Ranking Mexican States By Their Chica Production
One of the joys of the Tijuana scene is that chicas come from all over Mexico to work. You're about as likely to meet a Tijuanense bar girl in the Zona Norte as you are to meet a New Yorker in Times Square. Chicas come from all corners of Mexico to work in the Zona Norte.
I've been thinking recently, what Mexican states produce the hottest, most fun, least pretentious chicas? Based on the limited evidence I have, maybe about 100 different fichas and 3 dozen arribas with Mexican bar girls in Tijuana, here's my list of Estados Mexicanos, ranked by the quality of the chicas they send to Tijuana.
⚠️ Obviously, I'm going to stereotype women by their home state here and YMMV. This list is just a fun way to explore geography and talk about chicas!
Let me know in the comments what you would change, and also where is your ATF from?
We'll start our way from the bottom tier and work our way up. If you want to follow along with visual, here's a Map of Estados Mexicanos you can use: https://www.mappr.co/counties/mexico/#gid=1&pid=1
*** F-Tier ***
Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur. Home to Cancún and Los Cabos respectively, these wealthy resort states don't export many chicas to Tijuana, and if they do, those chicas are probably used to a higher cost of living than you are.
Campeche. This "Gigante del Petróleo" is the México's principal producer and refiner of petroleum products. It's not known for it's chica production. My suspicion is that chicas hailing from this estado stay there for the patronage of wealthy oil empresarios.
Querétaro, Puebla, Guanajuato, Tlaxcala, Morelos, and Hidalgo. These central states are home to several satellite cites of Ciudad de Mexico. For the most part, these are bougie cities, which produce bougie chicas with high expectations like $200 arribas. Of course, I'm painting with a terrifically broad brush, but personally the next Poblana or Queretana I meet, I'm noping out of there before she orders a salmon dinner.
San Luis Potosí. This north central province is famous for it's waterfalls and natural beauty would, in theory, be sending some spicy chicas to the Zona. However, the one ficha I've done with a Potosina was such a disaster I'm relegating the entire state to the F-tier.
*** C-Tier. ***
Estado de México. The state of Mexico is an industrial province that surrounds the capitol city of the same name. It's residents are harder and less sophisticated than residents of the distrito federal. I wouldn't recommend one seek out a Mexiquenese (native of Estado de Mexico), but I wouldn't necessarily avoid one either.
Aguascalientes. I once ficha'ed a chica this tiny north-central state. I learned they call themselves "hidrocálidos" because it's where many rivers begin. I asked this hidrocálida "¿Por qué es conocido Aguascalientes?" / What's Aguascalientes known for? She told me they had "una feria muy famosa" / a very famous fair. The ficha turned out to be as boring as the answer to the question. YMMV.
Zacatecas. Famous for it's silver mines, I've wondered if this state also might also produce chica gems, but alas I've never met a zacatecana in the club. TOFTT if you find one yourself.
Coahuila and Chiahuaha. These two estados fronterizos are counterparts to Texas, marked by semi-arid countryside dotted by ranches and small towns. Being border states, these states have higher GDPs than other parts of Mexico. I met a chica from Pierdas Negras once. She spoke great English but the ficha was mild and her arriba quote was high.
*** B-Tier ***
Sonora. This border state counterpart to Arizona is known for having tall, beautiful and sometimes blonde women. I once had a threesome with two lithe, luxurious ladies from Sonora, one indeed a gorgeous rubia. They were for sure smoking hot, but I'm not sure I'd repeat. Just like ladies from other border states, Sonorenses can be pretentious.
Durango. It's kind of like Wyoming in the sense that it's a real cowboy state, surrounded by places full of wannabe vaqueros. I've never had the privilege of ficha'ing a vaquera duranguense, I'd imagine it might be like meeting a working girl in an Spanish western tavern. It's high on my list to check this estado off.
Baja California. Tijuanenses basically grew up in a Spanish-speaking San Diego. These ladies often have high expectations sometimes are best avoided. However, one standout arriba I had with a perfect dime fashion student and native Tijuanense prevents me from moving Baja California into a lower tier. There are some sophisticated and hot baddies born and raised in Tijuana but expect high expectations.
Yucatán. Home of many mayan ruins and still, many indigenous mayans. Mayan ladies are known for being short and exotic looking, and spinners are my jam. I've unfortunately never encountered Yucateca in the Zona, and it's on my list.
