
OTC Drama

Avatar for JayhawkJohn

For you experienced, OTC mongers, I would love your opinions. Once you meet a chica and exchange WhatsAp info - what are your expectations involving communication? What's too much? How much "drama" do you tolerate? Do you establish guidelines?

As someone traveling this road now, I'd love to know your thoughts.


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Avatar for Artax

Be careful - can work out - but I’ve had situations in the past where there are promises of OTC - it’s just to get you into club, also had situations where fairly early there have been requests to “help” with rent or car payments

Avatar for RonJax2

what are your expectations involving communication?

I'm hopeful we'll have a productive exchange of information about my next time in town, that will lead to a future rendez-vous OTC.

Sometimes I get occasional sweet messages like "Hola, guapa, espero que tengas un buen fin de semana" sometimes with photos/video. But I don't expect those things.

What's too much?

I had one chica, who the morning after I left was blowing up my phone, eventually calling it several times as I was crossing through customs. I mean, I'm old, but even I know that calling is fucking guache, let alone to call multiple times.

How much "drama" do you tolerate?

I feel like I learned this the hard way, but the minute she starts telling you about her brother in the hospital or even directly asking for cash, that's the minute you've got to let her go. And if I had to estimate, I'd guess 40-60% of chicas will do this to you.

Do you establish guidelines?

No. But this isn't a bad idea, and you've gotten me thinking what I might say to suggest some guidelines. The main thing would be having her understand that every other chica I've been in touch with is trying to hit me up for money, so don't do that.

I have Whats notifications off on my phone, and I only check in on them when I'm expecting something or curious, so I don't worry about a text coming in at an inconvenient time.

But in general, I'm a big big fan of OTC. If it's a chica you would happily repeat with, why not get her outside the club, for a better deal and better experience.

My current ATF and I are flying to CDMX in March. She's a chilanga (CDMX native) and the perfect sexy guide for a viajecito to this city which I've always wanted to visit. I've done a few OTCs, but always from Tijuana, where the clubs were available should something go awry, but this is my first time risky an OTC with travel, wish me luck!

Avatar for Icey

I dont think her asking for money classifies as drama. Just say no if you dont want to.

Its a game. She knows youll pay to fuck. So she tries to get you to pay more so that she gives you that option.

Other girls do it if they feel youre cheap. So if she feels shes lowering her price she tries to make up for it elsewhere.

Its a power play that works.

Avatar for rickdugan

I don't tolerate almost any drama. I also don't expect much unnecessary communication beyond setting up our next OTC adventure.

Avatar for stripperlover777

☀️ 👽 Whoever Has Heart Dat' Can

Be Mi Bully $Stripper From $160, $250 Or $500 For The Night!

If Da' $Stripper Can't Work With Ya' In Da' Way Dat' She Really Likes Ya' & Luv's Ya', Then Who Would Want Dat' $Stripper.

Don't Be Advantaged Of $Strippers Shying You Away From Other $Strippers If She Doesn't Want Ya'. Sometimes It Head Games Dat' Don't Have Ta' Do With Money

Avatar for PAFBABS

OTC hookup/s usually comes with some sort of drama on the side, especially with a younger girl. But, you can easily set your own personal boundaries/guidelines based on your individual preference/s.How to accomplish that ?

  1. Be upfront with the girl on Day-1, don’t go beating around the bush with false pretenses. Be yourself, she’ll respect you for it.

  2. Nothing in life comes for free, so certain expectations are normal with any girl. So,if you are willing to play then you need to also be willing to pay. But, don’t go around flashing $$$$’s on any and every girl you’d like to hookup with OTC coz all that’ll do is attract high-maintenance women you don’t want anyways.

  3. WatsApp can be a great communication tool with TJ girl/s, along with Google-Translate. The limitations you allow and set upfront with these pretty girls is what they’ll follow in making you happy, so you can’t play the blame-game afterwards if things become overwhelming for you to handle.In brief, you’re in charge of the overall communication outcome, based on what you allowed from Day-1.

Lastly, OTC hookup/s isn’t as complicated as you may think. Have an open mind and be a straight-shooter, girls will love you for it👍🏻

Avatar for PutaTester

@Prefabs and @Ronjax have it down. Currently, I have three ATFs that I see OTC. ATF1 I have been seeing for nine years. Indeed, I have seen her in her TJ club maybe twice in the past year, once because she was in a contest, other by accident. She was supposed to be off work. However, it worked out, as I was on a hunting mission and not having great success. She spent the rest of the night with me TLN for a few dollars. She has spent a few TLNs with me for free, because she made the offer if I would cancel my other plans.

ATF2 I have been seeing for about five years with a gap. I was seeing her OTC TLN for about 18 months and dumped her because she got very drunk and a little too bitchy one night. Shortly after, she stopped working in the TJ clubs, so I didn’t see her at all. About two years ago, I see her in a club, just finishing her stage set, totally nude, looking so good that I barely recognized her. (She had become a gym rat.) She recognized me, and came to my booth after her stage set. I pretended not to have recognized her and was prepared to dump her if any hint of the bitchy attitude was displayed. She wasn’t just sweet as could be, but she quickly demonstrated why we hooked up in the first place. A woman who loves sex, speaks fluent English, and is one of the smartest people I have ever met. Lots of conversations about everything from personal lives to politics to finance. And nonstop sex on demand, her’s and mine.

