PSA to White Guys:

booty_lover92Somewhere in the Carolinas
We don't care that you feel nervous/uncomfortable/out-of-place when you go to a majority black strip club. Too many times I have been sitting at the bar and a white guy kills my buzz and feels the need to expound how nervous he felt or says...."Im the only white dude in here" as if he'll get robbed and mugged for his skin. The black clubs I frequent have men of all races who patron and they are fine so I don't get the skepticism, just relax and have a good time. If you're that "scared" go to the Gentleman's Clubs.
last commentI didn’t know there were black peacocks?
Well, in all fairness, not all black strip clubs are the same. I've partied in plenty of black clubs over the years without a second thought.
But there were also a few where I knew almost instantly that I was out of place. The old Mascaras (now closed) in J'ville was one of them. The hairy eyeball looks started with the door guy and continued with the bartender and some of the dancers. There were black pride messages and folk heroes hanging on the walls. It became very clear very fast that I was in the wrong place, lol.
There was also one in DC (forgot the name) where I felt like I was taking my own life in my hands just being there. I also vaguely recall one other, though I remember neither the name nor the city as it was a long time ago. In both cases the clubs were clearly gang banger hangouts.
So for me at least it's very much situational.
Every time I go to Blaze in Atlanta (I go there with a black friend because he's usually who I'm visiting down there), the doorman says "normally we don't let white guys in, but since you're here with a big black brother, we will." It's a good laugh.
Here in South Florida we have a bunch of mixed and black clubs, I’ve been to most of them, never had any issues nor felt uncomfortable, as long as you don’t act like an asshole, you won’t get treated any differently than anyone else.
PSA to black guys:
We don't care that you feel nervous/uncomfortable/out-of-place when you go to a classy gentlemen's club. Too many times I have been sitting at the bar and a black guy kills my buzz and feels the need to expound how nervous he felt or says...."Im the only black dude in here" as if he'll get lynched and beaten for his skin. The gentlemens' clubs I frequent have men of all races who patron and they are fine so I don't get the skepticism, just relax and have a good time. If you're that "scared" go to the thicc booty clubs.
Can we just not do this today? Anyone who wasn't here in the bad old days of constant race baiting on the TUSCL boards has no idea just how much easier it is to have a conversation on hot button topics now than it used to be. Of course we're throwing out the entire 2020 year where COVID lockdowns and the election that people just undid created the perfect anxiety storm.
I get what you're saying OP because, lol, that's the type of shit I might awkwardly say if I met you a majority black strip club.
So, point taken. If I find myself in that situation we'll talk about basketball or boobies instead.
The Puddy Tat loves him some black strip clubs!
Shame they don't exist in the northeast.
They exist in the northeast, but they are never as well advertised as other clubs. One of the more memorable ones I found on the west bank near New Orleans was simply by driving around and looking for places that looked like strip clubs.
Best for my buzz if nobody with a penis talks to me in the club, except maybe the door bouncer.
Hip-hop-oriented clubs (from what I've seen) are always mostly black, but can be up to 30% other races. A dancer can often make her goal money air dancing or near air dancing, and many are not willing to do more. Many are not willing to do so-much-per-song. They expect continuous tipping, or they will move on. If you are chill about these differences, same chances of trouble as in any bar.
The first problem in this thread are the racist white guys who are butthurt by the post.
Ive been to black clubs. never had a problem. But non black girls working there had problems.
The worst most sketchy clubs are where white meth heads hang out
Gammanu awwwww I made you angry lol
I like when racist show their true colors!
I knew this would be exactly how you'd respond. so it's only racist when quoted back to you by an affluent White male? All of you racebaiters and hatemongers are the same silly, sad, predictable, low IQ losers. You can't blame the White man for your own failures. I'd say blame your parents, but your momma didn't know who was her baby daddy, did she?
A problem a white guy can experience at an all black club is when a black dancer causes a racial situation to develop between the white guy and other black customers.
