Smash or Pass?

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Pass, her face kinda looks like a fat toddler, body is like a old lady
Pass. She looks like an angry midget.

But I guess that’s redundant. I think all midgets are angry.
Pass. I prefer women.

This is pretty clear hate bait too.

The OP is running out of dickhead material apparently.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
14 hours ago
I think she has a pretty face. None of the outfits in her pictures really show her body.

Why is it hate bait?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
13 hours ago
So if you saw her,… , in a full nude club, would you really be so sure she wan't a cisgendered spinner?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
13 hours ago
Of course, since it's a porn website, she may actually be a cisgendered spinner, who happens to have a big nose. Because the mainstream beauty standard for women cringingly prefers juvenile looking faces, which means a smaller nose relative to face size.
Who’s to blame for all these dudes wanting to become women.

I think Phil Donahue started it
Maybe she has a nice personality!..
I dont mind the face. She could do her hair snd makeup better. Ger body is unattractive to me
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