
Where oh where has Wondergirl gone

Avatar for Lou_Lou

Anyone know what happened to Wondergirl. I think she added a different point of view to most of the discuissions on here.

Wondergirl if your out there come on back.


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Avatar for MisterGuy

I think she's busy with a LOT of other things these days...plus I doubt that everyone here would agree with your point of view Lou...oh well...

Avatar for parodyman-->

Wondergirl was chased out of here by a minority that hate women in any other capacity than paid for objects.

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Wondergirl was chased out of here by a minority that hate women in any other capacity than paid for objects.

Avatar for BobbyI

It was the typical course for a stripper here. At first she oddly enjoyed the attention of the PLs (like parody and MisterGay) swooning over her and kissing her feet. Then she developed a contempt for such snivelling losers, and got bored of the whole thing. Finally it was off to bigger and better things.

Avatar for MisterGuy

See what I mean Lou...lol...

Avatar for Clubber


"Queen"? You may have opened a bag of worms with that one!

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