modern technologies both the tolerant Christians and limited government conservative must meet the dust pan of history. I will say most of the Christian Dancers that I've met seem very tolerant and forgiving. Maybe the trick is to by force of law require Christians to be strippers during their prime years. :) BTW, I'm an agnostic.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Yes, I agree Bobbyl. However, there is another line of thought the promoters of government control and force often rely on. It goes something like this: just because the government can't or won't control one vice that might be even more dangerous doesn't mean it should ignore others. :( A collary to this thinking is that selective enforcement is fine and dandy. :( Scalia from what I've read believes equal protection of the laws is an absurdity. In his mind, using history as support, homosexuals have has much right to be free from laws criminalizing sodomy, as murders have a right to be free from laws that make certain killings a crime. He truly can't seem to comprehend the concept of equal protection of the laws. Of course, Bork claimed that a government right takes away as much freedom as it secures. This is the type mentality that is out there so it seems like it is time to start waving the white flag and begging for mercy or better yet the opportunity to serve. Another huge weapon that promoters of government control have is that it is supposedly the government that has made this the greatest country on Earth. Additionally, the propaganda is that this is a nation of laws and not of men; thus, law no matter how enacted or for what interests has moral force. Most people that I've spoken with have a knee-jerk mentality that it is good to obey the law. I wish they'd read Milton Friedman's Free to Choose about 11 times minimum.
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    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    "maintaining a generally pleasant demeanor, and avoid criticizing each other. Sometimes it is hard for a person to offer an honest opinion without seeming to criticize someone else for their contrary opinion," Very difficult. :) Sometimes opinions need to be expressed vulgarly, but that should be the exception, imo. I like the sentiments, in the quote supra. :)
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Hi Bobbyl, Unfortunately, for many people *illegality* is the key distinction. We are supposed to work for and police for the government free of charge normally, as well as obey the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of laws, rules, regulations, customs, etc.
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    16 years ago
    Air Dance for Lady Customer ----- What A Crime
    I was just considering whether it was a net benefit or loss or perhaps it doesn't even matter, that the dancer is pleasing the lady customer by giving her an air dance as far as potential business with other customers viewing the lack of contact. For example, when I see a dancer giving all ass even though that is probably what the current customer wants, I'm lessly likely to buy a dance from her because in my experience I usually get the same thing. :( OTOH, usually if I see a more sensual dance that is usually what I'll get. :) DON'T WANT ANY AIR DANCES!!! Thus, I might be somewhat reluctant as with the ass dancer to purchase a dance. Time for some economist to study this so dancers can hopefully maximize income . . . of course, maximizing income can be a huge negative . . . for both dancers and customers . . .
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Does anyong remember the government's anti-drug commercial where a bulldozer starts destroying an apparently happy and successful family's home? The message was that by suppling the dealers with cash even otherwise hardwording upstanding citizens were responsible for drug carnage. I *think* AbbieNormal supports this government position, but of course I could be mistaken. Anyway, I generally like the art of the government's anti-drug commercials. I wish the government would do anti-stripper and anti-customer commercials along the same lines; I need all the laughs I can get. :)
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Hi DandyDan, If you believe a drug dealer is responsible for the user's drug habit, then it isn't illogical, imo, to also hold an *informed* customer responsible. User gets money from *informed* customer and gets drugs from dealer; both are enabling her to continue her habit. True if the customer didn't supply the the money the user would most likely find an alternative, but the same could be said if the dealer refused to sell. Before one says well the dealer is breaking the law, it is very possible that under the situation I've outlined the customer is also breaking the law. Imagine if an Arab told a customer that with the $50,000 the customer was supplying he would use that money to buy material for a "dirty bomb" in contravention of U.S. statutes. I think most Americans would hold the customer responsible because he is informed of the illegality and yet still buys the product or service that the Arab is selling. And, the drug addict whose was in extreme agony seriously believed the customers were as guilty as the dealers. I strongly believe the government would agree with her. I believe *she* is responsible, but then again the government is responsible for higher drug prices and or lower quality in many cases, imo.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Hi Dudester, Wonderful to have the looks and skills to dance at Chippendales. :) Yes, I don't think I'd mind old and ugly women groping me for money as long as they thought I was hot. It would, to me, feel bad if they thought of me as a lower quality dancer. Women are supposed to be different than men when it comes to groping. If women generally don't mind and I'm sure with some women it just isn't an issue, then that seems like half the battle. Emotionally you need to deal with jerks and unclean customers---seems like enough to reach for DRUGS the stronger the better, imho. :)
