
Comments by mike710 (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is anyone moving ?
    I'm in CA but not in a city that has gone off the deep end yet. Just as I read this, I saw an interesting article on my Yahoo page that has some numbers about what you ask. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-york-city-is-dead-forever-according-to-one-lifelong-new-yorker-2020-08-16?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo
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    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Pasco County Report
    Thank you for this information doctorevil. I was ready to book a trip to Tampa on Thursday night but decided to put it off at least a week when I did some research on how much Tampa is open in general. Bare Assets is always one place I stop at. That Bare Assets setup sounds like a DUI in waiting since you are drinking in your vehicle, moving or not. Plan to keep an eye on how Covid is doing in the area with regard to opening up more. I'm going through strip club since everything is still closed in the state I live in and a couple of surrounding states I frequent.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    Do you all think travel will recover anytime soon?
    @Serentity. I have traveled to Tampa a lot just to SC. Been a while since I found some good places a 1 hour flight from me in AZ. I need some miles though to reach my status level so a cheap flight to Tampa is sounding good.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    Do you all think travel will recover anytime soon?
    $250 roundtrip from California next weekend. Thinking hard about it.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I was just going by the guidelines that were posted on the link that was sent from the AZ Health department a few days ago. In CA they are trying to point out the bars are the root of all evil as well. Help me Ducey. I'm priming up one of my favs on text as we speak. I can get a roundtrip to Tampa for less than $250 next week. I have a few favs there too but this area seems like an easy place to get new ones to me.
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    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Safest thing to say politically. I did see that yesterday's tests came back at 6% positive so that is a very positive sign. If you have to be at 3% for 2 weeks, it is still a while off.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    Do you all think travel will recover anytime soon?
    Sounds like you are in Portland blahblah. Sorry for your loss. I'm seriously thinking about going to FLA to an open area to release my pent up strip club energy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌ busy being a "psycho bitch" 🀣
    Do you all think travel will recover anytime soon?
    I'm traveling right now and getting ready to catch a flight home. I really haven't stopped traveling for work. However, I'm in a small minority. I think travel, as it was before Covid, will be a ways off. A lot of businesses have cut off travel for the rest of the year. Just by looking at people you see in your life, I'm sure you can see individual attitudes about the risks are a mixed bag. So, a lot of people that are afraid of the virus won't even think about traveling until this completely blows over. Also, a lot of people will be financially strapped for some time after the economy starts rolling again. Bottom line. Travel is ticking up slowly but it's going to probably be a few years of gradual increases before it is back to pre-Covid levels.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Kamala Harris for VP / What do you think ?
    I don't think I can agree that ,LA (that's how you pronounce her name or end up tarred and feathered like Tucker...... but it's ok if Biden calls her cam-a-la) is a centrist moderate. She cosponsored the Green New Deal. She agrees with Medicare for all and she is on record to change the voting age to 16. Hate to say it Papi, but I think your urge to take her to VIP is clouding your judgment. It's OK. We all think with the little head at some point.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Kamala Harris for VP / What do you think ?
    Jamaican Indian sounds like a Jerk Curry lamb dish
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    If the trends continue, AZ will be around 3% in about 3 weeks. Last week was 9% positive test rate and it has dropped 2% a week over the past few weeks. Based on what I saw at my favorite AZ club before reclosing, the 50% capacity won't be much of an issue. The club was never close to full during the day or night the few nights I was there. So, maybe sometime in Mid September things will open? Might be wishful thinking but that's how things have been trending.
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    4 years ago
    The modern day Robin Hoods
    OK DS, even if what you say about the debt is true, we have been in debt for a long time now. I'm beginning to think old thoughts of debt don't matter and it matters more about confidence in countries going forward. You can say Biden is just a pimple on our ass but he has to sell out to Bernie and AOC to keep himself relevant. That means even more debt on top of what we had and any bailouts. s Even though I'm not sure about the price of debt as you describe, I sure think that it will come home at some point. Nancy Pelosi is 80. She doesn't give a rats ass about your kids.
