Comments by K (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    Future you are going on ignore because you insist on mistating what i say. You are hostile. You add nothing to the discussion. Good bye
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    . Other people clearly understand my point so i dont think it is me. You are either an idiot or just want to argue. You are able to string words together into sentences so I dont think you are an idiot. Why do you enjoy annoying other people? What does it accomplish? What use does bitcoin have other than a means of exchange? Diamonds, gold and silver can be used in industrial purposes. Corn can be eaten. Bitcoin has no such purpose. I stated this and you even quoted me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    True but most commodities have a use. Bitcoin has no use what so ever. You cant make anything with a bitcoin. You cant eat bitcoins.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Is Santa Bringing You?
    Some penicillin .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    Clubber bitcoin is marketed as a currency but regulatory agencies have determined it is a commodity. It has value only because people have decided it has value. Nothing backs Bitcoin. If everyone wakes up tomorrow and decides it is worthless, then it will in fact be worthless.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Career progression and clubbing
    There is no need to leave a good job. There are many side jobs in IT. Programming , SQL monkey, small network installs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    twentyfive, My comments about education were not directed at you. I know others may read this. I make my living in IT for financial services companies. my investments are closely monitored and I may only use approved investment houses and investments. Sadly, Bitcoin is not one of them. People ask me all the time about virtual currencies and I point out that I am not an investment professional. The most I can say is that if I were allowed to invest in bitcoin, I would consider it for now. I recently took a business trip to various European countries. I saw bitcoin ATM machines in the strip clubs and some hotels in Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary. I did not notice them in Austria, Germany, Spain or Portugal. I did not use them but as I understand it, you can transfer bitcoins or withdraw local money and strip club money. I saw them used several times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    I hit post a little too soon, I am very interested in virtual currencies. I believe misinformation is the biggest threat to virtual currencies. anyone that is considering investing in any VC should understand the technology and the product. Not just in general but the specific product they wish to purchase. That means do not take my advice. do your own research and perhaps consult an expert. If you are still confused or unsure, perhaps you should not invest.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    As an aside, I believe block chain and distributed ledger systems have some amazing potential. If we can ensure the security of the serial number, we can reduce the expense and risk of physical money. I don't want to do away with physical money. But there is no need for piles of it to be printed and sit in a vault changing ownership only on paper. Distributed ledger systems have the potential to reduce the risk of embezzlement and theft.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    I think I see the problem, You confuse the technology with the product. I think your last comment gives you away, You clearly do want to antagonize me. Bitcoin is near and dear to me. I stopped mining bitcoin five years ago due to regulatory reasons. I want it to succeed and I believe misinformation is a bigger threat than government intervention. I don't expect substantive replies to my questions. I think it important people answer those questions for themselves before investing in any VC. What are your opinions on the SEC and CFTC decisions on cryptocurrencies and ICO's. Do you think the court decisions on alternate currencies such as the Liberty will apply to cryptocurrencies? Do you think we should adapt distributed ledger technologies into non-cryptocurrency systems? If we do, do you think that these technologies can and will be regulated? My final comment on this will be to those that actually are interested in virtual currencies, don't take any advice on this board. Educate yourself on what they really are from the experts. Research the SEC, IRS and other regulatory bodies opinions and decisions on VC in general and specific VC before you invest.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    I would never make such predictions. But there are many that agree with you. IMO bitcoin will continue until governments find a way to stop it. I don't think this will happen until the Chinese stop mining them in their bitcoin factory mines. if governments don't stop bitcoin, it will continue as a means covert money exchange. In a drug deal I show up with a suit case of cash and you show up with a suit case of drugs. With bitcoin the risk stays only with suitcase of drugs. there is little to no risk of the money being intercepted. At some point people need to be able to cash out their bitcoins. I don't see this as a serious problem. There will always be some one that has cash or other items of value and needs bitcoins for an illegal transaction. At this point, again, IMO, if the transaction fees are enough, people will set up a node and make a small profit. If not, the people that want bitcoin to still be usable will ensure the existence of enough nodes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    You clearly do not understand the difference between source code and bitcoin. I will stop trying.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    A Bitcoin is NOT a language.