A black dancer was giving me "extra attention" at the bar while ignoring a table with black customers. These guys were getting pissed they were being ignored. Who knows why she was ignoring them. One of the black guys got up walked over to her, put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her away. And if looks could kill I would have been dead.
She created an awkward situation which could have been easily avoided.
Yeah Icey is telling the flip flopped version of reality.
Black clubs are fine for people who are into black women, but the truth is nobody is really into black women, even black and indian people themselves prefer lighter skin and colored eyes even in their own race
Besides that glaring issue, another thing to consider, is whats going to happen to a white or latina dancer who tries working at a black club? Shes going to be beaten, robbed, ganged up on by the black dancers. In fact they probably would even beat up other, newer black dancers who arent already part of their gang. A black club simply wont be the same as a mixed club or latina club, not for the customers and not for the dancers working there.
I would also imagine a much higher % of the black dancers will have boyfriend pimps compared to a white or Latina club. Theres no reason for a white, latin or asian or non black guy to be going to black clubs
As far as DC there is the house, which is vastly majortiy black, and like one dominican dancer. There is also assets and m’pire which i havent been to but i believe are black clubs. Then there is also ebony inn but what once in a while has a white girl supposedly. I havent seen a single black dancer that was hot, once in a while ive seen a mixed white/black or afro latina who was hot
Love the black clubs although I gotta admit last time I ran into trouble. I walked up to the club and bunch of street dudes drew firearms to me and said
“We gon kill you mutha fucka”
“Yeah yeah, yo yo”
I threw my hands up and said hey fellas I’m not looking for any trouble
I had to think quickly…then it me….
🎶 Wop bop a loo bop a lop bom bom
Tutti frutti, oh rootie
Tutti frutti, oh rootie
Tutti frutti, oh rootie
Tutti frutti, oh rootie
Tutti frutti, oh rootie
She rock to the east, she rock to the west
A wop bop a loo bop a lop ba ba 🎶
As everyone was singing clapping and dancing I was able to make my escape. I think I’m gonna take a break from black clubs for a couple months but one day I’ll be back for that funkytrunkybadadunkadunky, oh ill be back alright
Reminds me of that scene from Animal House... "You mind if we dance, wif yo dates?"
^ “What are you majoring in?”
“Primitive Cultures.”
Cut to Otis Day and the Knights,
“You make sing shamala oh oh oh oh shamala ding dong”
A bonus which White guys enjoy in black bars are the spinners, ignored by the brothers, can provide us with their undivided attention.
Did you know the name of the actor who portrayed Otis Day in the movie was DeWayne Jessie, and he lip synched the words but he later legally changed his name to Otis Day and toured as “Otis Day and the Knights”
That’s strong Otis Day knowledge
Otis... He LOVES us!
Gammanu is just mad that he’s 5’6 and was balding at 22. And if you’d like to know my parents have been married for 45 years Mr Stereotype.
Make sure you stop sleeping with your cousin/sister too. There’s a stereotype for ya!
Doubling(or tripling) down on your stupidity?^^
So the OP posts an intentional trolling post, designed solely to antagonize and then gets all butt hurt when people do? Very progressive sir.
Wasn’t trolling at all. These are my experiences in the clubs not yours, sir.
skibum took the words out of my mouth. Bootylover decided to start racebaiting, then calls other "racist" when he gets flagged for his ignorance. typical liberal..
Skibitch openly promotes neonazi beliefs like race replacement theory on here. Gammanu and others are antagonistically racist. They have no valid views on here.
If a white dude tells a black dude he's afraid of being the only white dude, I think you can assume he's kidding. If he were actually afraid, he'd leave, or at least not bring up the topic of race. The racist dudes on here also have plenty of contempt for strippers of all races. So, even if they did stick to white strippers, somebody would have to put up with a big load of toxicity to get their money.
When I'm at the SC, men of all races are invisible to me. I'm not looking to make friends or strike up conversations with men.
Telling a Black guy at a Black club that you're scared sounds like an awkward way to strike up a conversation
Nobody likes darker skin color, wider noses, smaller eyes, etc. american chicks, a lot of them, are into black guys, yet not into indians, asians, philippinos, dark latinos, etc. what does that tell you? Its not the skin color or features theyre attracted to.