Nayarit and Colima. These two pacific states flank the monster state of Jalisco to the North and South respectively. Colima is interesting geographically for la Archipiélago de Revillagigedo, a string of islands stretching far west into the Pacific. Like the Galapagos islands they've developed unique biospheres due to their geographic isolation. Back to the chicas, these two states are tiny so they don't send a lot of chicas north. Should you have he privilege of meeting such a chica, you should TOFTT, buy her a ficha, and report back on this thread.
Tamaulipas. This border state sits on the Gulf, and serves up a few sexy beach girls from it's sleepy beach towns, some of whom might speak decent English. If you meet tamaulipeca proceed to a ficha with confidence but cautiously.
*** A-Tier ***
Veracruz and Tabasco. These states are home to even sleepier beach towns on the Gulf, with sexy chicas and without the pretentiousness of Tamualipas to the north. A standout arriba I did with a tanned Veracruzana from Chicago Club compels me to put these states both in the A-tier.
Guerrero. This wild western state is home Acapulco and also some badass chicas. I have, permanently seared in my consciousness, the lusty and sexy whiles of a Guerrenese I called Catalina in a review from a year or so ago. Should you encounter a hot Guerrerense, proceed to ficha with intent to arriba immediately.
Michoacán. Known for it's natural beauty and also it's avocado production, I've had the fortune of knowing exactly one chica from this Pacific coast state. She was blonde and a perfect dime. Thin, with a shapely body like a race car, she was a hell of a ride and eager to please. Though my data point is one here, it's a strong enough data point to bump Michoacán into the A-tier.
Nuevo Laredo. Nuevo Laredo is a state centered around and the industrial capital of Mexico's north, Monterrey. Regias (native ladies of Monterrey) can be hotties and they can also be sharks and scammers, owing I suspect to the rough and tumble city they grew up in. They may also may like la Cumbia, los Vallenatos, or los Narcocorridos and they will ask to play these pinche genres of music while you arriba. However, they can be absolute demonesses in the sack. Wingman @Zbott just wrote an article about his ATF "Mamacita de Monterrey" which makes a compelling case for Nuevo Laredo to make it to the S-tier. A former fav of mine was a Regia, who fucked and sucked like a champion, however things went south after I left TJ and she started asking for Western Union. In short, the potential for sizzling arribas from Regias is just slightly dampened by their potential sharkiness, landing Nuevo Laredo in the A-tier.
Chiapas and Oaxaca. Though chicas from these magical jungle lands in the south are rare, you should seek out an experience with an exotic beauty from these states. I met a Chiapaneca once in BT. She was tiny (150 cm, less than 5 ft), incredibly precious, and she provided an absolutely amazing 2 hour GFE, for the lowest price I've ever done a long arriba. A trio I had with an Oaxaqueña and her roommate stands out in my mind as the best trio I've done. Highly recommended, chicas from these magical southern states.
*** S-Tier ****
Jalisco. One of Mexico's biggest states by population, Jalisco is home to the twin cities of Guadalajara and Zapopan and the beach town of Puerta Vallarta. It's a large exporter of tequila, and due to it's size, also exports a lot of chicas to Tijuana, many of them unpretentious, tequila loving hotties. I have had many a fun ficha and arriba with Jaliscense ladies, and if you have the opportunity to ficha a Tapitía (native lady from Guadalajara), I would recommend.
Sinaloa. Part of the Golden Triangle of Mexico and famous for the Cartel of the same name, cities like Mazatlán and Culiacán and the mountainous farming communities around them send some absolute baddies to Tijuana. I've had crazy GFEs and PSEs with Sinaloenses. If you haven't taken a Sinaloense arriba, make that a primary action item.
Cuidad de Mexico. It's the oldest and biggest city in the Americas, with an altitude of 2000m, higher than Denver, CO giving it a mild climate in spite of the low latitude. Ladies from this city are the life of the party but also patient and accommodating maybe due to growing up in a city with 10 million souls. I have a strong personal bias here, my current ATF and former ATF are both Chilangas, both of them amazing in bed but fun an sophisticated as well. Dive in if you are lucky enough to meet a chiquita federal from the distrito federal.
OK, that should be all 31 states plus the Distrito Federal. What did I get wrong fellow mongers? What changes to this list would you make?
last commentIt no Colombia that’s for sure.
I agree w/the hotness of Jalisco babes. What's the "S-Tier?"
Having fun with probably a thousand girls in Hong Kong and Zona Norte in the last 10 years I still haven't come to a conclusion. I guess I should take notes.
Thanks for the geography lesson!
