Name of Poster gone?

avatar for jaybud999
Is it just me, or are the names of the authors of comments in discussion gone? I can read the comments, but don't know who wrote them?


last comment
It's a test based on your prior experience with the posters.
I sent a message to Founder about it a few hours ago.
SO did I.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
11 days ago
They need to bring the dancers back
avatar for ClubFan81077
10 days ago
It's kind of like a game of "name that poster" at the moment... :)
avatar for Muddy
10 days ago
Yes under the cloak of anonymity now I can finally come out of the closet...I AM THE GAYEST MAN OF THE CENTURY!!!!! YES!! YES IT'S SO TRUE!!! AND IT FEELS SO GOOD TO JUST SAY IT!!!!!!!!! I'M FINALLY FREE!!! FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for rattdog
New York
10 days ago
ahh so it's the internet version of putting paper bags on heads. interesting. guess we'll all see how this goes.
avatar for rattdog
New York
10 days ago
the identity of the last person who posted last does appear on the discussion section - lower right hand corner of the thread.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
10 days ago
LIB COPE SQUAD IN THE H--yeah, I noticed this too and it's a pain.
This is Puddy Tat for anyone too dense to realize.
Finally true anonymity
Funny how I can still guess who made a few of these comments
^ See if you can guess me. I got dick pics for sale or to trade. PM me.
Funny how the block still works
Its been like that since last night. But you can kikda tell whose who lulz
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