
Comments by jablake (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    I'm serious especially where the free market is in force. For example, at Angels for the dancers to work a single shift sometimes they'd have to pay $150. That is a nice piece of change to work a single shift especially when the club has 4 shifts! This BS wouldn't last a second if you had a free market. So the clubs exploit the dancers for every last dime including hefty fines. (Some dancers exchange sexual services to get reduced shift fees and reduced fines. A definite benefit for almost all the girls who are proud of being super sluts.) So if a club owner is free to charge $150 to a dancer to allow her to dance, then working at the club definitely has value if dancers are paying it. If the owner wants a blow job instead of the $150 or if he wants a blow job plus a $150 that just is just a free market in action. I see no difference between an owner demanding $150 from a dancer to allow her to work or demanding that she mow his lawn or tutor his son or provide him full service. She is free to say NO! The beauty is that he is free to demand that which fills his needs and she is free to counter offer, refuse, or accept. This is basic contractual freedom. The vile government has contempt for the freedom to contract; it knows best and it may in some cases---I detest a one size fits all. Normally, I prefer freedom. However, if the government is going be a nanny then I prefer a powerful nanny that will do things like require equality of income for all citizens and residents. :) Hey, *supposed* conservatives love the filth of government when it does their bidding and if that is the case a lot more government is desirable to "level the playing field" and redistribute the wealth. Another point is that with one of my girlfriends, I was very aggressive. A typical bystander would think it was an outrage. Meanwhile she wanted me to be even more aggressive! When it comes to sexual politics the government needs to get its stinking nose cut off with a rusty razor. The fact is my girlfriend was not only free to leave, but was more than capable of having me beaten to a bloody pulp by more than a few men who would love to be on good terms of any type with her. She demanded a "real man" and in her mind that equalled extreme aggression. As she loved to say if a man is going to act like a woman, then she'd prefer a woman because women are normally much more attractive. In the example you gave the freaking woman runs back to the supposed abuse. Maybe she actually likes it? Maybe she likes to play the victim for straight shooters (such as yourself?). She left before and if she so desires I assume she will leave again. Meanwhile she has the satisfaction of being so desirable that a man will lower himself to threats to get some of her premium pussy. My guess is that inflates her ego thru the roof! IOWs, it appears both are getting what they want.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    "The second comment above (by Book Guy) is one of the most intelligent on the topic that I have ever read." When I read Book Guy's comments it made me think of all the people who are desperate obey. They thrive in a very structured environment and place great value on titles and authority and symbols (a medal, gavel, flag, uniform, whatever). They'll say things like you have to respect the Office. Whether it be President Bush or President Obama they're eager to kneel and play follow the leader. Battered Brain Syndrome? Or, their master could be a religious guru. I find it a little amusing and disgusting how huge numbers of Iraqis severely revere an imam as if he walked on water, but hell Americans have similar worship of authority. Seems more like human mentality than stripper mentality.
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    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    Prudes aka those inimicable to sexual freedom would do just lovely in an ant colony! "First Rule of the Ant Colony: No Hanky-Panky By Jeffrey Kluger Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009 To the long list of reasons you should be glad you're not an ant, add this: You'd have to forget about having sex. You'd also have to forget about even trying. Sneak off for a little insectile assignation and the other members of the colony would know immediately — and attack you for it." http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1870695,00.html Sounds like President Bush and his supporters. "The Teen Abstinence-Only Crusade Bush's Domestic Sex Policy By DAVID ROSEN" http://www.counterpunch.org/rosen01122007.html
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    She willingly does it to keep her job! Just as she willingly does it to earn money from a john! Wage slaves "willingly" do all manner of dangerous nasty jobs. Next you will want the government's sexual harassment filth to be brought into the stripclubs and at that point it is better that the government just shut 'em down. BTW, I think government's sexual harassment filth is applicable to stripclubs and can be used as weapon to shut 'em down. We just need some government scumbag to get a little creative against the stripclubs and even the customers. Wave the flag.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    I'd like to see the stripclubs institute a zero tolerance policy for prudes. Stipper and customer. I mean if you wanna be prude that ubiquitous in this country so please for the sake of all that is dear let's have a little safe haven for people who are pro-sex. Right on the freaking employment form the first question should be are you willing to have sex with all the male and female employees one on one and in a gangbang for the privilege of taking your clothes off? Anything but HELL YES should be met with an automatic in red capital lettered REJECTED!!! No prudes allowed would be an appropriate sign plastered everywhere inside the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    One dancer I knew that complained about being pimped out by management as well as her boyfriends (she attracted assholes err real men---she didn't want pussy men) used to hang out with me usually unpaid. Now, before anyone gets all excited about something a worthless as free sex let me clarify