Google AI on stripper incomes

Just out of curiosity, I asked Google AI for average stripper incomes. It said $36, 500 per year average with most girls making between thirty and forty five thousand. Is that range what you think you see in strip clubs? I see a much wider range. A few strippers seem to sell one lap dance after another while large numbers struggle to sell any. Customers look to me like they pretty much agree on the most attractive girls in the club and all go after the same ones.
last commentFinally, while I know Doc only asked Google AI out of curiosity, it is funny how often I see people citing AI results in various walks of life like the results bear any relation to reality. I agree it is likely a much wider range. If I was to guess at the annual income range for dancers who've been at it for over a year, I'd say the lower 25% level would be around $40K and the upper 75% level would be around $120K. With all that, it seems like so many of these dancers have lifestyles (apartments, cars, jewelry, travel, etc.) that they couldn't possibly support with $120K/year, so my guesswork could well be way off.
I don't have any data either. From my experience, $36K seems very low. However, the girls themselves often don't know their income. They take in cash and spend it on drugs and other necessities.
The stripper I'm pursuing agrees with me that it's not a stable income. Some women have straight up taken breaks from the job because it doesn't pay their bills.
Also, she herself brought up that despite the income, it's a job that doesn't provide insurance and requires you be a VERY GOOD manager of your money. As many of you have stated, most dancers don't manage their money well.
I think location is also a big factor, some areas offer more more opportunities to make money and have richer clientele. A dancer in Atlanta is probably going to outearn a dancer in Huntsville because while prices are lower, it means more PL will buy VIP rooms and dances.
After stage fees and tip outs, $200-300 on average per shift seems about right. Nearly every stripper I've gotten to know admits "I need to set a schedule" or "I really should pick up more shifts".
Hot girls who provide good service and actually work 5 shifts a week can make way more than $40k a year. But most girls don't become strippers because they want to grind (money)
I'm sure some do, but I don't buy that. Maybe some do.
I'm thinking it's a highly skewed distribution; most don't make a lot but there's a long tail of those that do.
A good stripper has an exit strategy from the "game." For most, it seems to be nursing or real estate.
I think strip club incomes have similar patterns to Onlyfans income. Try looking up the reality of Onlyfans income on YouTube.
Only a very small pool of content creators are making livable wage (think over 30,000 a year). It's probably worse for strippers in many areas because unlike online, your competition is literally dancing next to you.
I have nothing against women doing it for a living, but to be honest I think the high earners have few things in common.
1. They have a look that just so happens to be popular with high income patrons.
2. They probably work the floor more often than the ones who stay in the locker room.
3. They are doing more than just "dancing" for specific men.
And I think most of us have met Golden Pussy Syndrome girls who still are able to sell dances with a cold "wanna dance?" approach.
Others have already said it well on what can make incomes vary widely.
Onlyfans is even more sink or swim than dancing is. The potential to scale and make more than dancer money is there, but it’s a whole lot more time and effort and maybe luck to pull it off.
But most make a lot less. Living week to week.
Take what they say or show on social media with a grain of salt.