
Wuhan lethal virus

Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:22 PM
Congress has been told that the Wuhan lab has been studying a virus that would kill 60% of those who were exposed. Wuhan has already tested this on animals. [view link]


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Rather than using the presence of a conservative site as an excuse to turn your brain off, you could have seen that it cited Senate testimony and wasn't just some pundit's opinion. See below from a [view link] link. There's no edit button on this site, think before you post, kthx. [view link]
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Since original link not direct [view link]
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Could we just find a virus that would just kill 100% of San Jose Guy?
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    The Catholic Church used to have something called Imprimatur. Unless the Church explicitly approved of written material, it was a sin to read it. That’s essentially what the left does. It is a cult, after all.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I didn't know virus's came with political or religious affiliations, thanks for the heads up.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    ' think before you post, kthx.' No doubt that comment over taxed his brainless homo noggin.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I’m pretty sure the CDC in Atlanta has the Marburg virus and it’s mortality rate is 90%
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    ^ Your first sentence says more about your bias that the supposed bias you claim to rally against but that's not surprising coming from a homo like you.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    'than' the supposed bias
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