
Comments by whghIost (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Customer rights" followup
    So true. I wrote a letter to the owner, but he pass the buck to the night manager Jeff. Jeff is not a friendly manager and he does not like customers. He got many compliants from guys. So, when I heard he pass the buck, I knew it was over. It is all about finding a right girl, not which club. This club has a vip room that is quite private and just about anything can happen. I was able to make out with Paris for 6 months. At first, it was just fun. Over time, I spoke with her and she treated well and I started to have feelings for her. So, I would come see her a little more frequently. That's when things seem to mess up and I started to obessess with her. Feelings do cause problems. I cross the boundary. However, Jeff is a power trip asshole. Greg is the better manager. I like him. I wish he was the night manager. Brian is Alen brother who tossed me out for good. However, Alen never mentioned that he agreed with his brother. So, I guess I need to find out if Alen agrees with Brian about me not being able to come during the day. One of the girls during the day spoke with Paris and now she is uncomfortable with me. Of course, she did not speak with me about it. So, Brian happen to be at the club and he read the letter, too. However, his brother Alen knows the situation better. So, I think Brian's decision is unfair. I did not do anything wrong with any other girls nor was accused of anything. Paris is the only one. Just because Paris is spreading her version to other girls is not fair. However, I think I will just kiss this club good bye. However, I would like to get back at the club somehow. I know Pink Pony is its major competitor. I want to cause the Oasis to lose some business by posting bad reviews. Any other suggestions???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Customer rights" followup
    Well you guys are right! Happy!! You want details? Here it go: The dancer's name is Paris!! She is white and she works mainly at night. If you are nice, you can ask her to kiss you. She will! You better be careful though. Give her space. Make sure you left the club well before she does. So, she won't confuse you from following her. Oh, don't write letter to alen or brian. They are the owners of the club. Brian comes off close minded person or Ultra Conservative. Ironic, right! Any club can be fun provided you spend it on the right girl. This club Oasis was fun. Not I hate it! Especially the management and owners. Yeah, I just got kicked out by Brian. He read the letter that I wrote. Plus, I think one of the day girls spoke with Paris and she got uncomfortable, too. So, I got screwed big time. Going to strip club is a disease. Maybe this was a wakeup call. Paris, you won! You managed to fool the owners and managers. She worked the other day during the day, when I was there. If she was so uncomfortable, she would have left and come back at night. Oh well, she got what she wanted. There betters clubs in other states. Pink Pony is ok, but it is not fun. Man, I am so upset. Ok, guys, have fun with this. Tell me that I am a bad person and that I will be arrested and so forth. Say hi to Paris for me. I hope they change the law and make a new age restriction. So, only 21 y.o. can dance nude here in georgia. I would like for her to lose her job.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    HarryDave, you got me so wrong this time. My favorite dancer is very fun to be with. It is better than having a real relationship. You don't have to live with her or any girl in fact. I understand that the preception is what got me in trouble here. However, I am trying to work through proper channels to resolve and protect my good name. The girl has the wrong preception of what she thought happen. I just want to gain my right as a customer to shop when I want to shop. The day manager is fine with me in the club. It is the night manager who is not. The owner was to stay out of it. So, I have been going during the day. I wrote the story to be infromative. I was not asking for advice. I don't know how many of you have been mistreated by management. I was looking for a similar case or a different story. I was not looking for people to judge me. I know what I am doing. One of the managers told me that things may change. He told me to be patient. I will. In the meantime, I will try to have fun in the day. It is hard, because I am used to going at night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Casual guy, you are the creepy guy. Only you can come up with this crazy concept. I do see you can turn what I said into something not. What would be my motive? I have been seeing this dancer for 6 months +. Why would I try to scare her? I would not!! I do see how she perceived that someone was trying to follow her. I do realize and do feel bad that I did scared her. However, it was a mistake on my part to not remember to turn my headlights back on. It is her misreading the no headlights as someone trying to follow and her speeding was her mistake. I would have not sped if she has not sped. Plus, I did not sped to the point where I am 1 car lenght behind her. Never mind, I wasting my time with you guys.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I did not do anything creepy. It was by chance or misfortune. After talking with another manager I discovered a new fact. My lights were not on when I left that night. I did not know that. The Friday before, my car would not start. My head llghts were left on overnight. I went to another car where the valet guy turn my headlights on by messing with my light setting. So, when I got home, I heard noise but ignored it. So, I was concern my car battery may be weak, since it over 3 years old. So, I recall that I did turn my light dial to off. So, I when I left the club, I forget to turn my headlights back on. So, I do see how she thought I was following her. She saw a car with no headlights. So, she thought she was being followed. Plus, she sped. I was wondering why she was going faster. I sped a little, but kept a good distance like 3 or 4 cars lenghts away. I had to change my car battery because it was very low. So, I did not do anything creepy. It just was a misfortunate of fate or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    You guys seem to focus on me rather than the content of the message here. Some of guys are predators simply looking to score and have sex in the club or outside. I was trying to describe an injustice or simply mistake that occurred. Just because I like this girl, it does not make me a bad guy. Many of you do have ATF. Just because, I spent too much time with her does not make me a stalker. We spent time together. Stalkers do not spent time, they spy. So, we all are guys who enjoy naked women. So, back off. I am not a bad person. I have never ever been in jail. She has. