
Comments by LVclubber (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Have You Ever Been Told That OTC Is Grounds For The Dancer To Get Fired?
    This is definitely a widespread policy. In truth, most clubs claim that all the dancers are independent contractors. Thus they are not really subject to such rules. But, consistency has never been a hallmark of strip club management. In truth, girls get "fired" all the time for various reasons, some good, some bad. The best justification I have ever heard from a SC manager was the rule is to prevent the clubs from being used for prostitution. My own experience with a couple of clubs and OTC situations was we had to be fairly discreet about meetings. For example, one dancer told me to meet her at a regular bar down the street for the beginning of our OTC. Another said, "lets meet at...." Others were more discreet, we just exchanged digits and made the dates later. One time recently, I was texting a dancer in her club and we decided to meet up after her shift.
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    3 years ago
    My Top 5 Strip Clubs in Indiana
    My experience with the Evansville clubs is mediocre at best, and their best days are few.
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    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    ‘Audit the Ultra-Rich' It is an act of justice...
    Please keep in mind, these are estimates, nothing more. Yes, there are tax cheats. The IRS does a credible job of finding them. Is it in the neighborhood of $750 billion per year. That is slightly less than 20% of the annual revenue of the federal government. Should the IRS do better? I think so. Are they mising 20% of the revenue? I am not convinced. Not by an estimate.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Better. Much better.
    Not submitting a review. Went in Wednesday night during a Louisville tour stop. Cover was $5.00, only two Hispanic girls dancing and neither one of them spoke a word of English. Not worth going.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Just a quick update. Table dances are $15. I have never seen anyone do one of these. Couch dances are $30 and no touching by the guy. A "spinner" is a slim small girl who can literally spin on you. Went in last night (Tuesday) four girls dancing. Only three custies in the club. Don't see how anyone made any $, but I had a good time. Brooke and Iris both pleasantly failed the pencil test. ;-)
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Slow afternoon
    Techman, it's just called "Showgirls" now. Last time I was there, pre-Covid, just one girl, the manager dancing. Bama, was her name. She's been around since the late 90s and the wear and tear shows. She never was a great dancer and she hasn't improved. But, she said other girls wer coming in later and they gave better dances.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Couch dances were quoted at $30. I passed in favor of the upstairs VIP. Couches are low to no contact.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Slow day shift, not much reason to go here.
    Some new background. 1) The DJ doesn't come in until 3:00 PM. 2) Evening shift girls start arriving around 3:00 PM. 3) Club has last call at 10:00 PM.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Close to the Airport, Cute Girls and Reasonable Drinks
    I'm with desertscrub, don't go to this place. Definitely not worth it. Not even at 1/2 the price.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Better. Much better.
    Monday night at 10:45, cover was $5.00. All the girls seemed to be sitting with regulars. No one was dancing on stage. Kind of disappointing.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Can a reigning ATF be demoted?
    Definite "Yes" from me. One ATF, Traci, moved up to ATF status, moved clubs, she retained status. We had a number of OTC's, all the while I knew she was married. Even ran into her and her husband at the movies, my wife was along. Traci and I kept it cool. Her ATF status lasted until she decided to get pregnant. That was fine until she told me not to use a condom. End of ATF status. Period! I got my own kids and they're enough. Fast forward a few years and I get a text from Traci, completely out of the blue. I'd seen her a few times in the club, but no OTC and only a few lame LDs. Well, the text was sexy and her replacements had all gone out of the business, so I was interested. Our texting moved to sexting and pretty soon, I was scheduling a business trip to Indy for some fun with Traci. Had OTCs with her for several years. But, time is not kind to women's looks. She took good care of herself, but, the younger hotter competition was so exciting. So, I let her go. The second time with a nice parting gift. We remain friends, and when I'm going to be in Indy, I definitely let her know. Sometimes we hook up, sometimes we don't.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Day visit
    Just a quick update, NC Governor has signed a new executive order closing bars and restaurants at 10:00 PM beginning Friday, December 11, 2020. This is a 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew only. But, it hits the club industry hardest.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Post covid visit 3 days after reopening
    Just a quick update, NC Governor has signed a new executive order closing bars and restaurants at 10:00 PM beginning Friday, December 11, 2020. This is a 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew only. But, it hits the club industry hardest.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Prices up.
    Just a quick update, NC Governor has signed a new executive order closing bars and restaurants at 10:00 PM beginning Friday, December 11, 2020. This is a 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew only. But, it hits the club industry hardest.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Police Stop Stories On Club Visit Drives
    I had a flat tire on my way to a club, while on a busy expressway in Louisville, KY. I pulled over and not wanting to wait for AAA, I got out and started to change my tire. It was on the traffic side of the car and probably not my smartest idea, but I did have my fourways on. While I was changing the tire, a KSP Trooper pulled up behind me, half in the lane and half on the shoulder. He had the blue lights on. But, he just sat in the cruiser waiting for me to finish my tire change. When I was lifting the flat into the trunk, he got out and came up to me. He was polite and said he wasn't allowed to help, but wanted me to be safe, so he blocked the lane for me. I thanked him and we talked a little more. Then, he said have a nice trip and turned around, walked back to his cruiser and waited for me to pull into traffic before he did so, turning off the blue lights just as he got up to speed. All in all, a nice guy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Assaulting Democracy
    I agree with most of the comments above. Trump is not assaulting democracy. He has every right to demand the laws be followed. At the same time, he lost, narrowly, but he lost. It's time to get on with the transition to Biden. I say that as someone who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    I know I'm replying to an old thread, but here's a data point for a strike out. I go to a club that I hit about 3-4 times a year. I'm not local, just travel to that city fairly often. I go in and I see "Stone" or maybe her stage name is "Sloane", who knows for sure. But, I do know she's a stoner. Anyway, she comes over and actually remembers me from a previous visit about a year before! She definitely is sending the right vibes, so I take her up on a VIP, $150 for fifteen minutes, plus tip. Normally, I tip for extras and, I throw a fiver in the tip jar for the doorman who keeps time in the VIP. In the VIP room, she's all over me. Tits shoved in my mouth, lots of stick shifting, she she's got me close to blowing my load when time's up. I ask her if she wants to do OTC. Flat out "No, I have to get to know you better." Big let down. Not being one to reinforce defeat, I move on and have another good, though not as good, VIP with another dancer. Stone/Sloane/whatever moves on too. What might have been? Maybe next time.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Post covid visit 3 days after reopening
    Pre-covid, the lap dance booths were definitely two-way contact. Don't know about now.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Great club in Durham!
    The parking lot is free after 7:00 PM. Not that it matters much while Teasers is closed. :-(
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Seems almost back to normal
    Tips for mileage?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Good afternoon at the Men’s Club
    I've had a number of good visits to TMC with Violet on the day shift. Also had dances from a knock out busty MILF who's name I don't recall. But the MILF totally rocked a WW blue sailor stripe bikini on stage and allowed all sorts of roaming in the VIP. Definite thumbs up for TMC day shft.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do strippers have so many tattoos?
    Depends on the girl, depends on the tattoo artist. I know a stripper with paw prints tatted up across her chest and down her back. A very attractive look. We hung out a few times OTC and I thought they were even sexier when she had some clothes on. But, they were sexiest when we hung out in my hot tub.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Rookie Dancers --You Break 'em in?
    I broke in one girl in Indy, she was awesome! Ended up seeing her out of the club some as well. But, she is definitely the exception to the rule.