
A vocabulary lesson

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Tuesday, September 4, 2007 12:56 PM
On this board, we often disparage the intelligence of young dancers. But I'll admit my sweetie has recently taught me a thing or two. I've always taken pride in that fact that although I may be pushing the big five-oh, I thought I kept up on pop culture....the people, the music, the language. But my ATF uses some language that reveals my ignorance - so thank god for [view link]. Two of her favorites: "scantless" - as in "I have to keep you away from the other scantless bitches in the club" "baller" - as in "Jimmy over there is a real baller" What new vocab have you learned from strippers?


  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    My ATF says "in the day", which I have learned means about 7 to 10 years ago. Her day and my day are different. Lots of strange words from the Hip Hop crowd. How about "crunk", which means drunk. And the strange gibberish that comes from Snoop Dogg, like "the shiznit", which means "the shit", which means an awesome person. As in, "that dancer is the shiznit!" Set the way-back machine to June 1965. remember groovy, trippy, far out, out of sight, mind blowing, etc? My parents and their friends were similarly confused.
    17 years ago
    I learned what a bong was from my ATF, she even demonstrated it for me once. I also learned a lot of other drug terminology. She thought it was funny that I didn't know any of that stuff. I also learned a lot about the internal workings of the criminal justice system. In turn I taught her all about wine. And about the benefits of staying out of trouble.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    From my Prev-ATF, I learned what a "blunt" was. From a recent fav, I learned the term "freaky head".
  • whghIost
    17 years ago
    What does ATF mean? or SO?
  • scott1971
    17 years ago
    Check the gloassary. ATF==All Time Favorite. SO=Significant Other. That second one is hardly specific to stripping; the first one is.
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