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. I drink socially. I spent time playing with my ps3, xbox 360. It is easy to criticize someone you don't know at all. So, who are you to judge? Do you guys have a record? I bet someone of you guys have been in jail.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Guess what I have learned. I spoke with someone who works at the club. He told me that my dancer is fine with me coming back, but the management is not. I tried to speak with one manager and he said he try to speak with my dancer and said that she did not want to hear me out. Yet I spoke with another person and he told me that it is in the hands of management and she does not work outside the club. This tells me that the night manager Jeff is either a racist or an asshole or both. This makes the other manager a lier or maybe his hands were tied by Jeff. In any case, I am screwed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I agree with Harrydave. In addition, the girl needs to recognize the next guy who wants a dance from her. If you see another guy stare at you while you are dancing for someone, he wants a dance from you too. Plus, don't come late to work either. It costs you a bit, too for late fee. Plus, it is best to find guys who want to do VIP. So, you would also be willing to accommodate what the guys want to a certain point. Especially, if you think this guy is the type who would return. Most guys return especially, if they live in town. Plus, you can tell a guy likes you. Plus, if you give a little, he will return.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Say we all get uncomfortable about anything. It is call work!!! I am sure that she may have been uncomfortable with all guys who touch her. Plus, I think the night manager is an asshole. I don't think he even tried to tell her my side of the story. So, she is going on with thinking that I tried to follow her. So, he has banned me from the club after 7:30pm. I think he has this power trip going on. He is not doing his managerial job. So, I am pissed off!!! It is not easy to move on, but I will try. She is the opposite to what john said. She is uncomfortable with making more money from me. She gives me discount. Half hour suppose to be two bills, but she charges 1.5 bills just for me or who ever. So, oh well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When did 2 weeks or a month become a long time?
    I am a minority as well. I like it when they asked me that. It comes off as she wishes to see me again. IT also say that she had a good time too. Plus, she need money, of course.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Oh well, thanks for all of the responses. I liked a few and a few I did not like. I have been going to strip clubs for 15 years. There are just 2 dancers I liked the most and remember. One of them no longer dances and she is still young. She is 24 by now and her stage name was Emily and she used to dance at Shooter's Alley. She and I actually lived together for a few months. She was or is a drug user. So, that and plus other things ended our relationship. The other dancer appears to be the opposite. She is very beautiful inside out. I had a great time with her and I don't know if she is pushing me away because she is starting to have feelings or I am getting too personal or a little bit of both. In any case, I had a great time and I will miss her greatly. You guys can judge me from whatever little excerpts I wrote from the past. I know I am a great guy. I am just a lonely guy who hopes to change this one day. I am going to try to venture strip clubs less and more on the real scene like the regular bars.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Well, I have learned a few things here. One, never give false impression. I should have given her time to leave, because you never know if she is going in the same direction as you are. Plus, I learned that if I am starting to feel emotionally for a girl, I should stop seeing her for a few weeks. If I had stayed in the club till closing, the event would not happen. IF I had stayed in the parking lot and give her chance to leave, then I would not give her the false impression. I do realize that I did give her the impression that I was following her, but I was not following her at all. So, I hope she would give me a seocnd chance, though. You guys know I do like this girl a lot. I would never never try to scare her or make her uncomfortable. I have learned my lesson on how I might have scared her unintentionally. I know now that I need to give her space. How much is up to her. So, she may tell them that I could come back in 2 weeks or much later or never. I am hoping sooner.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Harrydave is the best response I gotten. I never had the attention of wanting a relationship with a dancer. I just want to have fun. She is wonderful and awesome. I might have a crush on her, but it is never about control either. Some of you sound like that you are saying that the girl should not control you. Can this all simply be a big misunderstanding? I like to provide her a steady income by seeing her at the club. I don't want to see her outside the club, unless she wants to do so. She knows more personal information about me, then I know of her. Why would I give her my phone number, work address, and work number. I have no clue as far as personal info. I just wanna dances and attention from her at the club only. The one event on Sunday was a big confusion. I do understand how she might feel. It would have nice for her to stay that she is getting the impression that I am becoming a little emotionally involved. I would then say, you are right. I will see you in 2 weeks. I don't know. Time will heal wounds. I don't know. A few of you do have some harsh opinion of me. Casualguy sound creepy to me. Some of you guys are seeking sex at the club. Not me. I just want a good lapdance and personal attention.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Wow, comes to my mind. Well, it is forum full of guys who enjoy naked girls. The question is that, was the girl frightened by the appearance of me following her or is she using this to send me a message. I was just sharing my frustration to you guys. You guys have favorite dancers, too. Some of you see them on a regular basis. Am I wrong? Plus, another question is how many of you guys believe my account of the event. If you believe me, then I should not come off as a stalker or whatever. True, I have become emotionally involved with this girl. I have seen her once a week for 6 months now. Lately, it has increased twice a week. However, I was to leave because she thought I was following her. Not because I am seeing her too frequent. I have not bothered her. Why are you guys making it sound like as if I am chasing her or whatever. Perhaps, this is not he best place to start a discussion. My bad. Guess, none of you got emotionally involved with your favorite dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A vocabulary lesson
