
Kamala Harris for VP / What do you think ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 2:57 PM
In just about every Presidential election, the VP candidate really doesn't matter. Yeah, Sarah Palin was a stupid choice, but the Republicans were going to lose that election anyway. But Joe Biden is about to turn 78. And looks pretty fragile for a 78 year old. I'm pretty sure that most Americans are not thinking that Biden will be able to physically or mentally do the job 4 years from now. So anyone voting for Biden has to looking at the VP candidate to think, " do I want this person to be president?" Most elections it just doesn't matter who the VP is. Anyone remember Dan Quayle ? But what do you think about the choice of Harris ? Will she help Biden ? Will she hurt ? I just listened to her speech and she sure seems pretty far left. But Biden has already said he was going to run the most Progressive campaign in history. What do you think ?


  • founder
    4 years ago
    I'm voting for her because she's black.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I watched both Kamala and Joe speak, now I'm watching Trump tell the world how unfair they are to him, and she's nasty WAH WAH
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Trump has already signaled that they are running against Kamala. Everyone knows Biden won’t last 4 years. It’s almost like Biden doesn’t exist.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    It was the safe pick. He had to pander to two key audiences
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    She's a hypocritical piece of shit.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    I only hope that the voters get educated and realize that if her ticket wins she will be Prez before the 2024 election so in effect they're voting for or against her not Biden.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    She wold be my choice too. I think she is great for the ticket.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    She's barely black. She is Jamaican and Indian.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    Jamaican Indian sounds like a Jerk Curry lamb dish
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    ^ Careful, you're making rumdummoron horny and hungry. 🤣
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    She a Jamaican Indian raised in Montreal Canada and married to a white Jew and got her political career started by banging a married black politician twice her age - she's quite "diverse"
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The Dems are already talking about her "overcoming" being "black" and "overcoming" as a child of immigrants - her parents were both highly educated professionals and she's likely lived her whole life in an upper-middle-class environment - I seriously doubt she has lived the "black experience" nor the "immigrant experience".
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    If I was 65 I would have no problem with her slipping into my bed. I would have put Tulsi in that category, but shes not again well.
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    We were willing to give up our awesome Mayor here in Atlanta. She showed incredible leadership in the last few months.....said with almost a straight face.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    As far as I'm concerned, I find her less-bad than if they would have gone with one of the revolutionaries (Stacy Abrams, Karen Bass, Elizabeth Warren, etc). I think the Dem party is trying to distance themselves from the radical left - I think they realized all the rioting and violence wasn't playing well and was giving the Dems a black-eye and making the Dems look like Marxist and anarchist sympathizers/supporters and that it was turning off a lot of people and many in the middle. IDK if the Dems thought that most of America was gonna be down with the "revolution" b/c "most of America hates Trump", and thought that America was gonna be with them b/c they were supporting the revolution, but it seems the Dems are distancing themselves away from their radical faction and picking Kamala is IMO a pretty-strong sign of this (I see Kamala as a liberal and not a radical, but I could be wrong) - the Dems had also previously announced that "Medicare for All" would not be part of the Democratic platform which seriously pissed off the radical-wing (as well as the Kamala pick has seriously pissed-off the radical-wing) - and rumor has it AOC was not invited to speak at the convention (IDK about the other radicals or if this will change) - all this could change if Biden got elected, but for now it seems the Dems are heading more towards the liberal-middle vs the radical-left as they were a couple of weeks ago.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m trying to compare the 2016 choice with the 2020 choice. It’s Trump vs Hillary compared to Trump vs Kamala. There was more baggage with Hillary, that made her a less appealing candidate. Since I’m in NJ and more aware of politics in my region, Kamala is a less distasteful choice as I know much less about her. I’ve seen her debate, and I wasn’t impressed, but I wasn’t upset either. I’m sure there will be a lot more coverage of her now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Another sign that IMO the Dems are trying to distance themselves from the radicals is Lori Lightfoot in Chicago all of a sudden deciding to go after the rioters/looters and not excusing them as had been the case over the last month or two - even Wheeler in Portland is now trying to clamp down on the anarchists b/c he knows it's making the Dems look bad.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    I don't think I can agree that ,LA (that's how you pronounce her name or end up tarred and feathered like Tucker...... but it's ok if Biden calls her cam-a-la) is a centrist moderate. She cosponsored the Green New Deal. She agrees with Medicare for all and she is on record to change the voting age to 16. Hate to say it Papi, but I think your urge to take her to VIP is clouding your judgment. It's OK. We all think with the little head at some point.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    As I posted, I see Kamala as a liberal, but not as a radical - she's a politician vs an idealist like AOC, Sanders, and The Squad - I assume Kamala will go with what the middle of the Dem party wants, vs trying to pull the Dem party as way left as possible - there aren't centrist Dems, they wouldn't survive
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I was watching NBC News earlier tonight and they were announcing Kamala's choice as VP and it was more like a glowing political-ad for Harris - then later on I was watching a different channel and unconnected to what I had watched earlier in the eve on NBC, the other channel just happened to describe how the head of NBC has been a Kamala Harris supporter from her days in California politics and how he was a Kamala supporter thru the primaries.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    I think that she is a good choice. A slightly left leaning centrist, someone who doesn't piss people off and she hits all kinds of minority points - black, south Asian, from the Caribbean and female. Law and order? Former DA of Los Angeles and Attorney General of California. Experience? Elected Senator from California. I think she'll be good for the ticket. ....and I can't wait to watch her hand Pence his head in their debate!
