
Comments by mike710 (page 47)

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    4 years ago
    combination trips
    If I happen to be working near a strip club that I like, I will try to get a hotel within walking distance. I have also traveled to other states to have fun and then hit multiple places that I like in that state. Not just limited to strip clubs.
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    4 years ago
    Has anyone visited Dallas clubs?
    I'm not a doctor and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I can't offer you any medical advice. However, I've been around a lot of the country in the past month and see that things are nowhere near normal anywhere in the country. I think that, in general, there is a significant portion of the population that is staying away from public interaction due to fear of CV. I've only been to one strip club a few times in the past month and it is pretty slow for the guys and the dancers compared to normal. Granted, this is in Arizona and it is normal for things to get slow at the height of summer. However, it is even slow for summer and a lot of the popular ladies aren't back yet. I think for some it's fear of CV and for others it's not wanting to waste the time in a slow club. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a spot to land.
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    4 years ago
    Feo, Fuerte y Formal
    Covid-19 Ghost Town in the Far East
    I don't have a lot of Asian experience but spent a week in Guam 5 years ago. I felt like a fresh piece of meat walking down Tumon Bay's main street. It seems sailors and Marines were just starting to be tested for alcohol and going out to have fun was no longer an option. I couldn't walk more than 100' down the street without being propositioned by a woman in the door of a house of some sort of pleasure. It was strange.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Seems the governor bowed down to the cities and is allowing cities to make their own facemask requirements. Seems that club patrons are probably going to be required to wear a facemask if the clubs remain open. Don't know about everyone else but I've had my fill of wearing a mask all the time. I voluntarily wear it in appropriate situations but don't like being told to wear one all the time.
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    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Business Travel: V, Fish Hook, Other Recovery ?
    I work for a large corporation and, just today, an email was sent saying that high level approval for travel is no longer necessary. While non-essential travel is discouraged, they are only asking that other means of doing business are considered. I stayed in lockdown for 2 months but was never prohibited from travel if needed. Traveling is a hassle right now and it might be a while before things return to pre-Covid days but it is starting to pick up. Last night I was in a hotel that had a restaurant open until 10pm. That was a first since I started traveling again. It was also a blessing because I was in a city that is experiencing a high level of "social justice demonstrations" aka rioting.
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    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Business Travel: V, Fish Hook, Other Recovery ?
    Southwest is keeping middle rows empty until the end of July but American flights are usually at least 90% full right now. Airports are basically empty with the exception of Charlotte. It was packed when I landed there a couple weeks ago.
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    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Business Travel: V, Fish Hook, Other Recovery ?
    I've flown numerous times over the past 5 weeks and have been to or through 10 or 11 states. Each area is different but noticed that the South is more wide open. I typically wear a mask until I see how the area is and wear it on planes, trains and busses around the airport. In and around the airports, probably less than half the stuff is open. I'll be traveling for work for the rest of the year. Even if some stuff shuts down again, I'll probably still travel because of the nature of my job. I try to be practical but don't want to live my life in fear forever. It feels good to be a productive member of society again. I was paid during the lockdown but was climbing the walls
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    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    Mine would have to be with a crazy girl at Adelitas in TJ. She came out on stage with a ton of energy and got the crowd really worked up. She got up on a ring on a chain and spun like a top several times on the ring. I got dizzy watching her pinball on stage and spin on the ring. I was sitting at a table next to the stage and I guess she noticed me with a big dumb grin watching her. She came to the table and asked me to take her upstairs. I went up with her and she continued to be very aggressive. I'm normally a quiet guy and don't get into rough sex too much. She started biting and hitting me while we were up in the room until I finally decided I had enough. I didn't do anything but restrain her with my strength and start to go at her very hard since that seemed like what she wanted. I only restrained her because she was hurting me with her antics. She ended up submissive and asking me not to hurt her once she figured out I wasn't going to take pain from her. Didn't do anything physical but prevent her from hurting me and she got kind of scared once I started going at her hard figuring that is how she wanted to play. Strangest encounter I ever had in TJ for sure.
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    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Back in the saddle
    I've had a login for this site for a long time but haven't been too active over the years. I have to say that I like the way members and staff are handling this report of Covid in a club so far. A false report could really hurt a business that is trying to come back. At the same time, members would probably like to avoid a place with a positive result for a while. It's a tough balance but appreciate how it's being handled.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Scanning ID's might be the new big brother way of contact tracing in the Covid era