Best seating

avatar for Techman
Sitting at the stage is the best value at just about any club. While waiting for the eyes to adjust to the dark interior look for a place at the stage where the LD area can be observed. Such a vantage point will give good information about the quality of each dancer's LD's. Also a seat that is opposite or away from the bar and/or the DJ may give the dancer more freedom to ‘express' herself if the DJ and the bartender are behind her and not able to see her up-close and personal movements when she is down in front of the customer.
Being up close is the best way to evaluate a dancer's potential. This method has been perfected over the last 49 ½ years, usually gives good results.


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avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Depends on the club, and on your goal for the night. Are you after eye-candy or contact? Will you be leaving your seat for the private VIP room? Will you be wanting it back when you're done? Will you need to troll about for dancers, or are you able to rely on them coming past you and THEM trolling for YOU?

At the (now shuttered) Platinum Plus in Memphis the stage-side seats sucked, and generally what I wanted was one of the smaller tables along the railing just "up" from the main floor. Especially one that I could "keep" even if I went off to a private dance or two.

At my local "best" club, Scores in the French Quarter, the loop of chairs one row back from the main stage is best, and then the next best is at the bar.

At Treasures in Houston the "best" is back in the dark part behind a little chair fort, but you have to capture a dancer to bring back with you first.

At Mons Venus there is no "best" or "worst" -- there are so few seats relative to the number of dancers and patrons, that you just get a girl while you're standing up, and then take to the benches for your time with her, and then relinquish the bench to the next dude with his girl, and go stand up again.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
My "best", the bar. That said, most clubs I visit, well the stage is behind or inside the bar. If the club is not laid out that way, I prefer the "best" seats just a few back from the stage.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I never sit anywhere near the stage if I can help it. I sit at the bar until I find a girl I like, then we go to wherever the quietest place is to sit and talk, which is usually as far from the stage as possible. Guess it all depends why you're there.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
Wow, t-man, you've been going to stripclubs for 49.5 yrs!?!? Or , you vividly remember sucking your 1st tit 49.5 yrs ago?? Remind me to wish you a happy birthday 6 mos. from now.
I started a similar thread a few mos. back. While I agree that stageside vibes are a very good indicator of LD performance, it is offset by tacit expectation of tipping dancers while sitting there coupled with reluctance of dancers (or taboo) approaching stageside customers DURING performance, thus missing several floorside approaches. Dollar bills can vanish rather quickly with stageside sitting. A few posters advocated sitting in spot away from stage, yet close enough where you could quickly go up, tip a desired prospect, and let her know your interest.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I always try to sit in the back row, although it depends on how crowded it is that day. If hardly anyone is there, I usually take a seat at one of the tables one row behind the stage. You usually do not want to sit too far from the stage if hardly anyone is there.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
I sit at the bar facing one end of the stage. This gives a clear view of the club and the dancers. Detroit clubs charge $20 for a seat in a booth--not me.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
The best seats have no gum on them. Also if you visit the same club that Shadowcat, king of TUSCL, frequents watch out for seats that are full of old man spoo and excrement. Those pervert shorts are leaky bastards!
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Those of you have met me know that in my favorite club, I always sit in the back. 3 reasons. 1) the farthest you sit from the stage, the lesser the volume of the music . 2)It provides a clear view of which dancers are just coming in or leaving. Because they have to pass right in front of you going to /from the dressing room. 3) I have my back to the wall so no chubby with a cute face can sneak up on me from behind.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Yea, I never understand the guys that pay for the "VIP booth seating" in Montreal strip clubs. The booths are further away from the stage!
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