that it wasn't like that at all most of the time. In fact, there was never free sex with her. The hang out unpaid means exactly that. She might want to complain about her pimping boyfriend or her pimping manager. Whatever, I enjoyed talking with her but mainly she was treating me like one of her girlfriends. In the club that was a different ballgame and she earned her money. Anyway, one time she spends the night. No hanky panky if you can believe it. Yes, I know that makes me look worthless. So she wakes up and wants breakfast. Fine and dandy. I bought a bunch of food that she likes to eat at Winn Dixie with her the day before. I had hot cereal and cold cereal, little hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausages, all manner of fruits, etc. Oh no! She wants me to buy her stinking waffles from the waffle house!!! I tell her you know how much waffles cost?! I could feed an entire block with the money a couple measly waffles cost at the waffle house. Waffles are for wealthy assholes only!!! So, I had assumed my rantings against waffles and wealthy assholes had set her straight. Wrong. She wanted to trade sex for waffles. OK, waffles are nice. :) She was a winner and I felt like a winner and those were the best tasting waffles ever. :) I even think positively about waffles now. You know what? She's probably gonna complain to some other sad sack customer that she was forced to have sex just to get breakfast. lol. :) Dang, she was a fine young hottie.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Short Songs
    I haven't seen a DJ yet worth fucking. I know I know, for real men a hole is a hole.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    My attempt at artwork
    Oh man, a single comma let alone a different word can mean the difference between 25 years to life or a get out of jail free card. I would say you RECREATED it or if you wanted get real risque RENEWED it. Remember, its all in the words. Enhanced interrogation is a complete quest for answers by the good guys. Torture by contrast is a war crime. So you skinned a completely conscious combatant to get answers. If you're a good guy that is merely enhanced interrogation; you served your country and fought for freedom. If you're a bad guy that is torture and you need to be skinned alive to show you and others skinning people alive is wrong.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Short Songs
    I like TUSCL_Brother's solution if you aren't broke or cheap. However, it requires a little boldness, personality, or time. Very rarely I do that thru the bartender assuming that I was friendly with her. In a club, I'm usually fairly quiet and prefer to generally not be noticed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    BTW, The Wall Street Journal had many years ago a pro-blackmail or at least decriminalize blackmail (hint: less government is very good) opinion piece. I think that is when they were pro-freedom so that opinion piece probably wouldn't get the ink for at least the last few years.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    I've seen some very needy strippers and in those cases at least the john has a ton of power. However, you make a very good point that typically the stripclub owner has more power (usually due to government). That often wouldn't be case, if the government allowed a free market. At Angels when clubs were free to open without government BS, management was very accommodating to the dancers. If not, then the dancer goes across the street. Government shuts down the clubs and suddenly those girls know who has the power (hint: those clubs that survive). Anyway, I still don't see a dime's worth of difference between a woman agreeing to fuck pretty all comers for X amount of dollars and then somehow there is a problem fucking the owner of the business. Is the john nicer? Is the john cleaner? Is the john a better business deal? If a girl is smart and greedy, then she'd be eager to get on the good side of a man who can help make her $$$. She has the free will to go to another club or start her own club. Oops, in a free country she could start her own club. Heck, one out of 2 ain't too awful. Wave the flag. Actually in my book the means are all important. And, the means are that a woman should have the freedom to accept $$$ for sex. And, the stripclub owner should have the freedom to make sex a condition of employment. YES, the stripclub owner should also have the freedom to refuse service to blacks and asians and pretty much anyone including President Bush. IOWs, screw all this sexual harassment BS and discrimination BS and let individuals instead of government make the decisions. YES, even if those decisions are wrong or unpopular. That is freedom and not the government demanding this crapola or that crapola. OTOH, if the free market isn't allowed, then yes the government should dictate pretty much everything including anti-discrimination and anti-sexual liberty and equality of income.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    If a woman chooses to spread her legs to earn money from a john, then what is the big deal about her choosing to spread her legs for the stripclub owner. In both cases she is receiving what she wants. In the case of the john it is money. In the case of the stripclub owner it about getting the opportunity in his club to earn money. Doesn't seem like there is a dime's worth of difference between a woman spreading her legs for a john or for the owner of a stripclub. Big Hint: Some women actually don't view sex much differently than the stereotypical man. Furthermore, it can be very rewarding to play "victim." Oooh Booo Whooo I had to fuck 10 men to pay the rent. The reality may be that damn I got laid real nice by 10 desperate men and they were stupid enough to pay my rent! Hell, if I fuck 50 desperate men that might mean a brand new sports car!!! Different people have different limits and likes. The stripclub owner is probably a man of high integrity and virtue compared to the typical elected official or used car salesman. (I got called a used car salesman and believe me that is a hit below the belt and I felt it was totally undeserved despite the fact that I sold a couple used cars.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's birthday.
