With mongering, psychiatric treatment not really necessary

avatar for Muddy

All these pharmaceutical drugs, chat sessions, straight jackets, depression, PTSD, thoughts of suicide, all this meditation, Eastern herbal supplements. What about just banging a hot stripper? Has anybody ever suggested that to these folks? It works way better. It really cures all ills.

I was recently banging a super hot chick from behind and I was just thinking to myself LIFE IS AWESOME. THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING. I did back flip and a few somersaults and got right back to it. And when the high eventually wears off, I think back to it, and smile. Then immediately plot how to do it again. There's no mental capacity for anything else in that equation. No room for it. Now of course the catch you'll have to find a way to bring a shit ton money somehow, but that was a given knowing you and me but instead of paying the psychiatrist, just reroute that money to this mongering thing here, well worth it.


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avatar for Muddy
1 mo ago

There just needs to be some outreach, they may not know that this is an option. If only people could see a before and after photo of me. Back in the day I used to look like the lead singer of cure, today I look like the cat in Alice in Wonderland.

avatar for Icey
1 mo ago

Glad you admit to your untreated mental health problems

avatar for nj_pete
1 mo ago

And no negative side effects!

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 mo ago

^ Money and possibly STDs.

avatar for nicespice
1 mo ago

And then one visit to the political discussion section on this site undoes all the emotional regulation progress made for the mongers 👀

avatar for Jascoi
1 mo ago

muddy. I think you're on to something.

avatar for skibum609
1 mo ago

Do people actually get upset about fighting as we do over politics? Seriously? Over friggen words? On a screen? Maybe its an age thing but we allow ourselves 30 minutes during dinner at poker to discuss politics every month and we discuss them face to face the exact same way we do here. When dinner is over, bringing up politics will cause the other 6 to assault the one who does.

avatar for gammanu95
1 mo ago

Mongering probably has the opposite effect on mental health- making the need for therapy and therapeutics more necessary. I feel that going to a strip club occasionally, to blow off steam or distract yourself from your worries for a little bit, is a healthy thing. If your sole outlet for interpersonal relationships or interaction with the fairer sex is strip clubs, then that is not healthy.

Strip clubs are like almost every other thing- in moderation it is not harmful. There are exceptions, but I would compare it to red meat or alcohol. Eating burgers or sausages every day will fuck you up, as would nighly alcohol consumption. This is not about tolerance, it is about limits. Getting extras from strippers crosses over into nicotine and marijuana territory. That feels good but does nothing good for you and carries far more risks.

Mentally, if you strip club too much you lose the skills for connecting with women outside of a strip club. You could begin to view them solely as sexual objects and not as whole people. Sexual addiction and pornography addictions are also real things which may require medications break free from.

Sorry, Muddy, mongering is not a replacement for smart choices and moderation.

avatar for rickdugan
1 mo ago

Think about this now. We, as a group, have likely spent a sizeable fortune over the years on an industry very specifically designed to relieve us of as much money as possible while giving us as little as possible in return. In the process, each of us has made some sizeable tuition payment.

But do we learn the real lesson through all of this, which is that we spending our time and money very foolishly? Of course not. Instead we learn merely to minimize our downside exposures just a bit, though far from completely. Because accepting the real lesson might compel us to abandon the pursuit of strippers, which of course is utterly unthinkable.

Then, when we finally have many lessons under our belts and reach the pinnacle of our journey through this industry, our greatest achievement is to be more efficient at getting strippers to agree to accept large sums of money from us in exchange for actual sex.

Idk, but I'd say that we irredeemable degenerates are far beyond the point where anything modern psychiatry can offer could even put ever so slight a dent in our grave mental defects. 😂

avatar for Icey
1 mo ago

Rickduga. Yeah you learned more than that 🤡

avatar for rickthelion
1 mo ago

As usual, Iceyape is a frickin’ clown and my brother from a hairless ape mother, the dugan, is 100% right.

I mean really, if Muddyape thinks strip clubs make one well adjusted he should read some of Skifredo’s drivel. Did you know that Fredo drinks Strawberry Yoo-hoo while jacks off to Grand Funk Railroad? And he searches for jack off material using frickin’ bing. Anybody that does that shit is in serious need of professional help.

And don’t get me started on Icey. This rick has it on good authority that Icey’s jack of music is Bon Jovi. And not the semi-acceptable Bon Jovi shit from the ‘80s. I’m talkin’ ‘bout the post 2010 Bon Jovi albums where nobody knows the frickin’ songs because…well, because it’s Bon frickin’ Jovi. I mean really, Ivey needs to be institutionalized. ROAR!!!

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