David Lynch

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Director, writer, and filmmaker passed away today.
I’m not sure how to assess his career. Admittedly, I didn’t watch a lot of his films. I was “forced” to sit through the 1984 version of “Dune” with a girlfriend. It was excruciating. I would rank it as one of the worst films ever made.
I tried watching “Mulholland Drive” and “Wild at Heart” but quickly grew bored and gave up.
Yet, “Twin Peaks”, for all its weirdness was groundbreaking television and can be considered a classic. I loved it.
last commentI liked his movie The Elephant Man, but other than that I found it difficult to watch most of his movies, they always seemed a bit too weird, like Blue Velvet, and Twin Peaks, I just couldn’t get into most of his films. I just wasn’t a fan but still R. I. P. David Lynch
He was a talent, but his body horror and kafkaesque surrealism never landed with me.
An acquired taste. Even his fans, like me, acknowledge his work was uneven. Just compare seasons 1 and 2 of Twin Peaks. Mulholland Drive was an artsy chore to get through. Blue Velvet, OTOH was peak Lynch
Did I ever tell you damn dirty apes about the time when my buds Timon and Pumbaa watched Twin Peaks and decided to sing Hakuna Matata backwards, film it, and play the film backwards? That was some Lynchstyle choreography right there! ROAR!!!
!984 might have been the worst movie ever made from a book.
I haven't seen eraserhead yet, I gotta go watch that one. I've seen dune, cool concept but yeah bad movie. One of the few the new sequels is probably better than the 80's original.
Coen Brothers version of True Grit (not really a remake) is better than the 1969 version. Truer to the book and better acting. Glen Campbell and Kim Darby set a low bar
MuddyApe, watch Eraserhead. Also go for Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart. As a frickin’ lion I dig the title of the latter.
This lion has no idea why Skifredo is rambling about 1984 (or !984). There have been three film adaptations of 1984, not of which were directed by Lynch.
Perhaps Fredo though Motörhead’s statement about the 1984 version of “Dune” had something to do with “!984”. Perhaps Fredo is the Eraserhead baby all grown up. Who knows? ROAR!!!
'Blue Velvet, OTOH was peak Lynch'
Dennis Hopper wrote the book on crazy in that one plus in River's Edge made the same year by another director . Although flawed, I think both were great movies where Hopper stole the scenes he was in.
I was into Twin Peaks back in the day. Not sure how well it aged. Would it be a hit today?
I'm a huge fan. RIP, he is sorely missed. The only work I didn't like of his was Eraserhead. Given the time it was made, Dune was great and I daresay it still holds up today.
Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive are two of the best neo-noirs. I am a big fan of all the film noir movies of the forties and fifties and like modern day movies in that style. Film noir movies are often called a genre but I think it is more a style than a genre like westerns, sci-fi films, comedies etc.