I guess I don’t run across this much,,,,, But recently went to a local club where they requested my ID. I actually don’t typically carry it on my person. I keep it locked up securely in my vehicle. Now bear in mind there is no doubt based on my appearance that I’m well past my thirties, much less my twenties.
So I return inside to the attendant and gave her my card and asked what she was going to do with it. She points to a scanning device and says she’s gonna enter it in.
At that point I asked for it back before she scanned or even looked at it.
My understanding is this is an easy first step to ID theft or fraud. How does everyone on here feel about this? Do u allow clubs to enter or save your ID data?
See my future discussion regarding my experience with the club’s security personnel
We all hate it. IF two clubs are even vaguely close in quality, I'll always pick the club that doesn't ID scan, but in some areas all the clubs do it (or at least all the ones worth going to) so it's either that or don't go SCing. Increasingly, I'm fine not SCing and getting my rocks off some other way.
The clubs will say that they do it so they can identify you if you cause problems, skip out on your bill, etc. Which is valid. I just don't trust them with my information, assurance that "we don't keep your info past tonight" notwithstanding.
I do occasionally go to ID scanning clubs, but seek to avoid
The odd thing is that I have and do party in pasco county FL and I’ve never encountered it there. If you look over thirty they don’t even bother asking to glance at it. The only other place I’ve encountered the same thing was at Soft-Tails in Deland FL.
I do it when I have to. Scanning your ID gives them no additional info than what is visible on your ID, but that has name, DOB, address and your DL number, more than enough for identity theft if that’s what you’re worried about.
I hate that ID scanning shit. I can totally understand the potential need for scanning in some cases, or at least the rationale behind why a club might want to do so. The problem I have with it is that I've never, ever seen a club offer up, or even be able to produce on demand, a privacy policy, or anything similar to a privacy policy, stating what it is that they do with the information and how they protect it. No matter how much I might like the door attendant, I'm not just trusting them that they actually even KNOW what will happen to the information, let alone some kind of vague assurance that there's "nothing to worry about"...
last commentThe clubs will say that they do it so they can identify you if you cause problems, skip out on your bill, etc. Which is valid. I just don't trust them with my information, assurance that "we don't keep your info past tonight" notwithstanding.
I do occasionally go to ID scanning clubs, but seek to avoid