    they're winning
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's birthday.
    If you learned it was all about the money, then would stop having fun and stop paying money? BTW, I agree with you that more than money is involved for some dancers. The big difference I assume is that I can feel wonder about a dancer who is just doing her job or is just interested in the money. A friend of mine loves to stereotype in the name of expediency. If 70% of dancers just care about money, then he converts that to 100%. Anyway, his endless mantra in disgust was that they just care about the money. I always replied that if they do a good job, then it seems like I'm winning and hopefully their winning via the dollars that they earn.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    "DAMN MAN!!!! I didn't even notice till you mentioned it. I agree with founder, and in this case, I would support censorship! That picture needs to go!" LOL! :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    Hi Clubber, Excellent gift. I love the counter-culture, but tattoos on a *hot* woman are generally depressing.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    For some women, sex forced or not just isn't a big deal---like a parking ticket. A female employee (non-stripclub at the time) who was raped thought 30 days in jail would be an extremely harsh punishment. She loved sex with men, but didn't like being forced. She didn't like blacks or married men, but other than that pretty much any male had an excellent shot with her. Old? If he can get it up, then no problem. Fat? If he can stick it in no problem. Oh, yeah. She didn't like overly small penises. She had a super sweet wealthy boyfriend. He seemed too good to be true. She agreed, but said he was too tiny and that would drive her crazy---he needed to find a woman that didn't care about that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pretty Good Stripper Act
    I didn't like her at all---looks, attitude, skill. But, thanks for posting it. I did find it interesting and it made me appreciate my local dives. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    My attempt at artwork
    Actually, I was thinking he stole it. :) Good job. My art skills are less than zero. I only remembering getting failing grades----very stressful and was happy when art classes were no longer required.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers, taxes and the homeless
    Screw the good times bad times dichotomy. The fact is until you meet this nasty government face to face, I'm not really interested in supposedly good choices versus supposedly bad choices. DRIXORAL---an OTC (over the counter)cold and allergy medicine. Never appreciated in the past that you pay a reasonable price and give the cashier the money and presto you have your medication. Instead of spitting up phlegm 24/7 and having flu symptoms, you feel some real relief. Enter nasty government. Initially, the government just limited purchases to 2 packages per day and demanded government ID and demanded you fill out a form so the vile creatures can keep track of you. No big deal really just a waste of time and they get their rocks off watching how much Drixoral you purchase. Of course, the government bullshit more than doubled the price, but what the F if you have the money who cares. Right??? (lack of caring is the American way) Anyway, of course the new bullshit wasn't enough for the nasty government. Just to make sure people didn't get their medication the government limited sales, which means no more Drixoral for me until hopefully sometime later in 2009 or maybe never. Freedom? In America? Yes, those of you who don't need Drixoral don't give a shit and you just wish to worship America and yap about how wonderful this country is. Who knows perhaps when you get screwed you'll still be waving the flag. That is your choice and it is probably a healthier choice in more ways than one. Yes, they're generics to Drixoral. They don't work exactly the same for all patients. So what does the foregoing have to with this thread? Well, the focus seemed to be on the lack of caring which the original poster found disgusting. Well, lack of caring to me just seems like a normal trait and worse is enforced by law. The lack of caring about homeless people is normal and I'm guilty of it. However, the good choice bad choice thinking is extremely grating (I'd probably be kindly disposed/leaning to this view if the game wasn't completely corrupt). I wish to see wealthy assholes get screwed by the corrupt government and then get back to me about life choices and supposed freedoms. Some choices are because people are stupid or sickly or it is the lesser of 2 evils. The mortgage blow up, imo, is a perfect example of the lesser of 2 evils conundrum. Do you attempt to protect your hard earned money by buying a home or do you just get financially raped by skyrocketing rent? If you bought an "overpriced" house in the 1970s you'd be looking smart, but do the same thing in 2003 or later suddenly you are too blame. NO. It is that nasty government and its money creation machine. Please don't misunderstand. That