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    This is a complex subject and huffington post is using poor examples. The constitution is clear about the authority of the federal government WRT to currency. Further, it is theoretical since the federal government has not made bitcoin use illegal. There is well established law and precedent in courts regarding physical alternate currencies such as liberty dollars and foreign currency. A bitcoin may not physically look like a real coin but its intent is clearly the same and that is enough to give Congress the authority to regulate its use including forbidding it. Congress has delegated its authority in this area to various regulatory agencies however, the last time I explored this, bitcoin most likely was a securities contract and not a currency under US law. Simply calling something a currency does not make it one. As a security contract, the federal government has the authority under interstate commerce and various import/export powers to regulate the sale/purchase or import/export of bitcoins. WRT to intrastate use, that might be left to the individual states. Again, the lack of physical existence is not important. I was an early miner of bitcoins until I took some contracts with financial services firms and my investments are closely monitored and many investment options are closed to me. I still peak in as there are many interesting computer science problems in blockchain technology
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin going to $1,000,000 per coin
    More than half of the bitcoins have been mined. It is close to 16 million out of 21 million total if I recall correctly. The bitcoins get harder to mine with each one found. Once all bitcoins have been found, there will be no reward for mining other than transaction fees. The current estimate is that the last bitcoin will be found in 2140. Some bitcoin experts believe this will be the death of the system as it may not be profitable. I suspect that enough people will keep miners up even if it isn't profitable. Why not create more? You would need to convince at least half of all nodes to adopt the new limit. There is some debate around this and some believe you would need all nodes to do this. Doing so would almost certainly destroy the bitcoin ecosystem and render all bitcoins worthless. The block chain cannot be extended indefinitely. IMO, More likely is the number of decimals will be increased to permit smaller transactions. These smaller units will get a useful name and we will get prices not in bitcoins but in whatever we call these smaller units. While it is true to some degree that bitcoins are immune to many of the disasters that real money is susceptible to, there are a variety of ways in which a bitcoin can become un-spendable. The most likely way is someone protects their bitcoin with a private key and loses the key.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    If you can uniquely identify something and manipulate it, it is an object. A specific bitcoin most certainly is an object. It is a defined data structure that can be uniquely identified and manipulated. It has attributes and methods. It clearly meets the computer science definition of an object. If we get into dictionary definitions, it meets at least one of the definitions. You did not specify physical object in your post. However, physicality is not necessary for it to be an object or to be regulated. The vast majority of stocks, mutual funds and etf's do not exist IRL but only exist in the digital world. Do you deny they exist? Do you deny they can be regulated?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin and the first amendment
    Bitcoin may be "kinda like grammar", we won't argue that, but "A" bitcoin isn't. It is indeed an object, a digital object but still an object.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Career progression and clubbing
    Take side contracts. IT covers a wide range of topics. Can you be more specific ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rent is due
    You make the mistake in assuming they worry about the rent before it is due. Tomorrow or the next day tbey will be worried
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Upcharge for Topless Dances
    Every club I've been to has no extra charges for topless or nude. The dancer may refuse to go that far without a tip but the club gets nothing extra for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you bring to the table?
    The one thing they say i am most inclined to believe is i provide them a good time. I usually mix my pleasures. Dinner, a show, some good wine and then play time. When given the choice of an hour or two session or an evening out with an overnight stay, my regulars usually opt for the overnight for the same money. It does cost me more to cover everything but they dont get any more cash
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you bring to the table?
    I assume all of it is obvious SS. If she was honest and called me an old, over weight, pervert, i would still assume SS
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    12 brutally honest answers from a female stripper's Reddit AMA
    I don't think they ever actually interview dancers. They make up the article. They know their audience and the article proves what the reader already "knew" . A similar article in Hustler would have all the girls as bi sexual sluts only too happy to blow us but economic reality or a money fetish compels them to do so for cash.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you bring to the table?
    My dick. my looks, My sexual prowess. I am smart. I am cultured. I am sweet. I know how to treat a lady. In short I am the perfect man. If I choose to believe strippers
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Sense of time
    Tell me when and where and maybe i will be there eventually and maybe with someone other than you