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Joined Mar, 2005
Last Seen Dec, 2023


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13 years ago
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How Much would You Loan your ATF?
Not one cent. If a stripper asks to "borrow" a few bucks for something, and I feel that it is a kindness I wish…
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13 years ago
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I just wonder if you are anything like your Internet persona in real life.
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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grirls at the gym hotter then some strippers
Hey, that stripper over there looks a lot like that hot chick I saw at the gym/bank/convenience store. I think I'll have myself a…
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13 years ago
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Not so off topic...
That could a whole new meaning to making a deposit.
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13 years ago
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What good is a review based on very old information?
I travel a lot, so I'll keep these old reviews in mind, in case I evertravel back in time.
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13 years ago
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Why I don't use Valet Service.
I don't go clubbing at home, so the valet never gets a chance to park my car. However, if it were an issue for…
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13 years ago
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Big natural boobs?
VM, there is something going on with Czech girls and their big naturals. May be something in their water.
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13 years ago
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Bringing a wife to a strip club
If I bring a wife to a club, you can bet she ain't mine.
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13 years ago
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invalid photo file
Invalid photo?

You sick bastard! Are you uploading cripple porn?
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13 years ago
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Eating Stripper Pussy ?
"Have I?"

"Do I?"

"Would I?"

All have slightly different variations of "yes" as an answer.
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13 years ago
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Big natural boobs?
I don't think there are that many women in general who have breasts I'd consider big on frames I would consider in shape.
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13 years ago
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avoiding violence in the strip club
This is another reason to frequent clubs where you are known. The bouncers would probably be a little slower to jump to conclusions where…
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13 years ago
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Too much of a good thing?
I don't understand. At some point she wouldn't be able to get anything else out of me; and it wouldn't take 36 hours either.…
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13 years ago
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Off topic, but...
The Green Mile
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13 years ago
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A replacement for viagra?
Blowjobbs are a replacement for Viagra.
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13 years ago
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How to take care of the S/O that objects to you going to strip clubs.
I agree with Alucard. He gives the rest of us mongers a bad name. He should have done what I do, sneak around and…
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13 years ago
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Toronto. The new TJ?
I have never done TJ, but there is already fun to be had in CAN. If this stands, they will be off the hook…
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13 years ago
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You think you have problems?
Was she bigger than him? I wouldn't have given her the chance to bite me. After she attempted to tear it off, I'd have…
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13 years ago
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"One & Done" or More?
Sadly my watch and my wallet can't really keep up with my desire and ability most of the time.
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13 years ago
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Is ass the new vagina?
If anal is the new vagina, does that mean that pussy is the new blow job?
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13 years ago
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Maybe instead of a metal detector they should just measure at the door and direct you to the girls that fit.
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13 years ago
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Bills and no cash ? omg !
I thought this was going to be a thread about fucking strippers at the end of the month.
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13 years ago
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It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.
I am not sure that would withstand a legal challenge.
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13 years ago
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Cops having Sex with Strippers?
Dirty cops? Surely not!
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