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Well this should end it, hopefully. :) Sometimes, I get out of line and it is difficult for me to remember other posters have feelings. And, more importantly they haven't had my experiences nor I theirs. I would probably be much more appreciative of veterans if my experiences merely matched the values I was taught in school about America's freedoms and protections of individual rights. If not for the courts, then I'd probably be proudly waving the flag and getting angry when people--especially fellows citizens--didn't share my love of country. I'd probably be crazy enough to do what my dear father did and volunteer for military service. :) But, truly it shouldn't be so serious especially since the identities are protected. Yes, I can see where a person would want his alternate identity to have a good reputation. I didn't see that at first because it seems like more of a fiction site even when people are posting true experiences (hopefully) and those experiences can be rather coarse and unsanitized making it seem like anything goes. Best regards. :)
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    16 years ago
    Air Dance for Lady Customer ----- What A Crime
    Hi lopaw, She didn't have her hubby (my guess was she's a lesbian) and seemed to enjoy the dancer sitting on her lap and the conversation. After, that it was all air. I didn't even think of the lady customer not being into groping. Heck, some male customers probably prefer air also. Sort of like I'm not too into extras unless I've known the dancer for some time; that probably seems strange to most customers. Yes, the dancer seemed to make the customer happy so she probably had the right vibe. Usually, I'll see sensual contact at the very least when there is a lady customer. In this club, I don't even think I've seen a wife and hubby combo; a two women combo yes. A lady construction worker with her male construction buddies was very erotic; she was hotter than many of the strippers---maybe a 10. And, it would be unexpected to see a man and wife because the club is rather low hardcore. I'd think most wives would want a finer and cleaner place for that type entertainment.
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    JOHN DOE aka David9999, Sues for intentional infliction of emotional distress as well as for libel and seeks compensatory and punitive damages as well as reasonable attorneys' fees. Those internet users world-wide who have invested thosands of hours of their time and creative energy on precious poster personalities such as David9999, are donating millions in every conceivable currency to help with the costs of this precedent setting lawsuit. Insult a man's or woman's poster personality and it is as bad as kicking his or her dog or going postal. There is an old legal maxim that where there is an injury there is a remedy. Perhaps there are criminal laws that can be invoked to additionally help redress this malicious and savage and unconscionable injury. Or, the government can enact some broadly worded and crafted ex post facto laws to do the heavy lifting. :)
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Hi Chandler, How about you please show David9999 some empathy? You remember that *you* believe in empathy----so do I, btw. So please with sugar on top ask FOUNDER to take the moral high-road and perform a simple confirmatory cross-check, asap.
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    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    Here I was thinking the owner was a lucky dog. ;)
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    "meaning what now?" See my posts in your thread titled "The issue of truth." Basically, it seems like a lost cause even if President Bush made a confirmatory announcement on prime time television: And, to the "evil-doers" and other doubters, David9999 of TUSCL is who he claims to be and is NOT, repeat is NOT a pimply faced 15 year old boy! :) I mean if doubters can't trust a sitting U.S. President, who the hell can be trusted . . . The Almighty? Nah, Scalia has too many of his own issues . . . especially so after the 5-4 opinion on gun rights.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Hi casualguy, A fate worse than drug addiction; employment at Walmart. :) Hear that DEA?!
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    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    Well, my first ATF was something like 99% perfect in every way. :) Unfortunately, that 1% imperfection (wanting a baby and a real relationship) destroyed the heaven she created and made me feel negatively about women who seem to be too good to be true! They *know* they're NOT 99% or 100% perfect and yet they fail to do a complete disclosure before the poor man gets all emotionally attached and dependant. Full Disclosure: it should be the law. Damn, that was a very special woman in my life; too sweet to believe and just as beautiful.
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    "As I said in the first posting in this thread, I have another email for the DC Bar under the DC bar listing -such email address from which I will immediately respond from if and when he decides to send me an email." Hmmm . . . you may merely be a legal assistant for a high powered lawyer or so some doubters may assert.