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    What if Trump replaces Pence with Candace Owens? He has a habit of changing team members.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    “....and I can't wait to watch her hand Pence his head in their debate!“ Pence just needs to watch the video of Tulsi Gabbard shutting down Kamala. In boxing terms, Kamala has a glass jaw and Tulsi showed how to take her down.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    She’s easy on the eyes, but I’m voting TRUMP.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    She'll win it for him.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    She'll win it for Biden
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... What if Trump replaces Pence with Candace Owens? He has a habit of changing team members ..." I heard Trump is considering Mike Tyson I doubt anyone would wanna debate Mike
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Unless he went with McGruff the crime dog, Democrats are just too pro criminal to even consider voting for them.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Harris had most liberal voting record in Senate in 2019. She sponsored green new deal, wants Medicare for all, open borders and more gun control. Calling her moderate is ridiculous.
  • MrEddyG
    4 years ago
    It’s funny how CNN criticized Tucker Carlson for mispronouncing her name but even pronounced it the same way, lol. What a moron. Maybe they should put on the same way as the former WWF wrestler “ The Ugandan Headhunter KAMALA! Pronounced: KA-MALL-AH.
  • MrEddyG
    4 years ago
    I meant Biden mispronounced her name
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    "I think the Dem party is trying to distance themselves from the radical left" They're actually embracing the radical left while trying to give the impression that they are more moderate with Harris. Their plank will be radical. They're trying to claim Harris as a moderate based on past as a tough on crime prosecutor but based on her recent voting history and current rhetoric she's far left. "even Wheeler in Portland is now trying to clamp down" Oregon isn't clamping down on anything. Anyone arrested is immediately bailed out and the state drops all charges. They've announced ahead of time that anyone arrested won't be prosecuted. Seattle just slashed funding to it's police department.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    I don't find her attractive at all. Her sister looks pretty good though.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    "It was the safe pick." Out of a poor field. The other female minorities are straight up anti-american so it was a no-brainer not picking them.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    Harris seems to tick the pre-determined requisite boxes for selection but there are big problems. Just use google to search to see why she had to drop out the of the primaries because of lack of support. She is black but black people don't seem to like her. She's not of African-american descent and she was a tough on crime prosecutor that was tough on minorities. Blacks don't like cops, more so now than ever, and to them she's a cop. They do see her as a phony like Trump said.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    So, the candidate who had to drop out of the primaries before they even started (because her support was so low) is now essentially the Democratic nominee for president.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    Biden is a Trojan Horse.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    ^^ Trojan Horse for sure. If Biden wins (and that's a BIG IF) I doubt he will serve as President more than a year... probably even less. He'll suddenly contract a mystery illness, or have a heart attack, or some other reason will be given as to why he had to step down.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    It’s a bit bizarre how the democrats had 4 years to find a ticket to get Trump out - and they came up with Biden/Harris. I’m still not sure where Harris stands - as her current position seems more liberal than she was as a prosecutor. I’m hoping she’s a moderate. Since the house is controlled by the democrats - and the senate has barely a republican majority - having a liberal White House could be very dangerous!
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Scott Adams refers to this as a two puppet situation. Kamala controls Biden. She will be the real decision maker from day one. But, someone is controlling Kamala. She is surrounded by Hillary and Obama people.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Pelosi and Shumer control Kamala, with a heavy reliance on Russian and Chinese input.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    Not sure it is even legal for her to be VP. Yes she was born here, but the US Constitutions says a bit more. "...This tidbit in the US Constitution is never mentioned. After the born in the US there is this, "....and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens..." Neither of her parent were citizens as I understand it, so is that a caveat?
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