ATF3 is on trial. I met her recently during the club contest ATF1 participated in. (ATF1 took first prize. She is that hot. That night I TLNed with ATF1.) The next night I had a short ITC session ATF3. ATF3 qualified for an OTC night and checked all of the boxes. ATF3 an I since have done some TLNs locally. Next month will be the big test graduating her to full ATF status, as we are planning to meet in her home town for a few days. She’s anxious, as she sends me WhatsApp messages every few days reminding me to make my plans.

And I have had many successful hunting trips that ended withTLNs. Rarely were they duds. However, they didn’t have the magic that makes them worth repeating.

I am an average looking old guy. Speak basic Spanish. With limited funds. All three are hot enough to make over twice what I give them in their clubs on weekdays, yet their first choice is to spend the night with me. TLN I spend about half what I spend in the clubs per night when I’m on a hunting mission (plus hotel fees in a nice hotel). A quiet dinner and three or more unlimited sex, unlimited by time sessions in a night. A bargain by any standard. All three come to TJ for a few weeks at a time. Usually, the only messages they send me are their schedules and sexy pictures to help keep my interest while apart. Or requests for repeat dates. (Any requests for money or attempted upsell and they are off the repeat list.) I’m sure that part of the motivation is that they don’t really like fucking random guys 30 minutes at a time, as they have all said that they are there for the money. I treat them with respect, not like whores, and I am rewarded.

Avatar for PAFBABS

I treat them with respect, not like whores, and I am rewarded.

👆🏻As PutaTester mentioned it.If you follow this one advice alone then this is by far the most important rule ( which many seem to overlook or else take for granted ), for building and maintaining a worthwhile long-term OTC👍🏻

Avatar for Jascoi

I've only done a few TLNs. and only in Cascada and Rizo hotels. Needless to say I haven't done any since they come up with the stupid rules that stifle TLNs.
I usually don't stick with a girl very long. I just want to enjoy her for a little bit.

Avatar for Jascoi

Someday I'll venture out like Puta Tester, Ron Jax and Pafbabs.

Avatar for Assmanjoe

You dont need to aggressively set guidelines and kill the rapport but its important to be clear ahead of time about whats expected and for how much. Its business, so do business. Too much communication is when youre annoyed, thats my view ha
Hard to draw a line on drama as far as "too much" - thats up to each monger, some dudes genuinely enjoy a good motel shootout lol - theyre strippers, you can count on some BS at some point (shootouts exceedingly rare, im just making a point - to each their own in that dept.). Dont get suckered into handing over cash for nothing though, especially early on. You gotta say no (politely respectfully) and if she bounces/freaks out move on. Twas only business ESPECIALLY for her, remember that.
Many will ask for money upfront for OTC, especially first time. IMO/IME This is ok if youre already in the room together, NOT OK if youre not even in the building yet.
Many have preferred hotels if OTC is a regular thing for them, so thats not a red flag but do your homework on the venue ahead of time and last-minute venue changes are a red flag as you would then be going in blind.

Avatar for JayhawkJohn

Great feedback and responses guys. Just experience is definitely going to help me.

Over the past three weeks, my first attempt at establishing an OTC relationship has gone through the full spectrum. It started great - we were talking and texting thru WhatsApp and even blocked out time in April for an OTC visit. No specifics in terms of money, but I told her I'd book a nice hotel and we could eat, spa and enjoy ourselves. I let her know I wanted to spoil her some. She loved the idea. Then, after a few days, her communication turned to bills, rent, etc. I let her know nicely that I was sorry to hear about her troubles but that I was in no position to help until we meet on my next trip. From there, she deleted her last couple of messages and hasn't responded to any of mine.

That is drama I don't need. I'm sure I'll see her in HK - and I really hope I do. I'm curious to see how different she'll act in person again. Looks like I'm still on the hunt!

Avatar for JayhawkJohn

Sorry - "your experience" is going to help me. :)

Avatar for twentyfive

You really need to stop treating your OTC dates like girlfriends, keep your communication with them short, sweet, and on topic, why would you be in regular communication with your hookers?
Treat it like any normal business transaction.

Avatar for PAFBABS

Then, after a few days, her communication turned to bills, rent, etc. I let her know nicely that I was sorry to hear about her troubles but that I was in no position to help until we meet on my next trip. From there, she deleted her last couple of messages and hasn't responded to any of mine.

👆🏻That’s a good example of ‘Red-Flags’.So just move on to your next hunt.There are many other fish in the pond, plus you don’t need this baggage on your head anyways 👍🏻

Avatar for justinyoo

@Jayhawk, I agree with @Pabfbabs, about seeing the red flags and moving on. It can be a blessing in disguise. I know you want the OTC relation but don't need to push it if there are signs.

After reading a few @RonJax2 reviews, he mentions he saw red flags and ignored them (ITC experiences though) and basically in hindsight wished he didn't. Our experiences know that cutting bait is part of the game and should be easy to do with so many "fish in the sea".

If I were in your shoes, I personally would hope I didn't see her at HK, as you might start hearing the drama in room. As Ron described his Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde deal of great ITC attitude and then once in the room, the sob stories come. Not worth it.

Avatar for Jascoi

I'm not interested in developing a close relationship... I am just interested in having a good time!

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