    What does ATF mean? or SO?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Fondl, you ar entitled to your opinion. Obviously, if I had done over 30 vips with her, she is comfortable with me. Enough said.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    Most of the dancers I end up getting dances from are 20,21. But my favorite dancers are 19. I have gotten dances from girls who are in late 20s and early 30s. Majority of them are b/n 18 and 24.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    There is nothing wrong being cautious and being careful. However, I have been seeing her over 6 months on weekly basis. I guess even so, this may not be enough for her to be safe around me. I do feel bad that I gave her the appearance, however, I was going home. Perhaps, I should have not honked my horn. Or may be, I should have stayed at the parking lot and give her 10 minutes to leave. But, I was not sure that she was going my way. Till it was too late! Plus, I was already filled with joy I had with her and I did not realize that she was in bad spirit. In other words, I was not smart enough to know to stay my distance. I realize now that I should have stayed in the parking lot. But, too stress again, for a millionth time, I did not follow her home. I was going home and she happens to take the same path, except she goes west on the interstate and I go east on the interstate. So, please forgive, if I gave the impression. It was not done on purpose. It was just bad timing and maybe divine. I don't know. I just hope that she can forgive and hope for a second chance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I sure got more responses than I thought I would. I did not put my business card that night when I was accused of following her. It was Wedn when I was asked to leave. You question my grammar and yet you don't read it well. She may have been irritated because she already spent an hour with me in the vip plus the night before. Like I also said, she normally does not work on Sundays. She was there by chance and I always go on Sundays. Plus, my favorite has told me that she does not mind me coming often, but she does agree it is a little too frequent. So, I am welcome, but since she thinks that I was following her, she does not want my company. That is why I am trying to have her hear me out. However, it is at the stage, where I have to communicate through management. So, I am waiting patiently as possible. I have gone to other clubs since I was rejected. However, I would like to go back to this one. Like I mentioned before, I have seen her over 6 months now. We are comfortable with each other. This is just a misunderstanding. Only time and hopefully someone tells her like I would. Or may not. It was fun, while it lasted. All I can do now is hope.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    That is it! I don't know her side of the story! I just got the general idea that she thought that I followed her. I hope they tell her more than that I said I did not follow her. I hope they tell her the whole thing in detail. The most I got from the manager at night was that I sped up to her. That's it. If I wanted to follow her, I would not sped up. Secondly, I would not honk my horn, either. I would like to know her entire story. Plus, if she heard my entire story, then I would feel better if she does not want to see me still. However, I think I should be allowed to see other dancers in the club at night. I did not pressed my case to managers repeatedly. Last time I spoke to them was 5 days ago.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Well, this may be an interesting point. Most clubs would not let their dancers leave early unless it was an emergency. So, if my favorite dancer was prevented from leaving early, that Sunday night would never happen. She would not make the mistake to think that I was following her. I would have been gone well before she would leave the club. So, why did the club let her go home early? Anyways, it is a good point, I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Question for everyone. If someone accused you of something you know that you did not, would you not want to know why? For example, you go to your favorite book store or ice cream shop. An employee there though you stole an item and told her manager. Her manager told you that you had to leave. You know that you have not stole anything. In this case you can prove that you did not stole by asking them to check security video. What bothered me about my case is that I know I did not follow her, yet I am getting punished for it. It would be different if I was guilty. So, I am hoping that my favorite dancer would change her mind. I hope the manager give some justice to what I had said and she understands it well. I think I could tell it better.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Thanks for the feedbacks. Never thought I would get the kind of feedback before. I told my story as factual as possible. Guess, different people will interpret it differently. I read the definition of stalking. It is a repeated following via unwanted notes or communications or actual following. I did none of these things. She is a dancer at a club. I gave her a repeated business. She has always had the option to say no. We had done over 30 vips. That Sunday nite was just a misunderstanding. She thought I was following her, but I was not. However, she tought I did and that is what mattered. As far as writing a letter and giving it to the manager sound like a good idea. I am NOT taking any legal actions. I just want to be able to go to the club and enjoy other dancers. I don't want a mistake in thinking that I was following her prevent me from going to this club. She is wrong. I did not follow her, but they are taking her side. It is her word versus mine. However, if she could hear me out, I think she will change her mind. So, why can't the club tell her that I can come to the club but she does not have to provide me a service?