Coulda been an article
Yeah... but four of you would have posted 'post as a discussion' with thumbs down.
@Jascoi I honestly doubt it
What a write up Ron. Incredible that you’ve got such good recall of what states many of the chicas you’ve met are from and that you’ve got such a decent, high level handle on all these geographical nuances. This goes a long way toward making the case to spend more time with a girl vs. rushing the experience.
From what I know about different areas of the country I have nothing of substance to add other than to confirm that girls from the southern most states, Chiapas and Oaxaca, just north of Central America, are indeed likely to be sweet and accommodating.
Good info. Perhaps you could get a grant to continue your study!
OP definitely put a lot of thought and effort into this topic
RonJax2 - A very interesting article, and the chica by Mexican state classification/s are accurate 👍🏻
My all-time three favorite chicas are from :
Veracruz - A gorgeous 23 year-old, with long black hair, big hazel eyes, natural tan color and a super curvy/full-figured body.
Sinaloa - yet another gorgeous 21 year-old, with black hair, natural tan color and a mind blowing curvy body on just a 5’ 1” height ( without heels ).
Jalisco - This is 20 year-old that I’ve been seeing for a while. She’s another gorgeous 5’ tall girl ( without heels ), has a fantastic curvy/bubble butt. Great attitude girl that knows how to make a man feel like a million-bucks in her company.
In Mexican women, I totally adore their natural tan skin-color and curvy bodies besides also their warm/friendly attitudes.
So having said that, these are the three Mexican states that I seem to have met the prettiest girls with the best attitudes ( my all-time favorites ).
Yeah, who do I petition to get cash to continue my studies? 🤔
@PAFBABS I DM'ed to get your opinion but ended up publishing before I heard back. Your top 3 were all from top states for me so it looks like I did alright.
I was waiting for someone here to contradict me by telling me about their ATF from Campeche or Quitana Roo lol
I gotta take notes on these girls...
@jascoi just post more reviews of your trips. I had all the notes I needed for this article right here on TUSCL!
My perspective is more from traveling in Mexico generally, not TJ specifically. The most densely populated part of Mexico is the central highlands. The people there have a lot of indigenous genes. For women, that makes a lower hips to waist ratio more likely. Veracruzanas (Jarochas) are the most similar to Caribbean women, less burdened by shame at doing sex work, but more likely to be catty. Jaliscanas have the rep among Mexicans as having the highest percentage of head-turning women. I think Jalisco is maybe the state where there are the most mestizas with dark blue instead of brown eyes.
Prior to DOGE cutting USAID, I would have given better than even odds of being awarded a grant for this research. Missed your window.
I forget where this girl from... Monterrey?
A Regia! 🤩 Very nice.
Any sex workers from San Diego County working in TJ?
@shadowcat I've once heard tales of a heroin addicted street girl who hailed from SoCal. Myself, I've never seen it. Definitely not bar girls, at Hong Kong in particular they seem to be strict about only hiring mexicanas.
oh yes.
There are Mexican bar girls that live in San Diego.
Usually with a well off monger. Living in San Diego take some bucks.
Do they live in San Diego because their kids are US citizens?
There's lots of Tijuana kids that cross the border to go to school and I'm sure any kid that lives in the United States also regardless of citizenship.
I should ask these girls more questions instead of just smiling goofy at them!
Nah, it's better sex workers don't feel pressure to tell you more than they're comfortable telling you.
I stay away from questions about career and family with all strippers, but I think "¿De dónde eres?" is a perfectly valid question, so are follow up questions about her hometown.
Great write up Ron and can still recall you quizzing some lovely ladies on Mexican state capitols during our December visit! I would totally consider moving Monterey to the top as I now have 2 chicas from there: Julia my ATF and a young 22 yo Regia, Selena. Definitely down to earth and both have a wonderful handle on English!
I guess it would be Nuevo León for the state
Oh shit, @Zbott, good pull. I got the name of Monterrey's state wrong. You're right it's Nuevo León, I put Nuevo Laredo in this post, which is a town in Tamapualias (across the river from Laredo), but not a state. Doh! That mistake is going to bug me everytime I see this post, lol.
I think funnily enough @Zbott, when you, me Carmen and Violet were playing state capitals trivia at Chicago last trip, Violet made the same mistake and asked me for the capitol of "Nuevo Laredo". Lol.
Lol that’s hilarious and I was only correcting myself as initially I thought Monterey was the state lol. Man thanks again for the geography lesson. Now I’ll sound at least a little more knowledgeable when a chica says where she’s from 😎