
Cloak and Dagger

New York
My wife found porn on my computer once. It did not go well for me. I can’t even imagine what it would be like if she ever discovered that I have been to strip clubs, much less that I go regularly. And the extras, the OTC activities, and the escorts, it would be nuclear. So I take precautions. Boy do I take precautions.

Her finding the porn was my own fault. It was a long time ago, actually not too long after we were married. I was careless, and probably underestimated her technical skill and the extent to which she would snoop. But I learned my lesson. And it was probably a very good thing that I learned it over a few titty pics, as opposed to the mongering that would come later.

I don’t want to lose my wife. And I don’t want to hurt her. But I also don’t want to go the rest of my life without getting my dick sucked. And she ain’t sucking it. In fact, her lips and tongue have never touched it. She is from a conservative background. Even a lot of pretty basic stuff is taboo. So if I’m going to experience any carnal pleasure beyond an occasional missionary fuck with the lights off, I have to go elsewhere. And I now know, I have to be careful.

The first rule is that I absolutely never “shit where I eat.” I don’t go to clubs or fuck around in any way when I’m close to home. Fortunately for my penis, I do have an occupation that affords me the opportunity for lots of travel. I have worked all over the country, on everything from brief overnights to month-long projects. So not going local is not the sacrifice it may sound like at first.

The geographical restriction mitigates the risk of things like chance encounters in the club with people I know in the civilian world, chance encounters in the civilian world with people from the club, having my car spotted or my phone tracked, and having to watch the tell-tale signs of strippers when I go home. Clubbing when I am away gives me a chance to get rid of the stripper smell, glitter, and stained pants that might be hard to explain if I were sneaking into the house at 3:30 in the morning after “working late.’

But even distance isn’t enough of a separation. I also have to be diligent about keeping my professional life separated from my adult entertainment life in the other locales. I learned this the hard way too. Sitting stateside throwing dollar bills at a big-titty brunette one night, a thousand miles from home, when this loud, kinda rude, half drunk guy sits down beside me and starts asking questions.

“Hey, why’d you come here?”

“To see some titties.”

“No, I mean why did you come to NAMEofTOWN?”

I was taken a little off guard, but managed to mutter out the line I use with the girls, that I’m here on business. Come to find out he was in town for the same conference as me, and he thought I looked familiar. Oops!

Fortunately, nothing came of it. I never saw him again. But it underscored for me that this is really a hobby for a loner. The more people who know your business, the more chance there is that somebody will fuck you, and not in a good way.

I went clubbing once or twice with a boss/co-worker. No problems arose there either, but I was always scared that a loose lip might sink my ship. I was pretty happy when they were no longer in my circle.

So in addition to not clubbing near home, I also try to avoid clubbing around any of my professional contacts or near events where I might be known.

Another key point is money. I absolutely never create a paper trail. No credit cards. No ATM withdrawals. Using all cash requires a little advance planning, and some degree of creative money handling when not on the road. And once I almost got caught with a big wad of cash, including the obvious stack of singles. That would have been hard to explain.

I tried to use a pre-paid credit card once, a while back. That is when/how I found out that the whole process of using them is dicey. And it has gotten more dicey since. I was lucky that I had cash on me the night the VIP hostess brought my card back to me because it had been rejected. Kinda killed the dancer’s enthusiasm, and didn’t do my hard dick any good either.

There was also a time when there were some creative money-handling techniques involving pre-paid cards and cryptocurrency. But governments have gotten a little more intrusive about monitoring that. So when it comes to clubbing money, cash is king.

Everybody who watches television or movies knows about so-called ‘burner’ phones. I have worked with them from time to time. But I don’t want the burner phone getting found either. So I usually only do one when I am going to be in a location for an extended period. With escorts I like to have a phone option. With strippers in the club, I’m usually just as happy not having it.

I find the whole idea of maintaining any sort of relationship with a stripper, like when they might be texting me, to be a little more in the danger zone than I like. I generally leave that for the guys who are single, divorced, or otherwise unattached.

For Email and some other electronic stuff, I have separate accounts. I browse incognito, and I run the whole thing through a VPN. I would prefer to be untraceable from either end.

Logistics with things that might be incriminating can be tricky. I buy condoms in the destination city. I have actually bought, and discarded, clothes in the destination city.

And don’t get me started on having my phone tracked. That is a more recent problem. I have left my phone in my hotel, so it tracks to where I am supposed to be. I have ‘encountered technical difficulties” with location services. Sometimes this requires a bit of linguistic gymnastics. I really don’t know if I could pull it off if my wife was more if a techie.

I should also probably admit that the cloak and dagger aspect of all this can be an aphrodisiac. It can make the pussy that much sweeter when you get it. But all told, it sometimes makes me wonder if a little strange is really worth the cost, and the risk.

I wish she’d just suck dick and let me eat pussy.


  • Ian1968
    2 years ago
    You need to ask her nicely. She lets me.
  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    re: "And she ain’t sucking it. In fact, her lips and tongue have never touched it."

    And you got married because why?

    You've picked a hard way to live, man. Good luck...

  • JAprufrock
    2 years ago
    This is an amazing instruction manual for married or attached guys.
    Just curious how hard you've tried to get your wife to allow oral and just how steadfast she is in refusing? I'm assuming she didn't do with anyone else pre-marriage and was probably a virgin, given her conservative background.
    Never cheated or mongered during 19 years together with my wife (not judging anyone who does; we all do what we have to do), though I was tempted a few times, more out of anger and spite than horniness.
    I've been in the game for 5-plus years now and I also am discrete despite not having an SO, though I don't quite go your lengths. I once made the mistake of telling a workout buddy that I monger, figuring he'd understand. Instead, he sort of mocked me and I got the sense he's looking down on me, not that I give a shit. But it taught me to be tight-lipped around anyone who doesn't monger because they don't understand why we do it, or they're fucking envious. This especially at the workplace. People like to gossip and if word spreads that someone is cheating on their spouse or pays for sex, it can damage your reputation and standing with the company.
    That's one of the reasons I like boards like this; it's my only method of communication with like-minded individuals.
  • t3mpo-
    2 years ago
    Interesting read. So how do you manage the risk of contracting an STD? Just everything covered all the time, even oral? Seems like that would be much more difficult to hide if you actually got it (and assuming you are still active with your wife).
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Great read! Lots of similar stuff to my approach. Burner apps are good, and location services can be disabled, just as phones can be switched off. I monger near home, so in a way I have to be even more careful. On the other hand mrs C knows I go to the club, so I can always say I was watching boobs at the club. She has no idea what really goes on in there though...
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    again. Glad I'm divorced... even though it's cost me a ton of money. I don't have to hide the fact that I'm a woman chaser to my possessive and prudish ex wife.
  • Phxer
    2 years ago
    Man, I feel you. Wife is no longer interested in anything. Unfortunately for me, business travel dried up during covid and never revived.
  • bntj1
    2 years ago
    I also prefer discretion, and thx, I learned some new tips and I’ve done a few as well.

    Challenging the idea of a non sexually adventurous spouse. I have a feeling you crave variety and sexual adventure. It’s hard to be married and abandon this lifestyle.

    Eventually , I did the divorce math, estimated a financial recovery timeframe and it was totally worth it. You could be James Bond but somehow wives always know.
  • Brahma2k
    2 years ago
    You are restricted-forbidden from having any naked girl pics on your PC?
    When you sneak away to the SC, how do you first clandestinely get your balls away from your wife?
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