Tuscl on mobile device
Am I the only one experiencing issues logging in on my mobile device? I can log in on my computer, full functionality. Not on my mobile device. Anyone?
Am I the only one experiencing issues logging in on my mobile device? I can log in on my computer, full functionality. Not on my mobile device. Anyone?
last commentwhy cant you log in?
Hmm. Just logged out and in again my phone (iOS/Safari) and it worked. Are you on an android device @cravemybbc (your username always cracks me up lol)
I am an iphone user. Maybe it's my device? Not sure. Funny story behind that username... back in high school, in computer class when we set up our first email account, I chose craveme ( I was destined for this depraved life of Mongering then and didnt know it lol). Through the years it has evolved into cravemybbc. TBH, if I knew what TUSCL was when signing up, I would have selected something else. Kinda weird using "cravemybbc" on a male dominated site lol. But hey...
Never had this problem until Monday when I arrived to SD
Could it have been that the wifi you were using was blocking TUSCL? I think I've tried to browse TUSCL using airplane wife before and it was blocked.
I dont think so. I turned wifi off, same issue. Even now at Cascada's and it wont log me in on my device.
Hmm. But you're able to login from your laptop?
Do you get an error?
Are you sure you password is correct on the mobile device?
Also, do you have different browser on the phone like Chrome or Opera you could try?
I am able to log on my lap top. The error I get says " Application error: a client side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more info). I think I am going to download chrome on mobile device and try it out.
If I could get that error message it would help a lot
Here you go founder:
" Application error: a client side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more info).
I was seeing that on my computer the other day.
The last month I've seen it a few times but it eventually starts working fine again.
I just figured it was founder adjusting things.