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Joined Mar, 2005
Last Seen Dec, 2023


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13 years ago
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Now I know where to go in Ok City.
You had me at the $20 BJ.
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13 years ago
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Now I know where to go in Ok City.
You had me at the $20 BJ.
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13 years ago
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OMG. Strippers drinking & smoking pot.
A lot of them do it, but I don't spend money on girls who smell like a rock concert.
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13 years ago
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Take the survey!
I took it I have clubbed in Toronto before; and I have at least a passing interest in going again.
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13 years ago
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Trick rollers are prostitutes or pretend prostitutes who steal from customers, often involving violence and often involving one or more partners.
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13 years ago
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I know 15 will get ya 30 but Damn!
Might be worth it.
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13 years ago
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#ThePurpleCityTour Now Booking!!!
He did say "chow". He is apparently hungry and looking for food. I guess I have to cut him a break. He probably wouldn't…
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13 years ago
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Vegas extras
I had a great time one afternoon with the $10 lappers at Cheetah. While there was no actual sex, there was plenty of two…
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13 years ago
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Dancer rocks my world
According to what you said, her ass and pussy have been "used" and she has "multiple personalities". On top of that, you ain't even…
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13 years ago
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More than a mouthful is a waste.
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13 years ago
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#ThePurpleCityTour Now Booking!!!
Anybody who has such little regard for other people's businesses that he'd SPAM their board and act like a little shit to their members…
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13 years ago
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It stands for "I Talk Shit when lunch is Peanut Butter and Jelly"
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13 years ago
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how to handle the commited guy
Tell him you'll give him a great time and clean up the mess/evidence. Make sure you aren't wearing any loud cologne or glitter; and…
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13 years ago
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How fast do you go?
If I get a ticket I want it to be for getting head while driving.
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13 years ago
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Fake or Natural?
I like a perky look. I like them to have a nice motion when the girl moves. I like them soft to the touch.…
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13 years ago
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Get the tongue in quick, before she changes her mind.
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13 years ago
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Dancer Etiquite
Alucard, I might agree with you if my all time favorite were the dancer in question. But most of the time when one attaches…
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13 years ago
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Dancer Etiquite
As a customer, let me validate one of the OP's main points. The quickest way to get me to do my clubbing at another…
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13 years ago
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If my boy friend answers, don't hang up.
Something about that would bother me too much.
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13 years ago
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Canada taking sex education to a new level.
How much do you have to tip the bouncer to get into the climax room?
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13 years ago
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Strip Club Tax of $10 a Head Being Considered by California Legislature
What if you don't get head? Will they charge $5 for a handy?
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13 years ago
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Vegas is starting to sound pretty good to go to
If you go to a nude beach in the morning and look in the wet sand, you'll see footprints and nipple drag marks.
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13 years ago
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new hope 4 lapdances
Is this a new Juicy Style?
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13 years ago
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An arrangement....
I don't know how you feel about privacy and remaining anonymous; but for me, anything requiring payment in a form other than cash is…
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13 years ago
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Single Moms
By that line of reasoning we could also say that strippers with STDs are better fucks, since that is how they got the STD.…
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