Another thing to consider- no matter what race of guys a girl is into, whether the girl herself is white, black, indian, asian- all women prefer lighter skin tones and lighter eye colors.
Its the same with guys. White girls, and european looking latinas and middle eastern chicks are in the highest demand across all men. Black women are the least desirable, and asian and indian women are also less desirable unless they are the rare kinds who are abnormally light or have larger eyes and more European features. Its also why white escorts can charge the most money, why pimps charge the most money for white girls and the least for black girls, and why cuban girls can charge the highest of all the latinas.
Telling other people you are frightened by your environs is a standard way for libs to virtue signal. Think of the tools who post videos of their fear as everyone stands for the national anthem at Mission BBQ during lunch. Look at all the triggered losers who flip out over someone on a plane or train quietly enjoying their journey while wearing a MAGA cap. Furthermore, a conservative or Republican is likely to go quietly about their business looking for brown sugar in a black club, without seeking accolades or recognition for simply being who they are and doing what they want; while liberals are always demanding attention, recognition, and acceptance from others or anything they do which even slightly deviate from what they perceive to be expectations.
Poor Icey, the AOC od the strip club board. Notice how the first wor every progressive shouts or types is always Nazi? Yup, Socialists always have other socialist on their mind Progressives/Nazis, Tomayto/Tomahto. The idea anyone would go anywhere they are a minority and then tell the majority they are afraid because of that sounds like nothing other than made up race-baiting bullshit.
^ that’s insulting to AOC, she may not be popular here, but she has many supporters, Icey on the other hand has no friends unless you’re counting his sock poppets
^lmao. My bad.
it’s like I don’t fit in, like I don’t belong
The last 20 years have made this increasingly obvious, and every year it gets more and more obvious. People who call themselves constitutionalists.. stand for the national anthem at mission bbq.. so on so forth.. that is meaningless virtue signaling. Most people dont actually believe in the constitution or the national anthem. The left is more pro abortion and anti second amendment, yet the right is anti free speech/religion and anti immigration.
The constitution itself is a very neutral document that also offers broad freedoms. Most people dont actually want the constitution nor actually agree with much of what it proposes.
No. The right is pro free speech. Immigration is not a constitutional issue.
The right is anti holocaust denial, and also doesnt want to allow any speech critical of israel. Additionally they dont want to allow protests or speech in support of Palestine. Some of them will attempt to mask this and pretend they dont want the protests because some of tbe protests turn violent or involve property damage, but if you dig deeper, they actually dont want the protests period.
They also want to outlaw communism, socialism, and Islam. Once again some of them will attempt to mask tbis as an immigration issue and exclaim “i believe in freedom of religion, i just dont want anyone from X religion entering the country “. Some will flat out admit to being against freedom of religion whereas others cant come to terms with the constitution and their own personal views so they will just say they believe in freedom of religion but just dont want certain religions allowed to enter the country. If youre pursuing a religion based immigration policy you are literally saying you dont support freedom of religion its essentially the same thing.
Anyone who refers to themselves as a constitutionalist.. or does virtue signaling like standing for the anthem at mission bbq, more often than not, isnt actually a constitutionalist. Ill mention again the constitution is written as a very neutral, non biased article. Theres almost nobody, left or right, who actually supports the constitution in its entirety. Everyone will always have an issue with some race or religion or political class or other sub category.
Immigration is constitutional. The constitution guarantees everyones rights regardless of legal status.Plyler v. Doe (1982)
^Coming here illegally is a crime. End of story. Out they go. No more in.
Skibum. Youre a liar. You know they have the right to due process etc
^Hey stupid, where did I mention due process or process itself? Stop being a cunt for just one day.
^^ super stupid lawyer free advice.
Skibitch you said it doesn't fall under the constitution
^ Point out the post on this thread where I typed it you fucking liar. You have brought impotent, cock sucking homo patheticness to an art form loser.