money creation machine does create a lot of real wealth. However, it also forces people to choose between the lesser of 2 evils e.g. sky high raping rent or "overpriced" homes. Blame the government---that is really the bottom line whether it be about people being denied medication or forcing people to take risks to try and protect their very limited wealth. I feel some sympathy for the nasty dancer, but I can also see a customer being totally disgusted by her ME ME ME attitude. Someone mentioned it should be required that Americans be forced to visit other countries so they'd appreciate America----I think that is a wonderful idea and the nasty government should foot the bill from its money creation machine. I wish to see the world, but will need assistance including a healthy person to go with me and probably a wheelchair. Heck, maybe other governments will require that I chop off a finger to buy Drixoral (my neighbor claims he can get it cheaply in Haiti! I said wonderful and you're going to risk smuggling it into this nasty country?).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Follow up to February story about Attorney caught up in Craigs list LE sting
    "--not a bad result, in my opinion." Sounds like an excellent result even if he was 100% innocent.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers, taxes and the homeless
    "should try and help out (not necessarily money-wise) those that happen to be less fortunate than us, no matter how they got that way." A very nice sentiment. I like to think that if you treat nasty people (those without power or just cause) nicely that, that may help them be a little nicer toward other people. One extremely nasty person that I knew had scars on his back (he was crippled in basic training and received generous (his word) VA benefits (he was very pro-American)) that made me wince. It made a nurse wince as well and I'd have thought that she'd have seen everything. Anyway, most people didn't realize how much agony he was in---I didn't appreciate it enough until I saw the scars on his back. When I'm nasty or uncaring or unsympathetic or rude, I try and remember that the other person's viewpoint may be very valid based on his experiences and that I could be just like him if the ball had bounced differently.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers, taxes and the homeless
    That 7% is very sexy or if not sexy at least appealing. Years and years ago this one dancer would practically give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Here she really was doing well and yet she always thought the it was good to help people who need your help. Although it caused to spend more money on her, it was wasted in that she would try and use that money to help other people. One time she had invited me to go to a church sponsored fund raiser and was very surprised when I said that I didn't believe in that. Even shocking to her was that I wasn't a Christian. That was one very sweet Christian girl. If she was the uncaring type, then probably I still get dances from her, but she would not have been special.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    for you guys that pay money for a bj, hj, sex whatever
    It is a nice piece of meat and I'd rather buy direct rather than indirect. Indirect would be playing role of loser boyfriend or middle class romeo who wines and dines for fuck. Also, I want to avoid a real relationship----bs like let's have a baby so the government can fuck you in the ass repeatedly or let's get married so the government can fuck you in the ass repeatedly or let's put the home in both our names so the government can fuck you repeatedly or etc.
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    15 years ago
    for you guys that pay money for a bj, hj, sex whatever
    I talking with this huge ugly nasty as hell biker. Proud of his prison record. Proud of his conquests. Even proud of waving the ffing flag. He comes out with any man who pays for pussy is a total faggot----he never paid for pussy and never would because he was a MAN!!! I say ok Mr. Tough Guy, (He was a freaking tough guy, but I felt like at least attempting to take him down due to his flag waving filth; I'm a runt, btw.), let's see a picture of your old lady. Suddenly Mr. Tough Guy ain't so tough!!! He starts sputtering looks aren't important. Yes, siree bob; looks aren't important to total dirt bags--perhaps; I think even dirtbags have some standards. Shoot, it was tough getting the picture out of him. Finally, he shows a picture of his old lady. After diverting my eyes in disgust and fear----believe me she was that bad----I said I'd rather fuck you and you're ugly as shit. Mr. Tough Guy after wimpy protests that looks weren't important, left with his tail between his legs. He doesn't pay for it----BULLSHIT!!!! Can you say BULLSHIT??? Every time he gets near his old lady he is paying and paying and paying. I'd pay huge sums to keep her away from me. Some of you may think I'm joking but not even the most disgusting strippers at Angels were anywhere close to being as disgusting as she was. It looked like a gag photo, but it wasn't a gag. :(