Adorable Stripper / Escort Trashes Apartment . . .

Just got a call from a buddy who is more straight laced than normal. He believes in all the old fashioned values and likes working. It surprises me that we are close, but then he knew me decades ago when I was a real worker.

Anyway, he owns some rental properties and he just loves the business. The tenants, the repairs, the income, etc. He says this was a dream job that just turned out that where other people got upset or depressed he was like go, go, go, let's try and get things working. He said even if he was Donald Trump rich he would still want to do rentals in some capacity. OK, he is straight laced and need major counseling from Dr. Phil! ;) Why? Because he tells about his experiences and I'm like how do you remain so positive??? It's not normal and can't be healthy. You NEED to explode into a violent rage like any red blooded American. It's your birth right.

So this adorable stripper / escort just trashed his rental unit and he is just unfazed and upbeat talking about all the repairs he is going to do and the upgrades and how this is going to be a lot of fun. He is telling me hard construction work is the best and don't I wish that I was in shape so that I could be doing the heavy work instead of sitting at home. I was polite, but wanted to say 6 feet under with worms would be more appealing. Then, he says aren't you glad I steered you away from her? I'm thinking you're a true nut case. That young girl was 100% fine, but unfortunately high priced for my undersized wallet. :(

Definitely to drool over. And, her little buddy was hot as well. Mr. Straight Laced is like you need someone your own age and sex is really unimportant at your age. You'll die of heart attack. See, how the clown needs Dr. Phil. See those young hotties just makes me want to rob a bank to get the necessary funds to pay their prices. :)


  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Why did she trash the place???

    I'm thinking maybe she got pissed with his idea that she needed to marry a successful young man and have babies and go to church on Sunday. Given that type provcation Mr. Straight Laced is lucky he didn't get some old fashioned blood letting by Ms. Adorable Stripper / Escort. :) Or, maybe she was pissed he wasn't interested in her services. Either way, that man needs to feel some pain---blood letting therapy or head shrinking therapy or both . . .

    17 years ago
    I admire people who can be positive in the face of adversity, who view problems as opportunities. I try hard to be like that but don't always succeed. But I have learned one thing from the effort - life is a lot more fun when you're positive and don't let little things bother you. And it's almost all little things.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Maybe he just enjoys the work and derives pleasure from the challenge. I know and emergency room surgeon who loves her work and does not get caught up in the how or why someone suffered a gunshot wound.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    He told me a story that he said really changed his life. He said I might think it is stupid or insignificant, but his whole world view was changed and for the better! :)

    When he was young and struggling he bought himself an expensive suit. He worked his tail off to afford that suit. He takes it to be cleaned and the suit is destroyed. The owner takes full responsibility and explained what went wrong. Well, he is angry because the suit was still very new and very expensive. He wants the owner to pay at least part of the suits value and better yet replace the suit! The owner initially agrees, but says he needs to see a receipt to check the price and age. Fortunately, he had kept the receipt because the expensive suit was still relatively new. Once the ownere saw the price of the suit he apologized and said he just couldn't afford to replace the suit. Business was bad and he was very sorry, but he just didn't realize how expensive one suit could be.

    He sues in small claims court paying the filing fees and servers fees. Finally, he gets his day in court. The owner explains that he is at fault and is very sorry and that he did previously apologize. It was an accident, Your Honor and I feel very bad about it and I've explained that I can't afford to replace the suit because business is very bad. If things were better, then I'd like to pay. I'm very sorry. The judge turns to the other party and asks what part of he can't afford to pay do you not understand? Well? So he explains that he worked his tail off to afford the suit and he doesn't have a lot of money, etc. The judge again asks what part of he cannot afford to pay do you fail to understand? So, he replies, I lose the case if he says he can't afford to pay? The judge says the man is sorry and has apologized and yes you lose because he can't afford to do more. And that was that.

    He says he never worried about courts after that day. It is all about the screwed me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me. He thought the judge was totally insane, but the important thing was not to go to court in the future. It costs too much time and money and then the judge is a nut job. Just take the loss and think positive in the future.

    17 years ago
    The Zen approach is that whenever you buy something new you picture it in your mind as old and broken. Then when that happens you won't care. I actually think that's sound advice.
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