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    4 years ago
    The modern day Robin Hoods
    Andrew, this is only the beginning. Gavin will find out as well. I wonder who's the better cook? https://youtu.be/j68_wIXnX4Y
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper lawsuit to be first β€˜virtual’ trial in US, held entirely on Zoom
    New proverb. Give a stripper a VIP session, feed her for a day. Give her cooking lessons, feed her for life.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The sex industry is stricken with coronavirus and slowly starting to die
    OP. I hear what you are saying. It is difficult to find steady work in the sex industry with many dancers/escorts, as well as customers, having some level of fear about the current pandemic. I went to a couple of clubs after opening in May and June and they were a shell of their form selves. They have since closed down again since they were in areas where cases spiked again. It's also hard to decide to pick up a relocate to an area that may close down again at any moment. I have been in contact with a dancer that was considering doing this and she decided not to do it at the last moment. This will all pass at some point. Things will eventually get back to closer to normal. I doubt that this will happen in the near future, however. There will be a lot of damage lives in the meantime. People will always crave one on one contact. Just a matter of when that will happen again.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    When I made an Instagram account, I used my phone number. Little did I know that it would look in your contacts and add them as potential to follow. If they have your number, they get hit that you are potential to follow. I had my account for a few hours when a wacko woman I met a couple of years ago started following me. I closed that account and used an email to create a new account. I also had a number of a dancer that used her real first and last name on IG. I hope she doesn't give out her number much.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    @Subra. A lot of girls seem like my potential CF after a few drinks at closing time. The follow up in the light of day doesn't always pan out.
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    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    @Muddy. I knew someone would have way more than me!
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    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    I didn't keep the numbers so long with any intention of calling them again. Most, I only called less than a handful of times. In the early days, I gave out my work cell number, which I've had for a very long time. I tried to delete some old numbers and found out they had synced with Outlook contacts too and they came back. I've been to a strip club with my boss so that's not a big deal. I did decide to get a personal phone so that I didn't mix those kinds of things anymore.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    A serious discussion about diversity in strip clubs
    Woke would be if we saw reviews of male strippers that identify as female
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    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    Probably safer that way. Some of mine are so old that they are probably not even valid anymore. I started going to clubs a lot in CA but only have 2 from there. I found girls in Arizona and Florida a lot more open to OTC activities than CA girls so most of mine are from AZ and FL.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    @Greg. Depending on what clubs you want to visit in Tampa, you can find a hotel in the Westshore area that allows you to walk to clubs. I've walked to Penthouse and Thee Doll house by staying near Westshore Blvd and to Mons/Odyssey/Scores by staying on Lois near Dale Mabry. I've been to clubs in Tampa where those rules weren't followed. Depends on the girl, club and current management. The more fun clubs are in Pinellas and Pasco anywhere from 30-45 minutes from the Tampa airport. Lots of extras over there and management doesn't really go into the VIP area.
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    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    Personality-wise, Phoenix is kind of a mix. Florida gets its transplants from the Northeast while Phoenix gets its transplants from the Midwest. There are also a lot of American Indians and long time locals in Phoenix. They all bring something different to the personality. I enjoy the value of the strip clubs there. The greater Tampa area has some great strip clubs and housing isn't as bad as South Florida. The best value clubs are in the neighboring counties to Tampa in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. Oregon has a ton of strip clubs but it's been a while since I went out to clubs there so don't know how the value has held up over the years. Of course, there's a lot of stuff going on in Portland right now. Rural Oregon has their strip clubs as well. When I went out there, I found a lot of the Oregon clubs were nude with alcohol.
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    4 years ago
    The modern day Robin Hoods
    To me pushing class envy is more of a political slogan than effective policy. If a state or locality thinks they can punish successful people for their success, then they soon find out that those people will just move somewhere else. I guess I grew up in a different time. Instead of being taught to envy successful people, I was told that if I worked hard and persistently pursued my goals that I had an opportunity to be successful myself. America is not a promise of success but an opportunity for success. I, personally, wouldn't value my life if I had to rely on my happiness coming at the expense of taking from others who have more. In these high tax states, the policies they put forward are an overreach at times. Any time government does something the private sector can do, it is less efficient and ends up costing more. Government is a necessary part of providing defense and infrastructure at both a local and national level. If it reaches beyond that, it just costs us all more.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The modern day Robin Hoods
    I'm just pointing out that the same old idea of "taxing the rich" is starting to become counterproductive. Even Cuomo was lamenting this in one of his press conferences after a tax increase on the rich. https://www.tax.ny.gov/research/stats/statistics/stat_fy_collections.htm