allow desert scrub to rejoin tuscl?

avatar for Jascoi
If desert scrub were to agree to stop commenting 'Club ad' on reviews I for one would like to see him back.
other than stating 'club ad' his observations are quite valid. Too bad that all of his comments got wiped out when he disappeared from the tuscl pages.


last comment
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
15 hours ago
I think was on this site after him and someone else named SJG were here. I agree most of the reviews are not good. If he helps with improving what gets posted fine.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
15 hours ago
If desertscrub really wanted to come back, he could be like other trolls and just come back under a new screen name the next day.
avatar for GregTUSCL
13 hours ago
I agree with you Jascoi if he agreed to those terms. Any time there would be a remotely positive review, he would call it the club ad of the week. It’s as if it was impossible for him to acknowledge that people could actually have a positive experience, and it was frustrating to watch. I’m glad he’s off the site tbh
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
13 hours ago
Irony is the club he had the biggest hard-on to trash, Club Desire in Providence, actually _has_ gone downhill.
avatar for jaybud999
13 hours ago
His annoying habit of club adding was whatever (he gave my very first review the "shill"). But he's not really different than gumaman or skibung, in terms of operating in absolutes.
avatar for RonJax2
13 hours ago
He made two types of comments:

* Club ad accusations
* Based every TJ review by complaining about the dangers.

None of these topics offered any value at all. @Jascoi, what contributions did he ever make here that were worthwhile?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
13 hours ago
^ I have never clubbed in Arizona, but some people said he _did_ have good intel on Phoenix clubs.
Someone also said he was a decent guy offline, not the bombastic dickhead he was here.
avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
13 hours ago
Like Puddy Tat said, if he wanted to get back on this site, he could easily do so under another name. Although, he wouldn't be able to hide his old ways for long. He probably enjoys the free time he has from not constantly being on this site.
avatar for skibum609
12 hours ago
Leave it to the typical progressive douchebag Jaybitch to act like a little cunt without any reason at all.
avatar for rickmacrodong
12 hours ago
Lol at the skibung. Thats a better one than skidumb.
I agree with Puddy, and people who met desert said the same. I had a feeling he was trolling around on here.
avatar for jaybud999
12 hours ago
Archie Bunker! You know I love your generation.
avatar for Icey
11 hours ago
Hed approve reviews then call them club ads...
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
11 hours ago
The guy sounds like an ass so hey
avatar for GordieBoi
11 hours ago
If all his content is gone, then what's the point of bringing back an account that was banned for good reason after much discussion? Without the posting history, the banned account is effectively just same as a new one. As mentioned, let him start a new account and stop annoying everybody, if he can. In fact, what makes you think he hasn't already?
avatar for pedrome30
10 hours ago
I don't miss him.
avatar for twentyfive
10 hours ago
Icey was banned by founder three times he even doxed folks, and founder hasn’t done anything about it.
avatar for twentyfive
10 hours ago
^* Sentence got edited by Siri
Should read “he plagiarized several reviews and he even fixed folks,”
avatar for twentyfive
10 hours ago
^*Fucking Siri is screwing with me doxed not fixed
avatar for mogul1985
7 hours ago
The Arizona Desert Turd didn't add any reasonable value. Since it could have come back in with a different email/username, it may be lurking here anyways. Still, the Username DesertScrub needs be sent to oblivion.
avatar for nicespice
5 hours ago
Maybe somebody needs to step up in Scrubby’s absence and offer to place magicwand3000s into anuses.
avatar for doctorevil
4 hours ago
His idiotic comments on reviews were the least of the problems. What got him banned (I think) was his incessant unprovoked ad hominem attacks on new posters, especially females. Good riddance
avatar for rickmacrodong
4 hours ago
I noticed skibum behaves a lot like desert did. Besides the club ad stuff. Skibum is always angry and cursing like desert was. But i dont believe skibum is trolling, he just genuinely is that angry.
25 is similarly very angry. Even though he had a totally different upbringing and lifestyle from skibum. Skibum said he smokes weed.. is in a swinger relationship.. lawyer, likes skiing, votes far right. 25 is a business owner, divorced, no drugs, likes golf, voted for Cumela

They are both very angry, i believe the angriest on the boards, but its not trolling like desertscrub seemed to be. It is genuine. Perhaps its caused by genetics instead of environment
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